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Belarus, China to Hold Counterterrorism Drills From July 8-19 - Defense Ministry

© AP Photo / Ng Han GuanBelarusian and Chinese flags
Belarusian and Chinese flags - Sputnik International, 1920, 06.07.2024
MINSK (Sputnik) - Belarus and China will hold joint counterterrorism drills from July 8-19 in the Eastern European country, the Belarusian Defense Ministry said on Saturday.
"Servicemen of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army have arrived in Belarus. The soldiers will take part in a joint counterterrorism exercise which will take place from July 8-19," the ministry said in a statement.
The drills are aimed at exchanging best practices and laying the foundation of Belarusian-Chinese cooperation for joint training of troops, according to the statement.
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