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Developers Experience Platform.

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We are a start-up that is building a Web application that will Help young Developers around the World gain Experience and Confidence by building real-world applications with Senior Developers.The Application will be build on AWS cloud. We want to get your input in terms of the following areas:

  1. What do you think about the idea?

  2. What Tech stack do you think will really be the best to use?

  3. What challenges do you think this application will be able to solve, if any.?

14 replies

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  1. Not a bad idea, this could be of great help to develop several skills on both sides, experienced developers can develop teaching and social skills while young developers can learn the technologies

  2. Should focus on general-purpose user-friendly technologies, with large communities, such as Python and JavaScript

  3. Teaching how to learn is as hard as it is valuable, this skill alone can be a life changer, speaking of experience this can make or break the experience, at least for me this was what re-sparkled my passion for technology and learning


Thank you, Krauzer, for your input. It will really help us to know we are in order with our projects, and I will ask for your permission to share your input with our future VC in our Business plan. Thank you


I would consider focusing on serverless technologies to stay within the free tier while giving yourself the ability to scale. I would look at: API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, S3 (maybe with CloudFront for web hosting). You can even consider bypassing CloudWatch to something like the New Relic free tier.


Thank you so much, cortexComputer, for your very helpful insight. Does that mean you consider the idea to be helpful to junior developers and Senior Developers as well?


Hello, I am Building a search engine for a project and i really do need help witth it.

1 is this any different from Pluralsight?


Hello Dan, Thank you for your response. I don't really know how Pluralsight works. If you can send a link to their site so I can check it out, I'd be glad. We are building not only a search engine for software projects but also a place where junior developers can actually build these projects in real time through integration with Git and GitHub with the help and guardian of senior developers in a team.

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Does PluralSight gives real world scenarios?


Hello Dan, I was able to look at the website, which is a really beautiful site for learning and practising with Labs, Scanbox, and projects.Pluralsight is more similar to Codeacademy and most online learning platforms that prepare junior IT teams or people with the necessary skills for the real world.Developer Experience Platform is where you build real-world projects with a Senior Developer. This is like an online internship with a software Company. It is where you put what you have learned from PluralSight, Codeacademy, etc, to work to enable you to gain real-world experience. There is a difference between knowledge and Experience.


This is my discussion with PluralSight customer Service

  • Hey there! My name is Sam. Please suggest how may I help you today?

    Sent by: PluralsightBot1:06 PM

  • Thank you Sam.just wanted to make an enquiry about your real-world projects.How does it work?

    Sent by: You1:07 PM

  • Sambhav Taneja

  • Hello Larry! Real-world projects on Pluralsight are designed to provide hands-on experience and practical application of the skills you learn. These projects simulate real-world scenarios and allow you to work on actual tasks and challenges that professionals face in their day-to-day work.
    To access real-world projects, you can navigate to the "Projects" section on the Pluralsight platform. There, you'll find a variety of projects covering different topics and technologies. Each project consists of a series of tasks and exercises that you can complete at your own pace.
    You'll have access to an environment where you can apply your skills and work on the project tasks.

    Completing real-world projects not only helps you reinforce your knowledge but also gives you practical experience that you can showcase to potential employers or clients.

    Sent by: PluralsightBot1:08 PM

  • Anything else I can help you with?

    Sent by: PluralsightBot1:10 PM

  • so your real world projects are not live projects?

    Sent by: You1:22 PM

  • 1:22 PM

  • The Different with Developers Experience Platform is that you are Working on Live Projects with Professionals in A team.

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  • so your real world projects are not live projects?

    Sent by: You1:22 PM

  • Sambhav Taneja

  • That's correct, the real-world projects on Pluralsight are not live projects in a production environment. They are designed to simulate real-world scenarios and provide a hands-on learning experience. While they are not connected to live systems or used by real companies, they are created to reflect the types of tasks and challenges that professionals encounter in their work.
    The purpose of these projects is to give you practical experience and allow you to apply the skills you learn in a realistic setting. This way, you can gain confidence and proficiency in using the technologies and tools covered in the projects.

    Sent by: PluralsightBot1:23 PM

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Do you have earning model for this ?

My view this will good platform not only for juniors but also experienced developers who are new to AWS. However, not sure if many people willing to pay nowdays since mostly there are free resources available. Just my view.


Thank you, Panther, for your input. We hope junior developers who need real-world experience and understand the value of working with Senior Developers on a project will be willing to pay. The platform is not only for AWS users; we are building the infrastructure on AWS. The challenge might be how much we are going to Charge for our monthly and yearly subscriptions.


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Hello Kevin, Thank you for your contribution and time; we appreciate it. Developers Experience Platform is not stealing young developers' ideas. Young developers join a project fully organized and supervised by a senior experienced developer on a team. The yearly or monthly subscription young developers pay is nothing compared to the experience and confidence they will gain by working on a live project with a team of other Developers. Building a portfolio of projects you can showcase to your future employers is something I didn't have in my early years as a programmer.