What Next

The Ballad of Tucker Carlson

How Fox’s most popular host followed his audience - until he was fired.

Episode Notes

Tucker Carlson has now completed the holy trinity of cable TV news: joining — and leaving — MSNBC, CNN, and now Fox News. Why did Fox oust him so abruptly? And how did he create a feedback loop that made Fox millions — and changed American politics forever?

Guest: Nicole Hemmer, Director of the Rogers Center for the Study of the Presidency at Vanderbilt University.

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Podcast production by Elena Schwartz, Paige Osburn, Anna Phillips, Rob Gunther and Madeline Ducharme, with help from Laura Spencer.

About the Show

The problem with the news right now? It’s everywhere. And each day, it can feel like we’re all just mindlessly scrolling. It’s why we created What Next. This short daily show is here to help you make sense of things. When the news feels overwhelming, we’re here to help you answer: What next? Look for new episodes every weekday morning.

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  • Mary Harris is the host and managing editor of What Next, Slate's new daily news podcast. She has reported throughout the public radio system, for NPR, Marketplace, and WNYC.