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Is it possible to count the occurrence number of a custom icon in Leaflet? If yes, how to do it?

Firstly, I'm a beginner, I've learned a lot from you. I have 5 custom icons defined: //Awesome icons var LeafIcon = L.Icon.extend({ options: { shadowUrl: "markers-shadow.png", ...
Weslley Morais's user avatar
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Adapting the leaflet.js Choropleth example with non static legend

I am trying to use the beautiful base example Choropleth, but would like to have a second base map, with a second legend that would be linked to the base map used (therefore not anymore static), with ...
leparc's user avatar
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Why the legend merged with the d3.js line chart when zooming?

I am trying to add a legend to the d3.js example named Line chart with zoom in d3.js 1°) I added the script: // Add legend rectangle line.append('rect') .attr('x', width - 80) ....
Vincent Schoebrechts's user avatar
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How to prevent hiding plotly chart bar on chart legend click

How to prevent hiding plotly chart bar on chart legend click in an angular application. <plotly-plot [divId]="" [data]="graph.selectedGraph....
vijesh's user avatar
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How to add spacing between Legend and Chart in Recharts with absolute positioning?

I'm using Recharts for the first time in my React project I've positioned the legend of my BarChart component to the top right corner. However, I'm struggling to add spacing between the legend and the ...
vincentvdt's user avatar
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Shared legend for 2 Highcharts using React

I want a shared legend for 2 areaspline highcharts. Using react, I am unable to create that shared legend between the 2. My code: component.js: import React from "react"; import "...
nb_nb_nb's user avatar
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How to Display Values Next to Legend in React Pie Chart? Getting 'Undefined' Error

I am trying to display value next to legend, but I am getting undefined. Debugged but no luck, can you let me know how to fix it. Providing my code snippet and stackblitz below
Ram01's user avatar
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Highmaps mapbubble legend moves when zooming in the map

I use Highmaps to display bubbles on a mapline. Everything works well but if I display in the legend the color axis and the size of bubbles, there is a strange behavior when I zoom in the map. The ...
vegaelce's user avatar
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Chart js - v 4 How can I change the order of chart legend

The legend was created using the html Legend Plugin, which is displayed differently from the order in which you draw the chart Is there a way to change the legend order to match the data order? I ...
jy p's user avatar
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How can I implement tooltips for Rickshaw legends?

I'm using Rickshaw to display a graph of several time series with a legend. I would like to display some text when the user hovers the mouse cursor over an entry in the legend. There is apparently no ...
plong's user avatar
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apexcharts legend with values

I have created a apexcharts. now i want to show all series data in legend like this i want like this my code - new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#noOfPoc"), { series: [32, 2, 1, 1], ...
Chinmaya Kumar Biswal's user avatar
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How can we change the position of legend using highcharts?

I am building a pie chart with highcharts js, but having a problem. As shown below, I was able to put the legend on the bottom, but it's not aligned with the chart. I am trying to put the legend at ...
SuWon's user avatar
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ApexCharts Grouped Stacked Chart: Group legend labels

I'm using ApexCharts to generate some charts and the "new" grouped stacked column charts comes in handy for some of them. Now I was wondering, if it was already possible to also group the ...
k.m.'s user avatar
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change the language of the legend in dygraph in r

I have done this. Edited the dygraph-combined.js changing the names of months and days, for example, replace text "Oct" with "Okt" and so on, to change the language of the date ...
Alejandra Narváez Vallejo's user avatar
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Add line for echarts legend icon

I want to realize echart legend icon with line I want to implement a circle icon with horizontal lines as show in fig. 1. fig. 1 circle icon with lines Friends online say line is the default, but my ...
Anson's user avatar
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Creating a legend for a scatter plot in D3

I have written the following code snippets to create a legend for a scatter plot. Basically, it is a simple example that uses Susie Lu's D3-legend module to create a legend for a scatter plot. The ...
Reem Al-Assaf's user avatar
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react-chartjs-2 how to show legend text on the left with vertical text

