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Leaflet in R - Highlight Polygon on Click

Using the leaflet package in R, I'm looking to highlight / change fillColor of polygon upon click instead of hover. This is in a Shiny app, so I have access to the reactive values, and knowledge of ...
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Customizing Leaflet Map Icons in R

I started to learn how to use the search features in leaflet maps - below is a leaflet map which allows you to search for a city (i.e. single search term): library(leaflet) library(leaflet.extras) ...
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Removing Colors on a Map in R

Using the following link as a guide (, I made this map that I really like in R: library(sf) library(leaflet) library(leafgl) library(colourvalues) ...
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Replacing "rdgal" with a Data Frame in R?

I found this R code (Search button for Leaflet R map?) and was able to make a interactive map in R: library(inlmisc) city <- rgdal::readOGR(system.file("extdata/city.geojson", ...
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Saving Multiple HTML files in R

I am following this R tutorial here (towards the end of the page) : I would like to make an interactive map that allows you to filter points on ...
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Forcing Visualizations in R to Have Only 2 Decimal Points

I am trying to make an interactive Leaflet map in R. I have a shapefile that looks something like this: # my_shapefile Simple feature collection with 6 features and 5 fields geometry type: ...
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Adding "Breaks" in "htmlescape"

I am following this tutorial here ( library(htmltools) library(leaflet) df <- read.csv(textConnection( "Name,Lat,Long Samurai Noodle,47....
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Combing Leaflet Maps Together

I generated these 2 random dataset about geographical coordinates (e.g. each point represents an imaginary restaurant in France): id = 1:1000 long = 2.2945 + rnorm( 1000, 0.1085246 , 0.1) ...
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Is "knitr" required for certain outputs in R?

I am trying to follow this post on stackoverflow (R Leaflet: Add a Range Slider to Filter Markers without Shiny). I copy and pasted the code below: library( crosstalk ) library( leaflet ) library( ...
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Simulating Geographical Points Around the Eiffel Tower

The coordinates of the Eiffel Tower are (Longitude: 48.8584° N, Latitude: 2.2945° E). I am interested in randomly generating 100 points that are located within a 12 KM radius of the Eiffel Tower. In ...
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Restricting Zoom Options in Leaflet Maps

I followed the tutorial here ( and made this map: library(leaflet) m <- leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% # Add default OpenStreetMap map tiles addMarkers(...
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Merging Information into a Shapefile

I have a shapefile ("my_shapefile") in R. Part 1: If I try inspecting this shapefile and check its contents by adding a "$" - there appears to be 3 parts: head(my_shapefile$var1) ...
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Learning How to Use Shapefiles in R

I am trying to learn more about "shapefiles" and how to plot them in R. Ideally, I would like to make a "leaflet map" (interactive or static) that looks something like this: https:...
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R: Joining Maps Together

I am working with the R programming language. Using the "leaflet" library, I made the following 3 maps: #load libraries library(dplyr) library(leaflet) library(geosphere) library(leafsync) ...
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R: Connecting Dots on a Map

I am working with the R programming language. Using the "leaflet" library, I made the following map for these 5 cities: library(dplyr) library(leaflet) map_data <- data.frame("Lat&...
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