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Leaflet Control Search: Search only markers which are currently visible on the map

I am working on my first project using Leaflet javascript library. After succesfully importing a geoJSON file on the map, I am trying to create a new geoJSON layer (currShownMarkersLayer), populated ...
techNIK's user avatar
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styling leaflet markers according to property in geojson file

I´m completly stuck with this part. I have tryed a lot of solutions I have found here and on other places but I simply can´t figure out the situation. I´m trying to place markers on a map according to ...
Bruno's user avatar
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Leaflet map with geojson data. Popup with no information

I created a map in Leaflet and I have GeoJSON data. I added my data to my map. But on the map, there are only points with no information when I click on them. I tried to add use this : var marker = L....
Dtvd's user avatar
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Change Leaflet marker icon with data from external geoJSON file

I have a problem at changing the icons of my geoJSON data on my Leaflet map. I'm loading my data from external geoJSON files. Therefore I'm using a XMLHttpRequest() to open the files (filenames are ...
E Lon Mask's user avatar
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Markers showing on wrong place / can not set center point in Leaflet

I use Leaflet markercluster plugin: When I change default coordinates of markers to other ones, the markers go wrong place. Example of this problem: ...
Allu's user avatar
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Displaying styles stored in a GeoJson File and making lines appear as lines instead of markers

I've been trying to get Leaflet to display a geojson file using the styles described in the geojson file, and I can't get it to work. The geojson below shows that I've got styles in there - OGR style ...
richcritch's user avatar
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Remove /Hide Marker from search result after search is finished -Leaflet

In my current code, I am able to search and display a marker on the search location but when I remove text from the search bar or close search bar marker is still visible on map .until I refresh the ...
poonam patel's user avatar
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Change Style of GeoJSON circle marker by feature property value

I have a GeoJSON feature collection of points assigned to lat/long coordinates, and i want to be able to assign them variable colors based on the value of a specific feature property. I have seen ...
Amaresh Chukkapalli's user avatar
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How do you add markers to a Leaflet map with different images and descriptions?

I have a GeoJSON files with points (lat and long) that are gage stations in watersheds and I want to add them individually to the map in order to show discharge graphs to each of the stations. I have ...
Anna's user avatar
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getting marker-symbol with $.ajax from *.geojson file

I'm using markers with data from a *.geojson file. It works with var Symbol = L.icon({iconUrl: 'sonne.png'}); ... function onEachFeature(feature, layer) {layer.bindPopup(
wonk's user avatar
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How to update geojson markers periodically

What I am trying to do is to use Leaflet with OSM map, and load data from PHP in GeoJSON format + update periodically. I can manage to display a map, load data, but do not know how to update points ...
Tikky's user avatar
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How put numered marker with geojson on leaflet

Forget everything until here, I spent the dawn trying, to see if I could move forward, I'll explain. I have a map and I need to enumerate the 1 to 15 markings. The markings are correct, the problem ...
Elton Santos's user avatar
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How can I set leaftlet CircleMarker radius in feet?

I'm trying to built a layer made out of CircleMarkers on LeafLet, but I'm having an hard time trying to give the Radius property a proper meaning since it's supposedly expressed in pixels. I need to ...
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Get center of geojson Continent/Country/State with leaflet

Is there a way of finding a center for countries/continents which consist of more than one polygon object(ex. USA, Canada, which have an islands besides main land part)? I was trying to use leaflet's ...
Kamilius's user avatar
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leaflet button inside-marker doesn't work

i have a problem in showing a modal with a button that i have placed in a marker message, here is my code, all function well but not this button, my controller.js **$ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('...
Radouane Samaali's user avatar

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