I just want to align the Chart Legend on the right and the text will be shown vertically. Goal: enter image description here I've tried to use: position: left enter image description here The legend ...
Tuan Nghia's user avatar
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Different shape based on datum

I am trying to append another shape when one of the values satisfy the condition as follows: const keys = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "E", "G"] const colors = ['#1e90ff', '#008000', '#d3d3d3', '#...
Mush-A's user avatar
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Convert continuous colors(legend) to color as stepwise constant (discrete colors) in linear gradient

I am creating a continuous legend (have created using linear gradient). Now I want to convert same legend to look like discrete legend (have constant stepwise values). I have shared the images like ...
Eric's user avatar
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How to create color picker with extra functionality like choosing color from screen

I have an colorpicker which i created using react-color ( . Now I want extra functionality like it should also be able to choose the color from screen (...
Eric's user avatar
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how to add missing value on the legend in map visualization javascript?

I am trying to use map visualization and I have some missing state in my data. I added a condition for missing value to fill the map in red. Here is my code: { var projection = projection1; //...
Fateme Nazari's user avatar
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Chart JS 3.9 - bar chart with multiple legend labels for one dataset

Current results As seen in this picture, I would like additional legends that is matching the colors. Like Apples are shown with the color green, I would also like to show 'Bananas' for orange', '...
Peter Dalby's user avatar
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Echarts Legend overlap Chart

The legend of chart overlaps Chart Heres the example of legend legend={ width: '95%', type: 'scroll', orient: 'vertical' } [![Chart][1]][1] [1]:
Ethan 's user avatar
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How to fix overlapping tick labels for svg legend using D3

I have an color legend created using linear gradient and D3 concept. The issue currently I am facing is that the ticks labels of the legend gets overlapped. I have to show the Min and Max values all ...
Eric's user avatar
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How can I copy text from a single legend entry in plotly graphic?

I'm trying to select the text of a single entry/trace from a plotly plot. By default, text is not selectable at all from my plot, which I generated like this: In my R Markdown script, an R code chunk ...
Henrik's user avatar
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Why the labels under chart are not corresponding with labels in legend in Chart.js for bar chart?

I would like to make a chart with labels on xAxes and the same labels in the legend. I was trying different solutions, but the best I got is the snippet below. I don't understand, why all bars are ...
Kida's user avatar
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Issue with creating legend if min and max value supplied are not in between 0 and 1

I have created continuous legend using scale Linear in d3js and it works fine. But I also have scenario where min and max value are not in between 0 and 1 but have value [2315, 4516]. So I am passing ...
Eric's user avatar
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How to use logarithm sampling if data are between 0 and 1 to create legend using D3

I am creating an continuous legend(have created using linear gradient) using D3 for linear sampling. Now I have to use same legend for logarithm sampling. But my data are between 0 and 1 as shown ...
Eric's user avatar
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Reverse the direction of the color in linear gradient legend

I have an continuous legend(both vertical and horizontal) and currently the color are flown from red to blue but I want it to be in reverse direction like from blue to red. I have shared by code ...
Eric's user avatar
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How we can implement the same functionality of onClick of legend as we have for hover in Pie chart Highcharts?

How we can implement the same functionality of onClick of legend as we have for hover in Pie chart in Highcharts? I want to implement the same functionality on click of legend as we have for hover. eg....
Rahul Chauhan's user avatar
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Highcharts same legend color as of the Pie chart slice color?

I want to have the same colour for legend text as the corresponding slice colour have in Pie chart. I have seen by default the dot before legend text takes the colour of slice colour but not text of ...
Rahul Chauhan's user avatar
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Hide a specific legend only from FusionChart

How to hide a specific legend from multi-series fusionChart. Actually I want to remove a specific series from chart, when exporting I need to show that on excel sheet. So my plan is initial time hide ...
Ali's user avatar
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Legend position is not vertically in middle in Donut chart

In Donut chart Legend position is right but i want to add vertically in middle with corresponding of circle. I am new to chartjs and JavaScript. Below is my code snippet. I am trying to load the pie/...
prerana pandey's user avatar
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Legend in openlayers with HTML tag

I'm using the following code to create the legends in Openlayers A question, I would like to insert html tag, for example, ...
user12538529's user avatar
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ChartJS: How to force redraw after hiding data items clicking on legend?

