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How can I build on top of someone else's map? I want to get their layer

Mapping novice here! I work for a humanitarian organization and we want to take a map that was built using leaflet and OSM and then build on top of it (basically adding our own location markers). It ...
vmuoio's user avatar
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Leaflet redraw polyline performance

I created Leaflet OSM map and menu where user can choose one of the options. Each option causes the map to remove previous polyline and draw another. On desktop devices it works smooth, but as soon as ...
Danilo Kujacic's user avatar
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How to prevent click on outside of polygons in Leaflet map js?

We have multiple arrays of lat long, ( here 3 arrays are stored in success_content_mapareas ) Accordingly, we have created the map and it looks like this, which seems okay in the image below. We need ...
Mark Tendly's user avatar
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How can I download address data and convert to postgresql database from Open Street Maps?

I tried downloading it via and converted it using osm2pgsql to a postgresql database. However, the postgresql database is very weird looking. There is no longitude, ...
Pennervomland's user avatar
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Issue with SCSS Styling in Leaflet Map with OpenStreetMap

Issue with SCSS Styling in Leaflet Map with OpenStreetMap I'm using OpenStreetMap and Leaflet to draw on a map. I have a function updateMarkers() that clears existing markers and creates new ones ...
Fatih Furkan Çambel's user avatar
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Changing the color of a Leaflet map polyline as I navigate from point A to B

I'm working on a project where I'm using Leaflet to create a map. I've defined a path from point A to B, and it's currently colored yellow. However, I want to change the color of the traveled path to ...
Sammith Gowda's user avatar
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Leaflet/Openstreetmap, giving me blank white screen in the map route

Heads up, brand new coder, and even newer to ruby on rails. Creating a project and I need an interactive map. Here is what I did following the leaflet tutorial and some youtube videos First I added ...
Sahir Sood's user avatar
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Problem converting OpenStreetMap tiles to mbtiles

I'm trying to convert the OSM tiles from to .mbtiles. I'm converting the .pbf to .geojson like: osmium export -f geojson europe.osm.pbf -o europe.geojson and then the ...
STL's user avatar
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Multiple circles overlap on the map

I use Leaflet for showing coverage map. I create many circles in nearby location by radius and opacity. Circles are overlap and filled color is very bold. How can prevent overlap and all color should ...
Tahernejad's user avatar
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Make a marker unable to use for a time

I have a map with markers. Every marker is a charging station. I want that the user that want to use the charging station, can book the place for an hour for example and set a time that is shown. When ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Error when call

In the last two weeks we have come across an problem with leaflet-geosearch. We use the search, which correctly returns the various addresses, but when clicking, it does not assume the new address and ...
Elsa Santos's user avatar
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change marker color based on properties

This is my first time here on stackoverflow. I have a doubt. I marked some markers on my map (I used OpenStreetMap). On each marker I put a drop-down menu with choices. Based on these choices, the ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Leaflet antpath error "Property 'antPath' does not exist on type"

I am doing a leaflet demo with angular 16. I have installed the leaflet package and it works perfectly but I can do the antpath polyline (The polyline works fine tho). Steps I've done: • npm install ...
Nhut Truong's user avatar
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Set Leaflet marker to always stay in the middle of the map

I'm working on a SvelteKit project where we're moving from Google Maps to Open Street Maps using Leaflet.js. With Google Maps we have a marker that always stays in the center of the map even when ...
TheGreatZackAttack's user avatar
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How to create leaflet map showing only city names and using OpenStreetMap

I am new to leaflet map and I want to create a leaflet map that does not display any landmarks or labels like hospitals, hotels, etc. and the map should display city names. Also I want the ...
Aditya28's user avatar
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Mounting custom vue component as a tooltip/popup on leaflet on each geojson object

I would like to mount my custom MapDeparturePin component to leaflet map. Circle Markers created by L.geoJSON method and I tried to bind popupInstance to each generated marker. Here is the code: ...
basarozcan's user avatar
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How to implement Javascript Leaflet demo code to show a simple map and point? (blank page returned)

I try to just imitate the simplest example code of Leaflet ( as follows. But somehow I only got the blank page. Can somebody spot what is wrong? Many thanks! <html&...
user7665853's user avatar
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How to use dragging marker in leaflet-geosearch?

I am using react-leaflet and leaflet-geosearch. I want the marker here draggable and print the location when the marker is moved to another place. How to do this? const Search = ({ location,...
MD. MEHEDI IMAM's user avatar
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How to find the shortest public transit route to take to go from one point to another

I'm making a web app that makes what the title says, right now I have my bus stops and routes and I know how to add them to my map as markers and polylines respectively, I can also get the users ...
Mr.Mann's user avatar
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Why doesn't this add markers to my Leaflet map?

I have this leaflet map inside a HTML file that I can easily return with my Flask, but I've been trying to add a marker for a while now to no avail. var marker = L.marker([latitud, longitud]); ...
Mr.Mann's user avatar
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I'm using breezometer api and leaflet and openstreetmap to show heatmap of world but the api require key and I don't want to show the key to end user

I'm creating a project in laravel to show heatmap of a country by using breezometer heatmap layer api and leaflet with openstreet map to achieve the same. But Idk how can I hide the api key from end ...
naman's user avatar
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Image manipulation on the map in Leaflet

I would like to be able to resize the image displayed on the map. E.g. using sliders (other solution is also welcome). The image is in png format, the background is transparent. I would like to be ...
sakaszwili's user avatar
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Unable to see polyline in OSM map

I'm working to plot ways using OSM and leaflet using node as a back end. On the front end I have leaflet2.html which has the following in the script tag: const mymap ="map"); ...
user1592380's user avatar
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Neatly put markers in a row when they have the same exact coordinates

I have a map component that loads data from a geoJSON file and displays each datapoint on an openstreetmap map. The library is use for that is the 'react-leaflet' library. And I also use the 'react-...
atthijs98's user avatar
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Getting Linestring coordinates for roads using OSM

I'm trying to get the road network in an area focusing on the smaller (1-2 lane ) roads using osm and node. Using the OSM overpass api, I used the following query: const roadsOverpassQuery = ` [out:...
user1592380's user avatar
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Search bar for open street map

I need help to add an functional search bar for this project. Like you search 'London' and get redirect to London, I'm having problems. Here is my code for you guys: var mymap ="mapid"...
João Victor Silva de Macedo's user avatar
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How to create city boundaries using bbox data in React Leaflet?

I'm working on a React application that uses Leaflet and react-leaflet to display a map. I want to create boundaries around cities that are marked on the map with a marker. To get the necessary ...
wch's user avatar
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Leaflet - Layer-type object spawned by method 'L.marker' it contains information, which wasn't passed to that method

I'm attempting to implement a mapping functionality into my Laravel app, using Leaflet. For doing that, I've been analyzing, line by line, how it works the code of an existing example project, with ...
Leandro Caplan's user avatar
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Highlight borders of the nation

When I search for a country I would like the borders to be highlighted on the map. I don't know how to do with openstreetmap , leaflet and react Demo: Countries App
Piero Sabino's user avatar
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Leaflet / Alpinejs / all markers (layer) position change on zoom after using categories filters

You will find my code below. I have a map with category filters. The map initialize and display correctly but when I use the filter (and the filterMarkers function), the markers change but when I zoom ...
Cyril Lecocq's user avatar

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