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Leaflet Map Tiles Disoriented When Deployed on EC2 Instance

I'm encountering an issue with Leaflet map tiles appearing disoriented when I deploy my application on an EC2 instance. The tiles load correctly when I run the app locally, but once it's deployed to ...
Anandu krishna v v's user avatar
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Performance Issue with Polyline Rendering on React Leaflet Map

I am experiencing a performance issue with the polyline component of the Leaflet map library in React.js. I have a large dataset of traffic congestion data (approximately 5,000 to 10,000 polylines) ...
Furkan Şenol's user avatar
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React-Leaflet how to make circle change size relative to zoom

In React-Leaflet I put a L.circleMarker in some coordinate and and gave it some radius. when I zoom in the radius size shrinks, but I want it to grow bigger. for example if I drew a circle around New-...
LIOR AVIV's user avatar
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How can I improve React Leaflet performance when rapidly updating a marker position?

I'm working on a page which reads GPX files (a series of lat/lon GPS points) and plots the route using React Leaflet as well as showing an elevation profile using react-chartjs-2. When hovering over ...
user7290573's user avatar
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How to get rid of React Leaftlet map gray area while scrolling vertically

Hey guys I have use React Leafnet in my web app, everything seems working fine when I scroll map horizontally it loads new map images nicely but when I scroll map vertically, than after some position ...
nehat khan's user avatar
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How to dynamically use fallback tiles from the previous zoom level of the same server in Leaflet?

I'm working on a mapping application using React with Leaflet for tile rendering. When tiles fail to load (due to network issues, server downtime, tiles not available), I want to dynamically use ...
Shrutika Maske's user avatar
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Leaftlet divIcon with clickable button

I'm working on leaflet and I wanted to add click event for a icon in the custom divIcon as below, If user clicks on the edit(pencile) icon then click event should trigger, Here is the code I'm ...
Kishor's user avatar
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React Leaflet map resizing issues

While using react-leaflet to create a map, I would like the map component to take over all the available space after header and footer. The code seems to work. However, when the resize handler is ...
obvdso's user avatar
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React Leaflet markers not rendering with location data fetched from an API using useEffect

I am trying to render leaflet markers using React Leaflet with data fetched from an API using useEffect. The markers are not showing up despite the location data being non-null at the time of ...
fault's user avatar
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React leaflet. map is not showing

I have been trying to create a map section in my website for at least an hour now, but the react-leaflet or leaflet just won't work at all. I do every step that the doc says, I have watched a lot of ...
Zeynalli Zeynal's user avatar
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Getting the clicked marker in react leaflet

So I have my leaflet map in my react project, I have markers on this map and I want to get the marker clicked. I want to show this markers popUp info on a side panel. How would I get the marker ...
canadianbleach's user avatar
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How to manage rendering 30000 polygons on map using react-leaflet?

Im using react-leaflet to render heatmap using big amount of polygons that I get from database. Polygons are preconfigured and I don't perform any actions on them. My issue is that when user wants to ...
BranTheBroken's user avatar
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how to do autosave on editvertex ? because i dont want user to save all the time when he/she edits

Just want to save the polygons even after not saving it , and i have hided the save and cancel button. Im already rendering the polygons using my own state and im changing it on every vertex change ...
Anzil Az's user avatar
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changing cluster's styles not working with lazy loading leaflet in SSR react application

I'm encountering some challenges with lazy loading a Leaflet map in a React application deployed on a server-side rendering (SSR) environment. The application involves loading a list of products in a ...
Ehsan Zand's user avatar
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React-leaflet flyto new position

I have a rather large application based on react and leaflet. The problem is that I can't get the main map of the code to move to a new location, provided by the user in an input menu, when the menu ...
Raxxoht's user avatar
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How to add react-leaflet map to remixjs app

I'm trying to add a react-leaflet map to a remix app. I created a simple app using the npx create-remix@latest command. I then added react-leaflet using the installation instructions. Now I have ...
jack.benson's user avatar
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How do I create a "double" line feature from GeoJSON data with React-Leaflet