I've a ChartJS pie chart, where I draw the labels myself. This works fine - until the legend comes into play. const options = { layout: { ... }, plugins: { ...
Konrad's user avatar
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How to avoid overlapping and stack long text legends in D3 graph?

I have D3 graph base on Multi-line graph 3 with v7: Legend, this sample contains few and shorts legends for the graph. In my sample I want to increase the length for legends and stack the data if is ...
Tabares's user avatar
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D3 map legend issue

I am creating a population map of the US. I have the map and legend working, but I made a drop down menu that allows me to filter by race. This works and changes the data on the map and legend, but I ...
Danny Pacheco's user avatar
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How to convert a bar legend to line legend in chart.js 2.7.2?

I am trying to create a line graph using chart.js v2.7.2 and here is what it looks like: const labels = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', ]; const data = { ...
Shilp Thapak's user avatar
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Resize Chart Independently From Legend in ChartJS for Canvas Download

Some of the charts created and downloaded by my application have the potential to have very large legends. When this is the case, the idea is to create (ideally via ChartJs - as is the case with the ...
ShDevs's user avatar
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How can I add legends to different map layers in Mapbox GL JS?

I am building a web map with multiple toggleable layers using Mapbox GL JS. The web map contains 3 separate parts: Map layers (Mapbox tilesets) Legends Pop-ups There are two legends built using HTML/...
GEO's user avatar
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How to compare numbers correctly in JavaScript

I want to compare 2 values based on which I get the color for my legend. But unfortunately I cannot use ceil, floor or round the values as it will effect my result. I have following color table with ...
Eric's user avatar
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Issue with displaying correct domain values in legend tick

I am working on continuous color legend using d3.interpolateViridis. I have problem in displaying the legend tick values. I want to display my min(at one end) and max(at another end) (domain values) ...
Eric's user avatar
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ChartJS custom legend doughnut separate legend from chart area

I'm attempting to separate the Legend from my Chart in a ChartJS chart. When using the 'default' legend, there is no way to control the chart area size and it will get smaller the more items I have in ...
Yafim Simanovsky's user avatar
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Display legend of grouped data (different colors) in chart

I have a horizontal chart with different colors to group the data. In the code below, the chart layout displays as intended, but the legend shows only a single color (yellow). How can I force the ...
JAT86's user avatar
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ChartJs doesn't display the line item legend

Here's the code: And here's the result: As you can see, no legend
ionescho's user avatar
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Why does my D3 legend color ramp replace my second legends colors when I remove it in react?

I am creating a React application and have a component that creates D3 legends for every layer I have selected. When I have multiple legends showing and one gets deselected, the remaining legend has ...
Doug's user avatar
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Load Tooltip faster during onHover of Legend Doughnut chart

I currently have an implementation exactly like the answer shown in this answer which I am going to include here for clarity. If you run the code and hover between items in the legend, you will notice ...
cfeltz's user avatar
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Highcharts Legend issue: I Wanted to make Legend 100% width and text center align it works fine in crome but it is not aligned center in firefox

try on both crome and firefox you will get to know the issue.legend: { width:'100%' },
jayanti khutwad's user avatar
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Highcharts - Heatmap - Legend remove white "dashes"

I need to remove all of these white lines from the heatmap legend. Does anyone know how I can edit these? Rendered Chart Design I'm trying to achieve
Ian Tennyson's user avatar
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How do I create a legend in Google Maps API?

I am using a very long GEOJSON file with 172 point features. I have classified them using 7 categories and trying to create a legend with the resulting data. I have gotten a few errors that I can't ...
Andrew Clark's user avatar

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