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Russian Northern Fleet Ships in Cuba: Photo Highlights

As part of Russia's ongoing bilateral cooperation with Cuba, four different tactical ships from the country's Northern Fleet are stationing in the port of Havana from June 12-17.
The current Cuba visit is just one of the tasks of the Russian Northern Fleet ships' long voyage and is carried out within the framework of Russia's international cooperation with other nations, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Alexander Moiseyev told Sputnik earlier.
In turn, Cuba's Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarified that the visit reflects the friendly relations between Havana and Moscow and strictly complies with international rules. The ministry also noted that none of the ships carry nuclear weapons and their anchorage does not pose a threat to the region.
The Russian ship group at the Havana harbor is comprised of the Kazan nuclear submarine, the Admiral Gorshkov frigate, the Academic Pashin sea tanker and the Nikolay Chiker rescue tug ship.
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© AP Photo / Arial Ley

Russia's Admiral Gorshkov frigate arrives at the port of Havana on June 12, 2024.

Russia's Admiral Gorshkov frigate arrives at the port of Havana on June 12, 2024. - Sputnik International

Russia's Admiral Gorshkov frigate arrives at the port of Havana on June 12, 2024.

© AFP 2023 / Yamil Lage

A woman waves to crew members of the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, part of the Russian naval detachment visiting Cuba.

A woman waves to crew members of the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, part of the Russian naval detachment visiting Cuba. - Sputnik International

A woman waves to crew members of the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, part of the Russian naval detachment visiting Cuba.

© AP Photo / Arial Ley

People wearing Russian flags watch the Kazan submarine arrive at the port of Havana. The Russian warships reached Cuban waters on Wednesday ahead of planned military exercises in the Caribbean.

People wearing Russian flags watch the Kazan submarine arrive at the port of Havana. The Russian warships reached Cuban waters on Wednesday ahead of planned military exercises in the Caribbean. - Sputnik International

People wearing Russian flags watch the Kazan submarine arrive at the port of Havana. The Russian warships reached Cuban waters on Wednesday ahead of planned military exercises in the Caribbean.

© AFP 2023 / Yamil Lage

The Nikolay Chiker rescue tug ship docks at Havana's harbor.

The Nikolay Chiker rescue tug ship docks at Havana's harbor.  - Sputnik International

The Nikolay Chiker rescue tug ship docks at Havana's harbor.

© AFP 2023 / Yamil Lage

Russian marines stand guard on top of the Kazan submarine. During the visit, Russian sailors are to hold meetings with members of the Cuban Revolutionary Navy and the Governor of Havana Reynaldo Garcia Zapata, as well as visit vibrant local historical and cultural sites.

Russian marines stand guard on top of the Kazan submarine. During the visit, Russian sailors are to hold meetings with members of the Cuban Revolutionary Navy and the Governor of Havana Reynaldo Garcia Zapata, as well as visit vibrant local historical and cultural sites. - Sputnik International

Russian marines stand guard on top of the Kazan submarine. During the visit, Russian sailors are to hold meetings with members of the Cuban Revolutionary Navy and the Governor of Havana Reynaldo Garcia Zapata, as well as visit vibrant local historical and cultural sites.

© AP Photo / Arial Ley

The Admiral Gorshkov frigate arrives at the Cuban port.

The Admiral Gorshkov frigate arrives at the Cuban port. - Sputnik International

The Admiral Gorshkov frigate arrives at the Cuban port.

© AP Photo / Arial Ley

Russia's Kazan ship at the Havana harbor. On their way to Cuba, the ships held drills on repelling air attacks and using precision weapons.

Russia's Kazan ship at the Havana harbor. On their way to Cuba, the ships held drills on repelling air attacks and using precision weapons. - Sputnik International

Russia's Kazan ship at the Havana harbor. On their way to Cuba, the ships held drills on repelling air attacks and using precision weapons.

© AP Photo / Arial Ley

A convertible car drives by as people watch the anticipated visit of the Russian ships.

A convertible car drives by as people watch the anticipated visit of the Russian ships. - Sputnik International

A convertible car drives by as people watch the anticipated visit of the Russian ships.

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