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Questions tagged [npm]

npm is the package manager shipped with Node.js. It can be used to install and publish CommonJS and ECMAScript modules, jQuery plugins, reusable JavaScript code (libraries), JavaScript-based CLI programs, and more.

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npm packages express and https installation error [closed]

PS C:\openssl\node_express_http> pip install npm i express https Collecting npm Using cached npm-0.1.1.tar.gz (2.5 kB) Installing build dependencies ... done Getting requirements to build ...
indra sena's user avatar
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I have been using React for a while but today I came across an err which i dont understand..Whenevr I use npm start or npm run start I keep getin err [closed]

PS C:\Users\pc_user\Desktop\mern> npm start npm ERR! Missing script: "start" npm ERR! npm ERR! Did you mean one of these? npm ERR! npm star # Mark your favorite packages npm ERR! ...
Derek's user avatar
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How can I improve on reading large codebases? [closed]

I've been programming for a bit now I'm not that new but sometimes I cant seem to understand code that I read there isn't anything that specific but, for context I have only created web apps never ...
abdulrahman alaa's user avatar
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Getting npm run dev errors trying to work with Svelte

I'm trying to work through a Svelte starter project on MDN. I was able to run the first step of the project locally after using npx but when I tried to clone the Github repo I keep getting an error on ...
Milton Crandall's user avatar
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How to handle hotfixes with libraries? [closed]

so i have an application that has 5 UI's Repositories, and a ton of npm libraries and services (that we created). We have 3 environments DEV, QA, and PROD. We are deploying changes all of the time to ...
Fran910's user avatar
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What is the difference between using ; and && in package.json scripts? [duplicate]

What is the difference between using ; and && in package.json scripts? For example the Lit Element Typescript Starter Project has this script: "checksize": "rollup -c ; cat my-...
Ole's user avatar
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npm is not working!! Why this error occur when i type "npm -v" or any other of npm

type = npm -v then node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1148 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module '../../package.json' Require stack: C:\Users\App\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\lib\cli\validate-...
Prmt Kumar's user avatar
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Override dependency in turbo repo

I've got a mono repo setup like this: apps/ web/ packages/ database/ The web package uses a package that's dependent on a package that is not installed in the web package itself, but in the database ...
nehalist's user avatar
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NPM Registry 504 Unknown Host

after publishing an NPM package from a repository in gitlab im unable to install it due to host unknown error. i have in my gitlab 2 different repositories. Repo A and Repo B. Repo A has a branch that ...
msaba's user avatar
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how do i normally run "npm-run-algolia"?

When i run npm run algolia cmd, something error come out. Can someone help me ? error like this: Run npm run algolia npm run algolia shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0} > [email protected] algolia >...
Jianjun Cheng's user avatar
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Unable to add emojis in quill RTE

I am using quill as my RTE in laravel/livewire app. Here is some of my code I have installed quill-emoji using npm My view file that loads the quill <div class="w-full" wire:ignore ...
Usama Arslan's user avatar
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How to get multiple major versions of dependency in npm workspaces?

I have a monorepo based on npm workspaces. I use npm@10 at this point. It includes multiple libraries and two websites. For a long time we were stuck with React 17 because we supported very old ...
Mr. Hedgehog's user avatar
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looking for guidance on resolving technical issues encountered with npm, particularly related to unsupported URL types and workspace problems

Issue Summary: I encountered persistent "EUNSUPPORTEDPROTOCOL" npm errors with "workspace:" URLs when installing dependencies for Botpress. Despite clearing the cache, adjusting ...
TAO Gaming's user avatar
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'parcel index.html' serves files that are different to the ones built by 'parcel build index.html'

I have a top-level await in a script.js module, which is the main module linked to my index.html. The <script> tag has type="module". I have installed parcel locally in the project's ...
Rishikesh Negi's user avatar
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DeprecationWarning Error in npm package installation [closed]

how to resolve error installing npm package.When ever i try to install any package it showing DeprecationWarning Error.I done reinstall Node>js it still resolved resolve DeprecationWaring error we ...
bhargav's user avatar

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