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Germany to Close Airbase in Niger After Negotiations on Soldiers Immunity Fail - Reports

© Sputnik / Vladimir TrefilovA flag on the Nigerian Embassy building
A flag on the Nigerian Embassy building - Sputnik International, 1920, 07.07.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The German armed forces will give up its airbase in Niger, which was used as a military transport hub, by August 31, as the sides failed to extend the agreement concerning the base, German media reported on Saturday, citing the German Defense Ministry.
The talks broke down after the new Nigerien authorities had refused to grant German soldiers with immunity from prosecution, the NTV news outlet reported, citing a document the ministry had presented before the parliament.
Germany expects to withdraw its troops from the country by the end of August as well.
Supporters of Niger's ruling junta, gather for a protest called to fight for the country's freedom and push back against foreign interference, in Niamey, Niger, Thursday, Aug. 3, 2023. - Sputnik International, 1920, 12.04.2024
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The German military has used the base in Niger's capital, Niamey since 2013 as a supply center for its armed forces in neighboring Mali, which were stationed there as part of a UN peacekeeping mission.

Nigerien authorities, which took power in a military takeover in July 2023, have since then also terminated military agreements with France and the United States, which led to the French and US forces’ withdrawal from the country.

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