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How can I plot multiple legends for multiple geopandas plot layers?

I want two show both legends for both of my plot layers but it shows only just one legend. How can I fix this? import geopandas from shapely.geometry import Point from shapely.geometry import Polygon ...
Norbi's user avatar
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Do gca().lines and legend.get_lines() return the lines in the same order?

Do gca().lines and legend.get_lines() return the lines in the same corresponding order? If not, is there a way to get corresponding legend lines from gca().lines?
Tims's user avatar
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How to make a legend with line and markers with different fillstyles?

I am unsure of how to reproduce the following lines/marker combination in matplotlib: Note that the legend has both the line and the marker correctly. The best I could find in the matplotlib ...
Idieh's user avatar
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Cannot Rotate Legend Horizontally in GeoPandas

I am trying to plot California counties and color them by their FIPS code. The sample code from the GeoPandas website is: chicago.plot( column="POP2010", legend=True, ...
ZacharyST's user avatar
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Multiple column legends in Matplotlib

I created a single stacked horizontal bar chart which illustrates the values in a (normalized) series using: data = df['state'].value_counts(normalize=True).to_frame() data.T.plot.barh(stacked=True, ...
vonbecker's user avatar
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Seaborn heatmap legend disturb the plots order with subplots

I have 2 dataframes like this: df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,50,size=(5,5)), columns=list('ABCDE')) df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,50,size=(5,5)), columns=list('FGHIJ')) I want to ...
Yash's user avatar
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Combine catplot legend with other legends in seaborn

I want to combine multiple plot legends with a catplot legend and place the single result in the upper right. I also want to replace the labels on both. Examples - {"avg tip":"average&...
ciaran haines's user avatar
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Custom legend for the plot with lines changing colour

I want to plot two error bars plots with lines changing colour, one going from pink to blue, and another from blue to pink. I did not find a way to do this with plt.errorbar(), but managed to find a ...
Lidiia's user avatar
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Legend for contourf in matplotlib [duplicate]

Is there a way put a legend for a contourf plot in matplotlib? In matlab it's possible to put one like the example picture shown below. I am aware of both these questions posted previously: How do you ...
albo's user avatar
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How to reverse order of legend for horizontal stacked bar chart in seaborn?

I have the following code that generates a horizontal stacked bar chart in python, using seaborn. sns.set_style('white') ax = sns.histplot( data=temp, y='tmp', weights='Weight', hue=field, ...
LostinSpatialAnalysis's user avatar
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matplotlib scatter plot legend not dependent on the colour of the point

I want to make my legend to the scatter plot not dependent on the colour of the point. The simple example is below: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd fake_data = ...
Wiktoria's user avatar
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Choosing elements for a legend in Python

I am using py.plot to display the upper and lower bounds of confidence intervals (shaded in between). I would like to label each pair of bounds with the item they are measuring. However, Python seems ...
josephbags's user avatar
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Legend in matplotlib jumps around with minimal change to bbox_to_anchor parameters

I have this issue in matplotlib that drives me crazy. I want to position the legend within the plot to be in a certain position, for example, in this case, in the top left corner (matching the corner ...
My Work's user avatar
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How can I include two categories of label (colour coded and shapes) in a single legend for a single dataset using a matplotlib scatterplot?

I have a dataset, texts, that I want to display using a scatterplot. The texts represented in this dataset have different authors, and are written in different languages. I want to represent the ...
AdeDoyle's user avatar
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How to have a combined legend for colors and marker types

I frequently generate complex plots and strive to simplify the legends. In this particular instance, I am plotting data categorized by multiple models and temperature bands. I want to include two ...
Shekaib Musa's user avatar

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