How design systems& frontend teams work together

Collaborate on web development without the hassle of setting up local environments. StackBlitz lets you write, run, and debug frontend code directly in your browser.

Boot a shareable environment in milliseconds.

Loved by frontend and design system teams
at the world's largest and most innovative companies

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"StackBlitz unlocks a true one-click startup experience with the full stack running in the browser—it's a game-changer."
Ilya Grigorik Principal Engineer at Shopify
For everything you can't do on local

Simplify how you collaborate on design systems & frontend code

Local environments are critical for web development, but they have some major limitations.

When frontend and design system teams need to collaborate, they use StackBlitz to easily share secure development environments with a single URL.

Take the "ugh" out of bug reproductions

Share complete environments with only a URL and never spin up heavy local installations for a simple bug reproduction ever again.

Provide the users of your internal design system or open source library with forkable reproduction template and spend less time reproducing bugs and more time squashing them.

Create instant bug report dev environments with StackBlitz

Ship live, interactive documentation

Make it easy for your design system or open source users to get up and running quickly with live examples they can try out with a single click.

Use the StackBlitz SDK to embed actual code in your documentation, blog, or website or build fully customized experiences with the WebContainer API.

Embed StackBlitz into documentation with the SDK for live coding examples

Prototype new ideas

Speed up your entire development process with real time hot-reloading in the fastest dev environment ever made.

Don't let local configuration stand between you and building out your next great ideas.

Collaborate between different devices and rapidly prototype with StackBlitz
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"Being able to instantly open and share environments has significantly reduced our team's support burden for bug reproductions and enabled rapid innovation."
Stephen Fluin Developer Relations Lead at Google
Powered by WebContainers

Faster and more secure
than local.

Introducing WebContainers: Run Node.js in your browser Read the release

StackBlitz is powered by WebContainers, the first WebAssembly-based micro operating system which boots entire development environments in milliseconds, securely within your browser tab.

What about online IDEs?

Legacy cloud-based IDEs run on remote servers and stream the results back to your browser. This approach yields few security benefits and provides a worse experience than your local machine in nearly every way.

With StackBlitz, all compute occurs inside your browser, making use of decades of speed and security innovations.

Legacy Online IDEs
Boot time
Zero network latency
Work offline
Easily debug
broken containers
Reset broken containers
Page refresh
Not possible
Quote author avatar
"A secure, zero-install, always-current, collaborative editor that I can access on any machine? Create anything from a throwaway script to a to a full codebase with a single click? Sign me the f$#k up."
Rich Harris Svelte & SvelteKit creator
Loved by individuals, teams, and the Fortune 500

How will you use StackBlitz?

From the open-source teams building the next generation of the web to enterprise design systems teams in the Fortune 500, we're working to make instant, secure-by-default, browser-based development a game-changer for everyone.

See for yourself.
Boot a fresh environment in milliseconds.

Create a new project