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Get Xaxis on top in Google Gantt chart

need to move to top I am using this code this is a dummy data from google my code is much bigger and data comes from mysql server but the structure is similar <html> <head> <script ...
omkar pabe's user avatar
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Chart.js to show status changes over time in stacked bar

I have a number of records in a database which have their status changes audited. I'm pulling this data out to display in a Chart.js horizontal bar chart to visualise the duration that each record is ...
bowfinger's user avatar
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PHP array as input into a Javascript Google Ganttchart

I try to create a Ganttchart from a PHP array. My PHP Code looks like: <?php $ganttData = [ ['Project Start', 'Project Start', '2023-08-01', '2023-08-02'], ['Gate1', 'Gate1', '2023-08-28', '...
Jan's user avatar
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Create a simple vertical line on gantt chart from react-google-charts

I want to create a vertical red line on the current date on my gantt chart in react. See the example here. Additionally, I'd like to get all completed tasks and partial fills to be dark grey. I wasn't ...
Rogério Gouvêa's user avatar
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Problems in rendering Gantt Chart in angular 15 using d3

Trying to implement gantt chart using d3 in angular 15, the problem with the rendering. The data flow is correct, SVG and rectangles are created with my dummy data. private data = [ { task: 'Task ...
Faraz Khan's user avatar
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Gantt chart with parent-child structure with dhtmlxgantt-with-laravel

<div id="gantt-chart" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></div> @vite('node_modules/dhtmlx-gantt/codebase/sources/dhtmlxgantt.css') <script src="{{Vite::asset('...
AliceBerg's user avatar
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D3.js Gantt Chart Vertical Scrolling with Accurate Zooming

const WIDTH = 1180; const HEIGHT = 820; const START_DATE = new Date(2023, 0, 1); const END_DATE = new Date(2023, 11, 31); const BLOCK_HEIGHT = 20; const ...
NoveltyPachyderm's user avatar
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control width of event bar in FullCalendar resourceTimeline view

I am using FullCalendar v6. I am showing 6 months data in Calendar and each slot is of 1 month.I am creating the event of 10 days and it's taking the whole month slot's width but I want that if event ...
Shubham's user avatar
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Show "Year" header row in FullCalendar resourceTimelineWeek view

I am using FullCalendar v6. I need to show Years in one header row and in another header row month name. Currently, it's showing single header row to show month name. Below is my code: <...
Shubham's user avatar
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What could be causing the 'Received NaN for the width attribute' error in gantt-task-react while adding tasks dynamically in React?

Received NaN for the `width` attribute. If this is expected, cast the value to a string. at rect at g at BarDisplay2 (
Satyam Tiwari's user avatar
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Customized Calendar view using @fullcalendar/react NPM package

I need to integrate the calendar view in react application which will show the activities and under each activity we will have multiple tasks. I am attaching the screenshot of my requirement. Can you ...
Shubham's user avatar
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Grouping Gantt chart elements with the same field value on the same line

I can't get something Please take a look at the picture I have attached below Gantt And I already have absolutely all the values ​​​​to display this chart, and it even turns out like this, as shown in ...
Елена М's user avatar
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Hide parent task total length in Highcharts Gantt

I am sorting my tasks via a parent task. Each user has his holidays. Because holidays can be set with some time in between, I'd like to hide the parent's task total length which thus does not reflect ...
GuillaumeBB's user avatar
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google visualizations, change the position of the label in gantt chart

<Chart chartType="Gantt" data={dt} height={1600} chartEvents={[ { eventName: "ready", ...
Sam's user avatar
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AmCharts 5 add a current date in a gantt chart

I want to draw a vertical line representing the current date on my gantt chart. Please help me. I found this answer
Lucas Saraiva's user avatar

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