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Edit: I was asked for code, and so to offer some code and an example of the map I made that I like the design of but that does not have the needed mobile interactivity (pinch-zoom):

Map prototype:

Code (a note: I know it's messy):

tf_usa_map <- us_map(regions = "states")

# Joining so can be used 
tf_current_map <- left_join(tf_usa_map, tf_airtable_state_by_year, by=c("abbr" = "state_abb"))

# Removing DC          
tf_current_map <- tf_current_map %>%
  filter(abbr != "DC")

# Getting total count of bills for 2024
updated_total_bills <- sum(tf_current_map$`2024`)

# Building Map ----
# Setting up geometry
geo_test <- list(
  scope = 'usa',
  projection = list(type = 'albers usa'),
  lakecolor = toRGB('white')

# Setting up border
state_border <- list(color = toRGB("#2d0016"), width = 2)

# Setting up custom color scale/breaks
custom_colors <- c("white", "#ed7fa1", "#DB0044", "#740024", "#410014")
custom_breaks <- c(0, 5, 20, 30, 60)

fig3 <- plot_geo(tf_current_map) %>%
    z = ~tf_current_map$`2024`, 
    #text = ~paste(State, "has had\n", tf_current_map$`2024`, "bills introduced"), 
    span = I(0),
    locations = ~abbr, 
    locationmode = 'USA-states',
    colorscale = list(
      list(0, custom_colors[1]),
      list(custom_breaks[2] / max(custom_breaks), custom_colors[2]),
      list(custom_breaks[3] / max(custom_breaks), custom_colors[3]),
      list(custom_breaks[4] / max(custom_breaks), custom_colors[4]),
      list(1, custom_colors[5])),
    zmin = min(custom_breaks),
    zmax = max(custom_breaks),
    # State border colors/thickness
    marker = list(line = state_border),
    # To do: list min/max
    colorbar = list(
      tickvals = list(custom_breaks[1], custom_breaks[5]),
      ticktext = list(custom_breaks[1], custom_breaks[5])),
    hovertext = ~paste0(`State`),
    showscale = FALSE
    ) %>%
  colorbar(title = "Bills") %>%
  layout(geo = geo_test, 
         font = alexandria,
         title =  list(
           text = ~paste0(updated_total_bills, 
                          ' Anti-Trans Bills Have Been', 
                          'Introduced in 2024'),
           font = list(size = 20)),
         margin = list(l = 50, r = 50, b = 100, t = 50),
         annotations = list(
        text = 'Data From: Trans Formations Project, LegiScan',
        font = list(size = 10),
        margin = list(l = 10, r = 10, b = 10, t = 20, pad = 4),
        #height = 200,
        showarrow = FALSE,
        xref = 'paper', x = 0.5,
        yref = 'paper', y = -0.2,
        xanchor = 'left', yanchor = 'top'))

Edit: I was asked for code, and so to offer some code and an example of the map I made that I like the design of but that does not have the needed mobile interactivity (pinch-zoom):

Map prototype:

Code (a note: I know it's messy):

tf_usa_map <- us_map(regions = "states")

# Joining so can be used 
tf_current_map <- left_join(tf_usa_map, tf_airtable_state_by_year, by=c("abbr" = "state_abb"))

# Removing DC          
tf_current_map <- tf_current_map %>%
  filter(abbr != "DC")

# Getting total count of bills for 2024
updated_total_bills <- sum(tf_current_map$`2024`)

# Building Map ----
# Setting up geometry
geo_test <- list(
  scope = 'usa',
  projection = list(type = 'albers usa'),
  lakecolor = toRGB('white')

# Setting up border
state_border <- list(color = toRGB("#2d0016"), width = 2)

# Setting up custom color scale/breaks
custom_colors <- c("white", "#ed7fa1", "#DB0044", "#740024", "#410014")
custom_breaks <- c(0, 5, 20, 30, 60)

fig3 <- plot_geo(tf_current_map) %>%
    z = ~tf_current_map$`2024`, 
    #text = ~paste(State, "has had\n", tf_current_map$`2024`, "bills introduced"), 
    span = I(0),
    locations = ~abbr, 
    locationmode = 'USA-states',
    colorscale = list(
      list(0, custom_colors[1]),
      list(custom_breaks[2] / max(custom_breaks), custom_colors[2]),
      list(custom_breaks[3] / max(custom_breaks), custom_colors[3]),
      list(custom_breaks[4] / max(custom_breaks), custom_colors[4]),
      list(1, custom_colors[5])),
    zmin = min(custom_breaks),
    zmax = max(custom_breaks),
    # State border colors/thickness
    marker = list(line = state_border),
    # To do: list min/max
    colorbar = list(
      tickvals = list(custom_breaks[1], custom_breaks[5]),
      ticktext = list(custom_breaks[1], custom_breaks[5])),
    hovertext = ~paste0(`State`),
    showscale = FALSE
    ) %>%
  colorbar(title = "Bills") %>%
  layout(geo = geo_test, 
         font = alexandria,
         title =  list(
           text = ~paste0(updated_total_bills, 
                          ' Anti-Trans Bills Have Been', 
                          'Introduced in 2024'),
           font = list(size = 20)),
         margin = list(l = 50, r = 50, b = 100, t = 50),
         annotations = list(
        text = 'Data From: Trans Formations Project, LegiScan',
        font = list(size = 10),
        margin = list(l = 10, r = 10, b = 10, t = 20, pad = 4),
        #height = 200,
        showarrow = FALSE,
        xref = 'paper', x = 0.5,
        yref = 'paper', y = -0.2,
        xanchor = 'left', yanchor = 'top'))
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Interactive R maps that work well on mobile, with inset AK and HI?

Issue: I need an interactive choropleth map of the US that will work well on mobile (ideally pinch-zoom), has a pop-up on tap/click, and has AK and HI set below. Plotly isn't it as you have to tap the tiny zoom icon, and the usmaps package shows the map I want (AK and HI below), but I can't figure out how to make it interactive with the zoom (ggplotly = plotly = not pinch-zoom). Leaflet is the reactivity I want, but I can't figure out how to get AK and HI below. The data processing is fine, it's a "How do I do the thing?" question with interactivity. DataMaps appears to have something that'd work, but it is not compatible with the version of R I have by a long shot, and is no longer updated (as of maybe 8 years ago?).

I have tried: Troubleshooting in Plotly, troubleshooting in Leaflet, spending hours doing internet searches. I can get a static map of exactly what I want in usmap, and can map it with AK and HI separated in Leaflet, but I cannot figure out how to get a US map that is more compressed and yet still interactive in the way I want it to be (it has to have a pinch-zoom or similar because of user needs). I am wondering if maybe there's a way with maybe ggiraph?