I am using React Leaflet to plot a GeoJSON file with several LineString features. I can plot and style them using <GeoJSON data={lines} style={onEachLineFeatureStyle}/> where the ...
jfowkes's user avatar
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flyTo of react leaftlet working while setView is not react leaflet

I'm building this "Contacts" page that gets some locations from supabase displays them on the map and at the same time displays their information in a ul. Now everytime the user clicks on a ...
Wicked's user avatar
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Smooth scroll with react-leaflet

I'm trying to create a smooth zoom in my react-leaflet project. I know that this is doable with vanilla leaflet as said in this post, with smoothWheelZoom, but knowing that vanilla leaflet does not ...
Horkos's user avatar
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react-leaflet manage close popup on Child Component

I'm trying to make a react-leaflet popup everytime I click a link that changes the marker position in the child component, but it never closes de popup, here's what it looks like on the map component ...
Sebastián Vidal's user avatar
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how to push React Leaflet's attribution and map controls to the back [duplicate]

what i'm trying to do the user sees a map, built in React Leaflet / Leaflet.JS. The user can then click a CTA button that pops up a modal. The modal should be the "top layer" of the screen, ...
henrylin03's user avatar
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React-leaflet ImageOverlay is not visible in exported PDF using jspdf

I'm using react-leaflet v4.2.1. I'm using it to display not a map but custom image like that <MapContainer center={[height / 2, width / 2]} crs={crs} bounds={bounds} minZoom={-5} ...
PatLuc's user avatar
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React Leaflet map not Re-rendering

I'm encountering an issue with my React application where the Leaflet map component is not re-rendering even though the data it depends on has changed. Here's the structure of my code: App.js let [...
New's user avatar
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How to Insert React Component Inside `leaflet-overlay-pane` using react-leaflet (core)?

I'm working on a project where I'm using react and react-leaflet to create a map application. I have a requirement to insert a custom React component, wrapped in a <div>, inside the leaflet-...
dina's user avatar
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How to wrap the VideoOverlay component in react-leaflet with a div?

I'm currently working on integrating a video overlay onto a map using the react-leaflet library. I'm using the VideoOverlay component provided by react-leaflet to render the video onto the map ...
dina's user avatar
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How to Implement Tile Caching for Leaflet in React?

I'm currently working on a project using React with Leaflet for mapping functionality. I've been exploring options to optimize performance, and one area I'm interested in is caching Leaflet tiles to ...
ssss's user avatar
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Why whenever i call MapContainer I always get "React-leaflet Error: Dispatcher is null"?

I am at my first experiments with React-Leaflet, so after installing everything i treid to add a simple map in my React App, but whenever i call MapContainer the only thing I obtain is this error log: ...
OvalRock's user avatar
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Create A Polar Coordinates Grid using react-leaflet

I am currently working on a react component that could potentially create a Polar coordinates grid. In my React Project, i have to display on top of OSM (Open Street Map) two types of Grids (...
Elmounir Othmane's user avatar
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React Leaflet: Resize point marker not being dragged

A resizeable rectangle in place automatically on the map with some bounds. when I drag the rectangle, it drags but the resizeable points is still on the same place. Is there something i am missing ...
raman's user avatar
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Auto pan and update map position when data inside Popup changes

I have some dynamic data inside <Popup> that will change the Popup box size after opening. When you first click on the <Marker> it will update the content, position and adjust the pan of ...
newcool's user avatar
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React-Leaflet: updating a marker's position every second fetching the coordinates from an .env file

I'm running a simple react-lefleat map on small http server running on an Arduino board and I would like to update a marker's position (my position) according to the coordinates extraced by the ...
Sebastian Schweizer's user avatar
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How to create satellite layer with labels using react-leaflet-google-layer

Trying to implement satellite view with labels on my react project using react-leaflet and react-leaflet-google-layer packages. I can create satellite view but not able to add labels on map (city ...
Sudhan's user avatar
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React Leaflet divIcon with clickable button

In react-leaflet, I am trying to add a draggable button to the map as shown in the image below. I also want the rest of the div to be non-clickable. However, when I click the button, nothing happens. ...
pomipiwimo's user avatar
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How to Get GeoJSON Feature on Map.Locate in React Leaflet

