Software Engineering Stack Exchange Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

If the sleep time of a function at first time differs from the second time, but the output is the same, is it still a idempotent function?

For example, if the sleep time of a function would change after first execution but the output remains unchanged, e.g.: public static int myFunction(){ try { Thread.sleep(MyClass....

functions definition  
user avatar asked by wcminipgasker2023 Score of 9
user avatar answered by bdsl Score of 8

If class B extends A, can we say that B depends on A?

Let's say we have 2 (Java) classes: class A {} class B extends A {} To me, saying B extends A and B is dependent on A are both true (but not equivalent) in this situation. My colleague, OTOH, says ...

object-oriented terminology inheritance  
user avatar asked by TheJavaGuy-Ivan Milosavljević Score of 5
user avatar answered by Greg Burghardt Score of 7

How Should Bounded Contexts Interact with a Central Tenant Context in DDD?

I have a question regarding bounded contexts in DDD terms. Let's assume that I have bounded context called Tenant (With Tenant Admin who can create Tenant Member), Library (With Reader, who can just ...

user avatar asked by Shadsin Score of 2
user avatar answered by Greg Burghardt Score of 1

Mapping complex objects to other similar complex objects

I am working on two applications that serve the same purpose. The first application is more feature rich and its types are more complex, but uses old technologies and will be retired. It will ...

design design-patterns object-oriented object-oriented-design type-conversion  
user avatar asked by vicch Score of 2
user avatar answered by Kilian Foth Score of 5

Empirical software engineering case on approaches to handling multiple versions, one file with ifs or several versions of program

I face the situation of having programs doing sets of requirements where this is substantial overlap. The obvious example, is a software firm supporting multiple customers that have similar but ...

versioning copy-paste-programming customization  
user avatar asked by user2694186 Score of 1
user avatar answered by Doc Brown Score of 5

Does ReactJS Compound Pattern violate the DRY principle?

Let's say we have this component: const Card = ({ title, description, price, tag, category }) => { return ( <div> {title && <h5>{title}</h5>} {...

design-patterns reactjs react  
user avatar asked by Oktay Yuzcan Score of 1
user avatar answered by Caleth Score of 2

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

What is the Mars Curiosity Rover's software built in?

The Mars Curiosity rover has landed successfully, and one of the promo videos "7 minutes of terror" brags about there being 500,000 lines of code. It's a complicated problem, no doubt. But that is a ...

history embedded-systems space-technology  
user avatar asked by InfinitiesLoop Score of 577
user avatar answered by Nate Parsons Score of 192

Why is mergesort O(log n)?

Mergesort is a divide and conquer algorithm and is O(log n) because the input is repeatedly halved. But shouldn't it be O(n) because even though the input is halved each loop, each input item needs to ...

algorithms big-o  
user avatar asked by perseverance Score of 39
user avatar answered by DeadMG Score of 73

What does the Spring framework do? Should I use it? Why or why not?

So, I'm starting a brand-new project in Java, and am considering using Spring. Why am I considering Spring? Because lots of people tell me I should use Spring! Seriously, any time I've tried to get ...

java frameworks dependency-injection spring  
user avatar asked by sangfroid Score of 262
user avatar answered by Darien Score of 124

Do I need to use an interface when only one class will ever implement it?

Isn't the whole point of an interface that multiple classes adhere to a set of rules and implementations?

design-patterns coding-standards interfaces  
user avatar asked by Lamin Sanneh Score of 333
user avatar answered by yannis Score of 246

Is it possible to build a system to generate UUIDs where every UUID is guaranteed unique?

Is it possible to design a distributed system to generate unique ids where there is a requirement that every generated id is guaranteed to be unique with no possibility of collision? I didn't think ...

design software math  
user avatar asked by Daniel Score of 17
user avatar answered by Philip Kendall Score of 32

Aggregation vs Composition

I understand what composition is in OOP, but I am not able to get a clear idea of what Aggregation is. Can someone explain?

user avatar asked by Vinoth Kumar C M Score of 303
user avatar answered by Curtis Batt Score of 440

Difference between a defect and a bug in testing?

What is the difference between a defect and a bug?

terminology quality-attributes  
user avatar asked by maz3tt Score of 37
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