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Commitments and Values

Working Together Takes Trust

At CSI, we work every day to create a more equitable world and aspire to model this world, examining how we perpetuate inequality and how we can dismantle it within our community and spaces.

On This Page

Our Commitments

Our Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee serves as a sounding board for identifying what systems are not working and where we are falling short, and ensuring we have solid policies and programs in place in the spirit of continual unlearning and learning. We also work with community leaders to create opportunities to ask questions, challenge assumptions and to learn and appreciate what makes each individual unique and complex.

We’ve taken important steps to better understand the needs of our community: we conduct a bi-annual diversity survey of our members, developed diversity and inclusion policies, and implemented diversity training for our staff and volunteers.


Demographic Surveys

Learn more and see the results.

Hanging vines in the CSI Annex location.

Solidarity Statement

Read the joint statement.

Innovation is a team sport.


Learn more.


Read the full policy.

Our Values

Our values help inform and define the work we do every day. Hover over each of them to get to know us a little better.

Put People & Planet First

We are bound by one shared vision: to put people and planet first. Everything we do, every decision, exchange, system, product and offering must move us closer to impact. We are determined to make the world better.

Keep it real

We won’t pretend to be something we aren’t. Authenticity and transparency keep us grounded in truth. You may not like what you see, but at least you will know exactly who we are. We bring our values & vision to this work.

Build healthy cultures

Core to the human experience is a sense of belonging. We will be absolute in our pursuit of inclusivity, diversity and openness. We will often smile and sometimes even hug you if you let us. We really love each other. We all have a role in co-creating our amazing community.

Be Scrappy

We are a dynamic group of bootstrapping entrepreneurs who navigate chaos and embrace opportunity. We will not forget that being resourceful, nimble and humble make us who we are. We are innovators.

Make social change & have fun doing it

We’re serious about not taking ourselves too seriously. Happiness, joy and play remind us that the process and the product both matter. Changing the world is hard work. You may as well have fun doing it.


Don’t let the blue jeans fool you. We embody excellence, experience & expertise every day. We do our homework, hone our craft and get the job done. We are both gritty and great!

Together or Die

We believe in the synergies of connection, the explosive potential of partnership, and the transformative power of movements. No one can do it all. We must work together. Collaboration is in our DNA. It isn’t just nice—it’s imperative.

Get to yes

CSI is a place for solutions. We default to optimism. We will always design our work, our systems and our world to get to yes. When we have to say no, it’s because we are saying yes to our mission.

It's Up To Us

We believe that change happens when people decide to make a difference. We don’t sit back and wait for things to get better: we shape the world in which we live. We’re ready to lead with you!
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