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This Thing Rocks: I’m Never Leaving Home Without My $30 Birdie Personal Alarm Again

My track record when it comes to personal safety is spotty at best. I don’t always have a self-defense weapon with me, I haven’t gone to multiple self-defense courses and I’ve definitely trusted a few strangers before I should’ve. I’ve strolled a dimly lit street with my headphones in, paying attention but not locked into my surroundings, and I rarely carry pepper spray because, full transparency, I think it’s scary.

The few times I have held pepper spray in my hands, I haven’t liked the feeling; it’s felt like a weapon and not something I’m 100% confident I could use effectively if needed. Then I received a pitch for the Birdie Personal Alarm for a self-defense keychains article I was working on. After carrying it around, I knew I had found my solution.

I’ve started carrying this personal safety alarm with me every day, and I also think it would be a great gift and stocking stuffer for any woman in your life. Keep reading for my full review of the Birdie Personal Safety Alarm.


Birdie Personal Safety Alarm Review: At a Glance

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Courtesy of Amazon

  • Small and convenient EDC item
  • Carabiner clip can be added to keychain or purse
  • Comes in a variety of colors
  • Extremely loud

Not an offensive weapon like pepper spray


What I Love About the Birdie Personal Alarm

Birdie’s Personal Safety Alarm doesn’t just have a super compact, cute design — it’s also incredibly loud. I tested it once, alone in my apartment when I first received it, and I’ve never doubted that if I pulled that trigger in an emergency, someone nearby would hear it and come running to help. The alarm is about 130 decibels — the noise level of a jet engine 400 feet above your head.

I’ve thankfully never had to use the Birdie Alarm in an actual emergency scenario, but I’ve felt safer out in the world with it in my purse or pocket.

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Taylor Galla | SPY

How The Birdie Alarm Works

All it takes is a tug on the alarm’s looped end and it’ll have your ears burning from the sound. Seriously, this thing is loud. I was worried my ears were bleeding while testing it out. This is a passive self-defense weapon, so it can’t be used to harm an attacker, but it could still be an effective deterrent. This is designed to notify those around you that you need help and hopefully scare off your assailant.

Birdie also has a flashing strobe designed to create a diversion and deter the attacker, and the alarm can be reused multiple times. The battery lasts 40 minutes, and to deactivate the alarm, all you do is replace the pin.

I love Birdie’s small size, simple design, and the fact that I know it’s not going to randomly go off, create a mess or drain battery while sitting in my bag. I feel safer walking around with it, and I love how it’s made preparing for a worst-case scenario easy.

This is also an extremely affordable self-defense solution. The alarm costs about $30, and there’s currently an Amazon coupon that lets you save 10% on your purchase.


Taylor Galla


Taylor Galla serves as an E-Commerce Editor at SPY. She writes most often about health and fitness products, workout equipment. She's a RYT 200 certified yoga instructor and an enthusiastic guinea…
