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Problem with deploying shiny app/leaflet to

I am trying to deploy a very simple app to My app is the following, and the structure of the folder is mines_peru/app.R (the file below) and mines_peru/data/clean_active_mines.RDS. ...
catatau's user avatar
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How to turn off the double-click/zoom behaviour of a leaflet map?

I am building a shiny app that contains a leaflet map object and the following functionality. Basically, I want to single-click on the map, grab the coordinates of the clicked spot, use sf to filter ...
Faustin Gashakamba's user avatar
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How to prevent a leaflet map from zooming in when a double-click event occurs in R/shiny

I am rendering a map in R/shiny in this output widget leafletOutput("map") in UI. In server, I am creating the map object using tmap and then in renderLeaflet() I use tmap_leaflet(...
Faustin Gashakamba's user avatar
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How can I change tmap buttons and legend to be behind the footer?

I am making a shiny app with a footer. This footer will have some logos and other info, and it should always appear at the bottom of the screen, even when scrolling up and down. The app is multi-...
ifoxfoot's user avatar
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pkgdown::build_article() fails with large chunk sizes using sf and leaflet, no errors reported when setting quiet=FALSE

pkgdown::build_articles() fails with large chunk sizes rmarkdown::render() works fine article fails to render any code or text beyond the failed chunk no errors are reported with build_article(quiet=...
marine-ecologist's user avatar
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Rmarkdown with leaflet/tmaps fails in pkgdown::build_articles() but renders with rmarkdown::render()

Example rmarkdown file here and datafile here. Code is quite simple: linestring <- readRDS(gzcon(url(""))) &...
marine-ecologist's user avatar
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How do I bring the search circle from leaflet.extras::addSearchOSM() to front of leaflet/tmap map?

I am trying to bring the blue search circle from the addSearchOSM() function from leaflet.extras above a choropleth map made by tmap and converted to leaflet. Does anybody know how to bring the blue ...
Gabriel Morrison's user avatar
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How to crop a small area from leaflet or tmap?

Could someone show me how to crop this lake from a leaflet or tmap? Code and screenshot below: library(sf) library(tmap) library(tmaptools) library(leaflet) test <- tm_basemap(c("Esri....
Salvador's user avatar
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How to highlight selected polygon in interactive map, made in tmap package in R?

For example, I made a simple leaflet based map using tmap package. The result is an html with interactive map, showing some polygons of buildings (find data, code and the map itself here). I want ...
Roman Babeykin's user avatar
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How can I wrap long text strings in tmap HTML polygon popups or fixed widths? Can tmap recognize line breaks?

I am using the tmap package (v. 3.0 and I also tried v. 3.2) in R to make an HTML map. I have a spatial polygon of both numeric and character text fields. In a few of my text fields, I have a list of ...
Tia's user avatar
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Use clickEvents in shiny with tmap

You can use clickEvents for the tmap package in shiny as in this example for leaflet in shiny. However, I don't know how to acces the click events. On each click an Id is given, but where is this id ...
JdP's user avatar
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Change legend bin size in leaflet

I created a density map but R has chosen bin sizes that are too wide. I want to create my own bin sizes. The image shows bin sizes at a full integer and it does not ...
Jacky's user avatar
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How to add/inject arbitrary Javascript to code that tmap_leaflet() generates?

Using the R's tmap package in "view" mode, here I have R pseudocode that generates an interactive world map, and adds an info-button that shows an alert using javascript. # this is pseudocode - ...
knb's user avatar
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