Slate Money

Behind Britain’s Bonkers Election

The Money squad discusses European politics, inconsistent Chipotle burrito sizes, and Warren Buffet’s inheritance surprise.

Episode Notes

This week, Felix Salmon, and Elizabeth Spiers are joined by Shira Ovide, who writes the newsletter The Tech Friend for the Washington Post, and Peter Thal Larsen of Reuters, who demystifies the wacky state of European and British politics. Also: Are Chipotle burritos getting smaller? And why did Warren Buffett, top ally of the Gates Foundation, give his money to a not-yet-existing charity, hypothetically managed by his kids? In the Plus segment, it’s a shopping bonanza as the hosts discuss Nieman Marcus’ parent company gobbling up Saks Fifth Avenue.

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Podcast production by Jared Downing and Cheyna Roth.

About the Show

A weekly roundup of the most important stories from the worlds of business and finance, hosted by Felix Salmon, Emily Peck, and Elizabeth Spiers.

All episodes


  • Felix Salmon is a host of the Slate Money podcast.

  • Elizabeth Spiers is Slate’s Pay Dirt columnist. She was the founding editor of Gawker and the former editor in chief of the New York Observer. Prior to Gawker, she was a financial analyst.