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408 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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componentDidUpdate prevProps gives me current / new props

I'm trying to integrate a leaflet map but I think that is not the problem here. Anyway to re-render my map I want to use componentDidUpdate to see if the props changed I pass down to my map component ...
Mar's user avatar
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7 votes
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React Leaflet.draw: How to create draw functions with standard buttons without using the react-leaflet toolbar, however, have it written in "React"

how can I create custom buttons that reside on a leaflet map in a separate control box to create "Polylines", "Polygons" or a "Marker" which will all be on separate ...
robert's user avatar
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6 votes
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Leaflet map with react-leaflet-markercluster cluster spiderfy's or closes onClick

I have a Leaflet map in React using react-leaflet and react-leaflet-markercluster Clustering seems to work beautifully, but if I click on one of the cluster CircleMarker or Tooltip it opens a new ...
 Rolo Tomasi's user avatar
5 votes
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How to make marker appear on the surface of image overlay onclicked in react-leaflet?

I am using React leaflet together with custom CRS, Leaflet CRS docs What I want to do is: A custom image is display at the map container as ImageOverlay When user clicked on a position on the Image, ...
ken's user avatar
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Testing mapbox-gl map fails in test because theres no WebGL

I use mapbox-gl, specifically mapbox-gl-leaflet, in React to create a map: import Leaflet from 'leaflet' import 'mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.css' import {} from 'mapbox-gl-leaflet' import 'leaflet/dist/...
Juuro's user avatar
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Rendering Component as Leaflet Marker using renderToString loses theme

We have a react project that uses styled components, with a ThemeProvider providing a theme object that all of the components should be able to reference. In this project, we have a leaflet map, and ...
Steve Dockery's user avatar
4 votes
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leaflet map shows grey areas

I'm trying to use leaflet map inside my react js project with everything works great except for the map which shows grey areas: PlaceCard.js: import { Map,...
idantp333's user avatar
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React leaflet WMSTileLayer with custom request headers

I am trying to send authentication header with my wms tile requests. When I used pure leaflet library it was very simple using leaflet-wms-header But, I have switched to react-leaflet and it has its ...
Hadi Ranjbar's user avatar
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3 votes
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Use GeoJson data with Leaflet.PixiOverlay

I am using Leaflet.PixiOverlay(this package) in my App in order to render a big number of data(suck as markers, shapes, geoJson data, etc) without performance issues. But the documentation of this ...
alirezafarin's user avatar
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Assigning a type to the leaflet-search plugin in React and Typescript

I have the following problem: In my project, I installed the leaflet lib to present maps with images (floor plans of buildings) and each map has a Point, which is a GeoJson Point that symbolizes the ...
Paulo Rezende's user avatar
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leafletjs @react-leaflet/core/esm/path.js

Hi im trying to use leaflet in a project. But when i executed the result is: ./node_modules/@react-leaflet/core/esm/path.js 10:41 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (10:41) File was processed with ...
Daniel ORTIZ's user avatar
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Is there a way to center text inside a polygon in Leaflet?

I have GeoJSON that has names and polygons for every country in the world. I have successfully rendered polygons (which is basically world map) but I don't know how to show names of countries inside ...
Nemanja Gakovic's user avatar
3 votes
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Importing GeoJSON file to React-Leaflet

I'm trying to import a GeoJSON file to react-leaflet like below: import * as bar from "./data/bar.geojson"; ... function Foo() { return ( <Map center={[...]} zoom={...}> <...
Jay M.'s user avatar
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OnClick not working when rendering React button on a custom dialog

I am a little bit lost hope someone with JS knowledge could help. I am using this dialog:, on a leaflet map. It is nothing much just opens a dialog on ...
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How to use react-leaflet on Nextjs?

Ok guys I'm trying to use Leaflet map on Nextjs but I get a window is not defined error I saw a few posts about this issue on stackoverflow but none of them solved my problem. Map component import { ...
xibymepy's user avatar
2 votes
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Leaflet map not rendering full image properly on mobile devices

I'm currently working in a react web-app. We are using leaflet to render some buildings maps. The app is working good in desktop. But we found the maps images are not loaded properly when using mobile ...
luisddr's user avatar
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how to clear state after select menu option changes

So I have the sandbox of code right now which is plotting polyline data based on the option selected the issue is right now from the code i have provided if you run the first one initially then ...
program.exe's user avatar
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how to apply different styles to react leaftlet map based on state

I want to apply these certain styles to my react leaflet map when the user clicks a button to signal that they want a dark themed map or a light themed one but I am not entirely sure how to go about ...
program.exe's user avatar
2 votes
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Leaftlet react javascript. use state to zoom in on map

I'm completely new to programming and leaflet and now I'm stuck. my code: import "./App.css"; import { MapContainer, TileLayer, Marker, Popup } from "react-leaflet"; import { ...
Brede's user avatar
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React-leaflet: add click and popup to KML layout

i 'm getting some Kml's from server (by axios) and loading them on map: // functional Component KmlManager -> const map = useMap() const addTrackAndBoundsFromKml = kmltext => { const parser =...
mohsen's user avatar
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how to change color on Mouse over leaflet-react?

i'm facing a problem of mouseover event in leaflet the thing is , when i hover ,the weight of the city changes for 2s and it doesn't stay highlighted even though the mouse is over the city here is my ...
sarah Chettouh's user avatar
2 votes
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Leaflet Map not rendering Tiles correctly

I'm building a map with react-leaflet and in the first load sometimes most of the tiles aren't visualized as you can see below: I've gone through several stack overflow question and what I've done is:...
Fabrizio Paolo Petrelli's user avatar
2 votes
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React-leaflet + leaflet.elevation usage

I'm posting to see if anyone can give me some light on this 'problem/issue'. I'm using react-leaflet and also leaflet-elevation, a 'plug-in' that creates an elevation graph and also adds some extra ...
Henrique's user avatar
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How to clip GeoTiff according to shapefile using javascript?

Situation: I am plotting data provided in a GeoTIFF file on a map using Reactjs and geoTiff.js. An example of the GeoTiff files I am using is at the following link:
piyush kasturi's user avatar
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react-leaflet geojson with custom popup for each polygon not working correctly

Extending the following question: React-leaflet geojson onEachFeature popup with custom react component I am trying to have a Form within each popup that renders. Ideally the user is able to edit ...
Wboy's user avatar
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Leaflet functions in redux-sagas with NextJS - window is not defined

I am refactoring an existing react-leaflet application that is written with NextJS and redux. I am introducing redux-sagas to clean up the api calling logic. In some of the sagas, I would like to ...
Seth Lutske's user avatar
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2 votes
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How do I resolve these errors with React 17 and react-leaflet?

I am in the process of upgrading my application to React 17 and using function based components. In the old version of React, everything was class based. The map in the old version used leaflet 1.7.1. ...
maestro777's user avatar
2 votes
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How to create a clickable grid with leaflet

i'm trying to create a clickable grid in react and leaflet, i want to display a grid over my map, something similar to this: add mouse event to svg <pattern>, detect grid hover. i built the grid ...
Roberto Foti's user avatar
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Can react-leaflet handle indoor maps levels?

I'm building an react map for indoor location, I need to handle the levels of the building. Can react-leaflet handle this?, I am a newbie in Maps. This is an example built in ruby about What I am ...
Mauricio De armas's user avatar
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Cross-Origin Read Blocking when trying to run a local tileserver map displayed using react-leaflet

I cannot get react-leaflet to display a map from a local maptiler server. I can however get the following simple leaflet code displaying the maptiler map: var mymap ='mapid').setView([47.3769, ...
Frikster's user avatar
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