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Questions tagged [leaflet]

Leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly, cross-browser, interactive maps. For the R leaflet package, please use the r-leaflet tag.

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0 answers

How can i set tooltip text for dash-leaflet edit/draw control?

I'd like to set the draw control tooltip text in dash leaflet. The Leaflet.draw docs here, provide the following recipe: // Set the button title text for the polygon button L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar....
1 vote
2 answers

Leaflet open a popup on marker click from GeoJSON layer

I have made a leaflet map. Data is loaded using GeoJSON on the onEachFeature event I have bound the popup with a dynamic content text taken from some property of the feature. The problem is that with ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to fix 'TypeError: leaflet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7___default.a.markerClusterGroup is not a function'

I am trying to implement marker cluster on my multiple markers but I keep getting type error. TypeError: leaflet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7___default.a.markerClusterGroup is not a function this....
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0 answers

How to link to marker on Leaflet map from another URL

This works perfectly for activating a popup on a leaflet map on the same page: {<a class="mplk" href="#where" onclick="'click')">See on map</a>}. The ...
1 vote
2 answers

angular 17+ SSR and leaflet, ngx-leaflet, ngx-leaflet-draw

recently i updated my angular aopp to the newest version of 18 to make use of the new feature introduced in angular 17 native SSR (server side rendering) one can add SSR quickly but after adding a ...
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0 answers

How to dynamically use fallback tiles from the previous zoom level of the same server in Leaflet?

I'm working on a mapping application using React with Leaflet for tile rendering. When tiles fail to load (due to network issues, server downtime, tiles not available), I want to dynamically use ...
0 votes
1 answer

Multiple Leaflet Maps with location picker

Can you give me a solution to be able to display two location pickers using leaflet map. The code for the first map is as below. I have tried various ways to duplicate it, but it always ends with some ...
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0 answers

Interactive R maps that work well on mobile, with inset AK and HI?

Issue: I need an interactive choropleth map of the US that will work well on mobile (ideally pinch-zoom), has a pop-up on tap/click, and has AK and HI set below. Plotly isn't it as you have to tap the ...
0 votes
2 answers

Trouble displaying a leaflet map on smaller screens in HTML/CSS layout

I'm facing an issue with my HTML/CSS layout where the map element (#map) is not displayed on smaller screens, while the map settings (map-settings) are visible. Here's a simplified version of my code: ...
2 votes
0 answers

Using Leaflet Search Plugin to Search Shapefile

I have a map that I built in CodeSandbox that loads and displays a few shapefiles. I would like to add a search bar to this map so that the names of the shapefiles are searchable. From what I gather ...
0 votes
0 answers

LPolyline not updating with new data with Vue 3

I am making a map application using vue 3, quasar and vue-leaflet. I have gotten the map to render and I have markers able to be rendered and update the location when new data comes in. When I try to ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Calling Function from Click Event in Leaflet

I am hoping there are some Leaflet experts here who can explain what I'm missing in the code below. I am only a hobbyist programmer so I apologize if my terminology doesn't make complete sense. I was ...
17 votes
5 answers

React leaflet not rendering properly

The react-leaflet map does not get rendered properly. The map is rendered outside of its parent's boundaries Some tiles of the map are missing The problem occurs when using the map with standard ...
0 votes
0 answers

Using geojson file I want to create a navigation system and find shortest path and draw a line

I have a Geojson file with road network. Now what I want is to create a navigation system using this geojson file. I draw the road network using Leaflet js. now I need help to apply dijgsta algorithm ...
23 votes
4 answers

Calculate distance between two points in Leaflet

How do you calculate the distance between two markers in Leaflet-ionic2? Couldn't figure out, I hope there is an Algorithme to do as soon as i select a marker it show me the distance between my ...

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