Community Digest

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

Handling hidden elements in Selenium

I have just encountered a question about handling hidden elements in Selenium. I don't understand how they should be handled. I'm also confused about why hidden elements would be used. How do I ...

selenium-webdriver browser-automation  
user avatar asked by Richardson Score of 7
user avatar answered by BorisHajduk Score of 6

How to close pop up window in Selenium webdriver?

Below is my Selenium Webdriver script. When I run this script my website is opened but the popup window is also opened. How do I close this popup window so the script can continue? Take a look on ...

webdriver selenium2 web-application  
user avatar asked by Vinod Guneja Score of 3
user avatar answered by Suchit Parikh Score of 5

Webdriver Check if Checkbox is Set and Set it if Not

I am learning Webdriver with JUnit by going through Alan Richardson's Selenium Simplified book and taking translating the exercises/tests from Selenium RC to Webdriver. So far, this has proven to be ...

automated-testing selenium webdriver selenium2 junit  
user avatar asked by SheyMouse Score of 19
user avatar answered by eviltester Score of 9

What is a good KPI for software QA?

How can you measure the efficiency of the QA team? What KPIs would you set up?

manual-testing qa-role metrics  
user avatar asked by viam0Zah Score of 14
user avatar answered by Kate Paulk Score of 38

Can I use Selenium to do Desktop Application testing?

Is it possible to test desktop applications using selenium? Suppose we have a simple application like gtalk. A desktop application, can we automate that application with selenium.

selenium selenium2  
user avatar asked by Ashwani Raj Score of 24
user avatar answered by Twaldigas Score of 18

Cannot get a STRING value from a NUMERIC cell. How can I resolve this issue in selenium webdriver using POI?

I am trying to read data from an excel sheet and write on my application.But shows an error while trying to pass a numeric value using string. Please suggest me how can I resolve the issue. Please see ...

automated-testing selenium-webdriver testng excel  
user avatar asked by Shirin Akter Score of 5
user avatar answered by Sachintha Score of 4

How to find element using contains in xpath

Can anyone please help me how to use contains in my xpath? My xpath changes all the time when users are added, so I can't find element using xpath. This is my xpath: .//*[@id='contentText']/table/...

user avatar asked by Pavan Score of 26
user avatar answered by hxin Score of 33
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