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Community Events

Latest Events from the Social Innovation Community

What’s our secret sauce? Community. That’s why we focus on curating great events, workshops, and gatherings that create opportunities for conversation, collaboration, and creation. These events are hosted by the Centre for Social Innovation and our members, whose work spans the arts, activism, sustainability and environmental issues, charitable initiatives, and much more.

Our community posts new events regularly, so check back to find the latest events in Toronto and across Canada. To receive updates about our events, programs, job opportunities, and more, subscribe to CSI Network News!

Want to share your own events? Become a CSI Member to make sure yours show up on our calendar.

Upcoming In-Person, Virtual, and Hybrid Events

July 24, 2024
July 25, 2024
August 1, 2024

Join the Network and Never Miss an Event

It’s free! CSI Network members get early access to events, jobs, stories and exclusive opportunities like impact investments and social enterprise accelerators.