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How to update fillColor to selected input in shiny and leaflet map

I am having a difficult time transitioning my map from static to reactive so a user can select what data they want to look at. I am pretty new to R so please bare with me but I think I figured out how ...
Han-Jiun Ke's user avatar
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Trouble with R Shiny app, leaflet map using tidygeocoder timing out

I am making a shiny app where you can enter any address and it should find the nearest airport to that address and also the nearest office (of four) to suggest a best path. I have a sf file for the ...
katherine g's user avatar
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Synchronizing and panning to different point in Leaflet maps

I am trying to create a shiny application that presents three-star maps simulating urban and rural night skies with a drop-down sector that will allow you to choose constellations (right now it is ...
user27606's user avatar
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Icon not changing on leaflet map in a r shiny application

I am working on a shiny application in which I want to change the icons displayed on the leaflet map anytime the user changes the sub-sector selection on the input$sub_sector. The app works well when ...
BWO's user avatar
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Leaflet depending on button and insertUI not rendering

I'm developing a Shiny App. I've a panel that should have the following behaviour: First, there's only a button. If this button is clicked, there's a plot and another button. If this other button is ...
Leaflet_shiny's user avatar
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How to make a reactive Leaflet with a selectInput in Shiny?

I am trying to create a map using leaflet in which interacting with a selectInput modifies the data loaded in the map. I think I'm doing the filtering right and using the reactive variables but I keep ...
James_00's user avatar
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Highlight marker from user input in leaflet - R Shiny

I'm trying to highlight points in my map based on the user input slider. If the point falls within a certain date range, change the color, and if it doesn't, default it to black. #server ...
JNN's user avatar
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How can I control the zoom speed when selecting a point on a leaflet map (with Shiny) when the user presses the button to zoom in to the point?

I am developing a dashboard in Rmarkdown, Flexdashboard and Shiny. At the moment I am using Leaflet to map several points and I have a shiny input, which when pressing a button selects a certain point ...
Wolkuz's user avatar
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How to make a reactive color scale in leaflet map

Building a map in leaflet where color scale changes accordingly to the inputs. server <- function(input, output){ raio <- shiny::reactive({ %>% ...
Brunno's user avatar
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R Shiny Leaflet Selector for shapefile to be displayed

New to R shiny, new to shapefiles, new to coding anything outside of data cleansing/analysis. I want to display where particular services are available in my state on a map. I have shapefiles for ...
LeanneB's user avatar
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How to get and set center location of a leaflet (proxy) map in shiny

I would like to retrieve the current center location as well as set it in the same numericInput. I am able to achieve it in general, however, when changing the input field, leaflet struggles to get to ...
mnist's user avatar
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How do I implement map click events in r leaflet and reset the events to default?

I want to implement two map click events in my map, map_marker_click, and map_click. When I click on a marker on the map(using map_marker_click), I want the event to filter other related charts based ...
brian's user avatar
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selectInput is not responding to action button properly in my leaflet map shiny app

I need to create an interactive map with leaflet package, where I can use a selectInput to control what data points to show on the map. I also want to use the layer control button to select one or ...
zesla's user avatar
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Shiny module: To return multiple reactive outputs from a single function in a module (linking a leaflet map and data table)

I'm coding a Shiny module to link a leaflet map with a data table (the code is based on Shiny - how to highlight an object on a leaflet map when selecting a record in a datatable?). The difficulty I'...
Richard's user avatar
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Subsetting spatial polygon dataframe

I want to be able to subset my spatial polygon dataframe with both the data & polygons based on user input then do a color mapping based on the filtered data.Here is an example though it outputs: "...
brian's user avatar
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