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    const drawShapeLabel = (layer: L.Layer, geoJson, coord, offset, iconAnchor) => {
        const handleEditClick = (event) => {
            console.log("Edit clicked");
        const labelIcon = L.divIcon({
            className: "shape-label " + geoJson?.properties.backendId,
            html: `
                        <img style="position: absolute; top: 6px;" src="${Rearrange}">
                        <span style="position: relative; right: -10px; top: -6px;">${
                            geoJson?.properties.label ? : ""
                        <img id="editButton-${geoJson?.properties.backendId}" 
                        style="position: relative; right: -12px; top: -2px; cursor: pointer;" 
                        src="${Edit}" onclick="{handleEditClick(event)}" alt="Edit">
            iconSize: [80, 20],
            iconAnchor: iconAnchor,

        const marker = L.marker([coord[1], coord[0] + offset], {
            icon: labelIcon,

        // marker
        //     .on("add", () => {
        //         alert("clicked");
        //         const button = document.getElementById(`editButton-${geoJson?.properties.backendId}`);
        //         alert("button");
        //         // if (button) {
        //         //     button.addEventListener("click", handleEditClick);
        //         // }
        //     })
        //     .addTo(;

        // const marker = L.marker([coord[1], coord[0] + offset], { icon: labelIcon });
        // marker.on("click", () => {
        //     console.log("Edit clicked");
        // });

        // const marker = drawShapeLabelComponent(geoJson, coord, offset, iconAnchor);
    const drawShapeLabel = (layer: L.Layer, geoJson, coord, offset, iconAnchor) => {
        const handleEditClick = (event) => {
            console.log("Edit clicked");
        const labelIcon = L.divIcon({
            className: "shape-label " + geoJson?.properties.backendId,
            html: `
                        <img style="position: absolute; top: 6px;" src="${Rearrange}">
                        <span style="position: relative; right: -10px; top: -6px;">${
                            geoJson?.properties.label ? : ""
                        <img id="editButton-${geoJson?.properties.backendId}" 
                        style="position: relative; right: -12px; top: -2px; cursor: pointer;" 
                        src="${Edit}" onclick="{handleEditClick(event)}" alt="Edit">
            iconSize: [80, 20],
            iconAnchor: iconAnchor,

        const marker = L.marker([coord[1], coord[0] + offset], {
            icon: labelIcon,

        // marker
        //     .on("add", () => {
        //         alert("clicked");
        //         const button = document.getElementById(`editButton-${geoJson?.properties.backendId}`);
        //         alert("button");
        //         // if (button) {
    //         //     button.addEventListener("click", handleEditClick);
    //         // }
    //     })
    //     .addTo(;

    // const marker = L.marker([coord[1], coord[0] + offset], { icon: labelIcon });
    // marker.on("click", () => {
    //     console.log("Edit clicked");
    // });

    // const marker = drawShapeLabelComponent(geoJson, coord, offset, iconAnchor);
    const drawShapeLabel = (layer: L.Layer, geoJson, coord, offset, iconAnchor) => {
        const handleEditClick = (event) => {
            console.log("Edit clicked");
        const labelIcon = L.divIcon({
            className: "shape-label " + geoJson?.properties.backendId,
            html: `
                        <img style="position: absolute; top: 6px;" src="${Rearrange}">
                        <span style="position: relative; right: -10px; top: -6px;">${
                            geoJson?.properties.label ? : ""
                        <img id="editButton-${geoJson?.properties.backendId}" 
                        style="position: relative; right: -12px; top: -2px; cursor: pointer;" 
                        src="${Edit}" onclick="{handleEditClick(event)}" alt="Edit">
            iconSize: [80, 20],
            iconAnchor: iconAnchor,

        const marker = L.marker([coord[1], coord[0] + offset], {
            icon: labelIcon,

        // marker
        //     .on("add", () => {
        //         alert("clicked");
        //         const button = document.getElementById(`editButton-${geoJson?.properties.backendId}`);
        //         alert("button");
        //         // if (button) {
        //         //     button.addEventListener("click", handleEditClick);
        //         // }
        //     })
        //     .addTo(;

        // const marker = L.marker([coord[1], coord[0] + offset], { icon: labelIcon });
        // marker.on("click", () => {
        //     console.log("Edit clicked");
        // });

        // const marker = drawShapeLabelComponent(geoJson, coord, offset, iconAnchor);
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Leaftlet divIcon with clickable button

I'm working on leaflet and I wanted to add click event for a icon in the custom divIcon as below,

enter image description here

If user clicks on the edit(pencile) icon then click event should trigger, Here is the code I'm working on..,

    const drawShapeLabel = (layer: L.Layer, geoJson, coord, offset, iconAnchor) => {
        const handleEditClick = (event) => {
            console.log("Edit clicked");
        const labelIcon = L.divIcon({
            className: "shape-label " + geoJson?.properties.backendId,
            html: `
                        <img style="position: absolute; top: 6px;" src="${Rearrange}">
                        <span style="position: relative; right: -10px; top: -6px;">${
                            geoJson?.properties.label ? : ""
                        <img id="editButton-${geoJson?.properties.backendId}" 
                        style="position: relative; right: -12px; top: -2px; cursor: pointer;" 
                        src="${Edit}" onclick="{handleEditClick(event)}" alt="Edit">
            iconSize: [80, 20],
            iconAnchor: iconAnchor,

        const marker = L.marker([coord[1], coord[0] + offset], {
            icon: labelIcon,

        // marker
        //     .on("add", () => {
        //         alert("clicked");
        //         const button = document.getElementById(`editButton-${geoJson?.properties.backendId}`);
        //         alert("button");
        //         // if (button) {
    //         //     button.addEventListener("click", handleEditClick);
    //         // }
    //     })
    //     .addTo(;

    // const marker = L.marker([coord[1], coord[0] + offset], { icon: labelIcon });
    // marker.on("click", () => {
    //     console.log("Edit clicked");
    // });

    // const marker = drawShapeLabelComponent(geoJson, coord, offset, iconAnchor);

I'm able to see the custom divIcon but onClick event is not triggring.

I tried few solutions like,

  1. React Leaflet divIcon with clickable button

Anyone could help me.