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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Practicing Bad Habits

    Stupid is as stupid does. We’ve forgotten how to make cities that work for everyone. Critics will say that our local affordability crises can be...

  • Observations on Bill 47

    The City of Vancouver image above summarizes the province’s intention to introduce 20 storey towers at the center of each concentric ring where transit...

  • Why YIMBYs and NIMBYs Need Each Other

    PREAMBLE I will continue to work hard to find new opportunities for what I refer to as “those left behind”. This drives me daily and why I will never give...

  • Towards a More Compassionate, Productive Civic Governance for Vancouver

    I am struggling to distinguish between most of the parties vying for our vote on election day this Saturday. Those that have been around awhile (The NPA...

  • The Vancouver Plan: A Letter to Council from Abroad

    Dear Mayor and Council, Thank you for this opportunity to share just a few thoughts on the recently released draft Vancouver Plan 2050 that you will...

  • Broadway and Commercial: A Public Process Failure?

    Last week, the proposed development in the Featured Image above, located at the Broadway and Commercial “Safeway Site” (BCSS), was referred to...

  • The Jericho Lands Need a Human-Scaled Rethink

    Vancouver is destined to have a new neighbourhood on its west side, one so densely populated that Council recently approved routing the proposed subway to...

  • Graphic Novella: You Forgot About Me! – Part 3

    By Scot Hein with illustrations by J.G. This is the final part of a three-part graphic novella, bookending the Zoning Must Evolve series and offered as a...

  • Zoning Must Evolve – Part 5

    Demonstrated Resiliency – False Creek South False Creek South (FSC) was borne from Vancouver’s humanist legacy that includes Greenpeace...

  • Zoning Must Evolve – Part 4

    Zoning for Resiliency Zoning regulation in Vancouver is like playing Monopoly. We can purchase the little green pieces (which represents a monopoly on...

  • Zoning Must Evolve – Part 3

    Vancouver’s housing market is obscenely broken. Time has run out for those left behind who have inherited a cruel reality where housing costs steal their...

  • Zoning Must Evolve – Part 2

    The Aftermath – “Green Profits” Redevelopment on large post-Expo 86 sites (North Shore of False Creek and Coal Harbor), the let go...