I am creating a map with imported GeoJSON data. I am trying to create a Find Me button that will zoom to the user's location and get a property associated with the enclosing region (as defined by the ...
isaa's user avatar
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Issue using MapContainer from react-leaflet: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'useState')

I'm trying to use React Leaflet to add a map from OpenStreetMap on my website. Everything seems to go well syntax wise, however when I try to use I encounter this error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot ...
yoenuts's user avatar
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How to stop a click propagation for custom react components that are child to MapContainer

I`ve created a custom control react component for map like that: export const MapZoom = () => { const map = useMap() const handleButtonClick = () => { map.zoomIn() } ...
Павел Хорольський's user avatar
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How can I access the map object since the whenCreated prop was removed in react-leaflet v4.x?

I have been struggling with an issue which comes down to me not being able to properly reference the map object. After researching it for a few days, I've come to the conclusion that the "old&...
EngineeringCheetah's user avatar
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Dynamically change the background color of the TileLayer attribution

I have created a component that contains the map and changes the map for dark or light mode. How can I dynamically change the color of the attribution? There's any props or style key that i can use ? ...
lucamir's user avatar
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Problem creating an L.Map instance with React-leaflet

There is a map state defined as const [map, setMap] = useState(null); Here is the snippet which is supposed to initialize the map: <MapContainer center={ areaOfInterest.latitude ? [...
EngineeringCheetah's user avatar
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Leaflet Map open popup in markercluster from outside with react-leaflet and react-leaflet-markercluster

I encountered an issue with combining two functionalities: placing Markers in a group using the MarkerCluster plugin (
Sebastian Tekieli's user avatar
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Obtaining visible Map Data as an Image in React-Leaflet

I'm working on a ReactJS application that utilizes react-leaflet to display maps, supporting both OpenStreetMap and TIFF formats. My goal is to implement an upscale/digital zoom feature when the zoom ...
DrunkenAvenger's user avatar
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React leaflet shows empty map

I have a problem with the map display in React Leaflet - I installed everything, but it still doesn't work... What do I have to change? I added css, added height but do not know what is missing ...
Skar's user avatar
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having ReferenceError: window is not defined error for react leaflet during build process

I am using react-leaflet in my nextjs project. The project works perfect on dev mode but when I try to build it it gives ReferenceError: window is not defined. I am also using ssr as false in dynamic ...
Mubashir Rehman's user avatar
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react-leaflet basic example rendering

I'm using leaflet and react-leaflet for the first time and using their basic example here and the map is broken in multiple sections with half not visible. <MapContainer center={[51.505, -0.09]} ...
pnk6's user avatar
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ReactJS executes both if and else statement

I'm trying to build this little project with React Leaflet in which by searching through the leaflet-geosearch search bar a certain city, after clicking on it, a form should pop up asking for some ...
Wicked's user avatar
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Leaflet for React: Converting overlay map for Leaflet into Leaflet for React

I have the following code meant for Leaflet: const TileLayerNOAA = L.TileLayer.extend({ getTileUrl(coords) { var z = coords.z -2; if (z<0) z=0; return 'https://gis.charttools....
Bryant Irawan's user avatar
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How to properly change a loaded KML in react-leaflet-kml

I am using react-leaflet-kml and the functionality I am trying to make is a list of buttons corresponding to a KML file, which will make the map load/render that KML. Currently, the buttons simply ...
yoavsnake's user avatar
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How can I make a programmatic click in react-leaflet?

I am working on a map webapp, that should react on navigation from another route in the following ways: fly to coordinates click on them programatically // fly const map = useMap(); ...
Andrija Vranić's user avatar
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React-leaflet doesn't clear routes when adding additional waypoints

I'm trying to clear the route when I add a new waypoint. Only two waypoints should should show. However, when adding an additional waypoint, Leaflet will show the old route instead of clearing it. I ...
Christopher Lam's user avatar
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how to use RoutingMachine for creating path with manually added markers in reactleaflet map

as i have added the multiple markers but i want the create the path with RoutingMachine in reactleaflet map with those added markers anyone give me solution for this code below. in this we want to add ...
akshay kumar's user avatar

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