Hear Me Out

The Iraq War Was a Necessary Evil

Iraqis are freer now than they would have been without us.

Episode Notes

On today’s episode of Hear Me Out… Mission Accomplished?

This year marks the 20th anniversary of then-President Bush’s infamous address aboard an aircraft carrier declaring that the war had been won and Iraqis were free.

We know now, of course, that the war had not been won—and in 2003, it was far from over. Many thousands of lives were lost. With the gift of hindsight, can we see the war as anything other than a costly mistake?

Iraqi-American and president of Ideas Beyond Borders Faisal Saeed Al Mutar joins Celeste to argue that the war, while mismanaged, was a victory—and that the alternatives could have been far, far worse.

If you have thoughts you want to share, or an idea for a topic we should tackle, you can now email the show: hearmeout@slate.com

Podcast production by Maura Currie

About the Show

Hear Me Out is Slate's destination for tough, topical discussions with integrity, and without clichés. Join host Celeste Headlee and a guest each week for a smart, fair debate on issues that matter. All episodes
