Welcome to the website for the SPeech Across Dialects of English (SPADE) project.

The project aims to develop and apply user-friendly software for large-scale speech analysis of existing public and private English speech datasets, and to understand how English speech has changed over time and space. The datasets are comprised of both Old World (British Isles) and New World (North American) English across an effective time span of over 100 years.

SPADE is a research collaboration across five British and North American institutions (University of Glasgow, McGill University, North Carolina State University, University of Edinburgh, University of Oregon) and is funded by the Transatlantic Platform (T-AP) Digging into Data Challenge via contributions from the ESRC (UK), AHRC (UK), SSHRC/CRSH (Canada), NSERC/CRSNG (Canada) and the NSF (USA).