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Questions tagged [filter]

A program or routine that rejects or accepts data that meets a given criterion. An example would be a filter that removed entries less than a given limit from a set of values. Do NOT use this tag for: Signal or image processing, use [filtering]. Java servlet filters. Use [servlet-filters]. For Bloom filters, use [bloom-filter]. For CSS filters use [css-filters].

0 votes
1 answer

Filtering a complete date in django?

There are several filter methods for dates (year,month,day). If I want to match a full date, say 2008/10/18, is there a better way than this: Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__year=2008).filter(...
Paul Wicks's user avatar
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32 votes
9 answers

How to reverse lines of a text file?

I'm writing a small shell script that needs to reverse the lines of a text file. Is there a standard filter command to do this sort of thing? My specific application is that I'm getting a list of Git ...
Greg Hewgill's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How do you filter a TableAdapter's FillBy based on two tables?

I'm using VS2008 C# Express and the Northwind database on a Windows Form application. I used drag and drop to set up the master details binding (I used the Orders and Order Details) for the two ...
user45191's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Visual Studio - Filter exceptions from debug output

I have some code that causes a bunch of exceptions (which can safely ignored) but it floods my debug output window. It always has the same form and would be easy to filter out. How do i write a macro(?...
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6 votes
8 answers

BindingSource Filter by date

I want to filter values from database based on date. Date in a database contains values like this: 2008-12-28 18:00:00. And my class has a DateTime variable depending on which I want to filter. ...
Janis Veinbergs's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do you properly detect the browser's support for opacity?

I've got some javascript code that applies an alpha transparency. Before it does that it attempts to detect what type of transparency the browser supports and stores that in a variable for use later. ...
Marplesoft's user avatar
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319 views mvc - one door filter

I need fire a filter method with all string in GET or POST value from http request before it was bind into controller action Can i do it in Global.asax.cs? and if yes, can u give me more details or ...
StoneHeart's user avatar
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4 answers

How to Modify the HTTP Response Using Filters in

Modifying the HTTP Response Using Filters
Avinash's user avatar
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Internet Explorer matrix transformation filter issue

As one of my hobby projects, I'm developing an image effects plugin for jQuery. It's supposed to allow you to apply a few basic effects to an image, and does this by using the canvas HTML element or ...
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2 answers

Low pass filter software?

I'm looking for digital low pass filter code/library/class for a .net windows forms project, preferably written in c, c++ or c#. I probably need to set the number of poles, coefficients, windowing, ...
P a u l's user avatar
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3 answers

Filter XML based on another xml using XSLT 1

How do we filter an xml document based on another xml document. I have to remove all the elements which are not there in the lookup xml. Both the input xml and lookup xml has the same root elements, ...
gk.'s user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Sharepoint Custom Filter Web Part

I want to create a custom web part that has more than 1 filter web part and that can be connected to Report Viewer Web Part (Integrated Mode) at runtime/design time. I searched a lot for this, but ...
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1 vote
2 answers

Quick Filter List

Everyone is familiar with this functionality. If you open up the the outlook address book and start typing a name, the list below the searchbox instantly filters to only contain items that match your ...
Joel Martinez's user avatar
18 votes
6 answers

Prolog: Filtering a list?

I'm currently working on a very short project on Prolog, and just got stuck trying to apply a "filter" I have created to a list. I have what you could call the filter ready, but I can't apply it. It'd ...
Sergio Morales's user avatar
16 votes
9 answers

Sharepoint: How do I filter a document library view to show the contents of a subfolder?

A number of business areas I work with use a folder structure to organise their Sharepoint housed documents (not ideal I know, but we're stuck with it). I would like to use a web part page to ...
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