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Wrapping the dropdownButton in an absolutePanel in R Shiny

I'm building an interactive map with Shiny and I'm currently trying to hide my UI elements in a dropdownButton from the shinyWidgets pkg. My problem is that so far I can either have the ...
Ziemowit Bućko's user avatar
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Convet leaflet map to static plot [r]

How to convert leaflet map to static plot so one can save the plot as pdf. I know about mapshot function so one can specify something like mapview::mapshot(m, file = "saveaspdf.pdf"). But suppose ...
Petr's user avatar
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merging palette colors colorRampPalette and plotting with ggplot

I'm trying to replicate using ggplot2, an earlier question i had using leaflet. I'm trying to merge two palettes where one is used if my variable is below a certain threshold and another if above a ...
user63230's user avatar
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merging palettes with colorRampPalette and plotting with leaflet

I'm trying to merge two colorRampPalette schemes to use in leaflet and have been following this nice example. That example works fine but I can't seem to get it to work for my work, reproducible ...
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How to append data from a dataframe to a geojson, using R?

I want to add data from a dataframe to a geojson File. The geo json file looks like this: "properties": {"name_2": "Freiburg im Breisgau", "name_0": "Germany", "name_1": "Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg", "...
1337_OC's user avatar
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Leaflet Map to static and saving it (as pdf) [R]

How would one convert leaflet map to a static plot and then save it as pdf?, I have createa a large leaflet map, that has over 150 MB, using mapshot does not work because it is very large. I think ...
Petr's user avatar
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leaflet:: Mapping wrong name of the countries

I have a hard time to figure out why I can't map the right country on the map. I have gone through all of my codes, I still don't understand why is not working right. If you see any problems, please ...
BIN's user avatar
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Interactive choropleth map with leaflet inaccurately mapping data

First post, I'll try to do my best. I'm trying to make an interactive choropleth map with leaflet in R, based off this tutorial. It all goes great until I compare the data represented on the map with ...
Ziemowit Bućko's user avatar
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Leaflet - europe spatial network plot and distanced island removal

I probably have very complex question related to leaflet, I am trying to plot multile countries of Europe (data downloaded from GADM), and then create a network matrix for countries, however france ...
Petr's user avatar
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leaflet minichars group argument

I would like to ask, Is there a group arguments for function from (leaflet.minicharts)? I am using function addFlows function and I am tryng to insert it into layer control, however since it doesnt ...
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Cluster color in leaflet Heatmap

Is there a way how to have cluster colors in leaflets addHeatmap function, let say we have some values of variables and cluster them to 8 categories (see example), is there a way how to have also 8 ...
Petr's user avatar
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Leaflet equivalent of geom_segments xend, yend arguments

I would like to ask is there a way how to set xend and yend from geom_segment arguments in leaflet`s addPolylines function? insted of explaining I rather provide reproduceble example since it is mut ...
Petr's user avatar
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Plotting colores areas in a leaflet maps

How would I add some heatmaps plates to a leaflet map? Say I have some spatial econometrics model and I want to plot prediction to a leaflet map like in the picure attached[![enter image description ...
Thomas Kyle's user avatar
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Interactive Chloropeth Electoral College Map in R

I am looking to replicate one of those maps where you can guesstimate the state-level results of the next presidential election and have the results of your scenario shown to you by way of changing ...
tifu's user avatar
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addPolygons is not rendering shape data on shiny server

I am trying to create a map with brazilians states, when I run this code in the UI file it works well. But I need to create a reactive map, so I wrote it on server file. The map plots fine but the ...
Vitor Badú's user avatar

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