Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Item is not updating in web index after publish

In my application, the Sitecore publishing service (SPS) is configured. But I want to configure some other way by which I can publish content to web db, so created a custom publish. In custom publish ...

publishing indexing publishing-service  
user avatar asked by Anekar Vishal Score of 1
user avatar answered by ckhanna Score of 1

How to encrypt a field value in sitecore xm

I am using Sitecore XM Cloud with a headless approach using Next.js. I need content authors to enter values into fields that are then shown encrypted on the front end via the layout service. Is there ...

xm-cloud layout-service  
user avatar asked by coder Score of 1
user avatar answered by Richard Seal Score of 0

Unable to fetch Link with server url in GraphQL

I am working with Sitecore 10.3 locally, utilizing Next.js for the frontend in headless mode. I am successfully able to edit components within the Experience Editor. However, I've an issue where links ...

user avatar asked by User1506 Score of 1
user avatar answered by Praveen Sharma Score of 0

CM docker container unhealthy due to heathz/ready failing with 500 error

When running docker compose up -d, the cm container shows as unhealthy. There is no error in the log except for 2024-07-12 20:01:23 ::1 GET /healthz/ready - 80 - ::1 Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT;+Windows+...

user avatar asked by Renuka Score of 1
user avatar answered by Gaurav Agarwal Score of 2

Headless - Can child items have its own style parameters?

I have a rendering with a data source item, and under it are child items; both of which are being retrieved via GraphQL. One of our requirements is for these child items to be styled differently and ...

jss xm-cloud graphql nextjs sxa-jss  
user avatar asked by chrono.lala Score of 1
user avatar answered by Manoj Score of 0

Applying a nested filter while configuring a Search component

I have a quick question on how to apply a nested filter in the search component. For instance, I have a Product Entity and a Taxonomy A, which has only two values: True and False, and is related ...

user avatar asked by girish jain Score of 1

Change ItemNotFoundUrl Setting in sitecore

I must display my custom page content if the media library item(ex: pdf files) is not in Sitecore. I am able do it by changing the value of these two settings in sitecore.config <setting name=&...

sxa pipelines mediaurls  
user avatar asked by Sanjay Kumar Score of 1
user avatar answered by ckhanna Score of 1

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

MediaRequestProtection: An invalid/missing hash value was encountered

My Sitecore error logs contain messages such as: ERROR MediaRequestProtection: An invalid/missing hash value was encountered. The expected hash value... What would be causing this? This is only ...

security media-library  
user avatar asked by G Killian Score of 12
user avatar answered by Richard Seal Score of 10

Sitecore 9.3 Installation failing - 'Failed to start the Marketing Automation Engine service

I am trying to set up Sitecore 9.3 XP0 locally in a VM using SIA and it is failing at Step 67 of 92 with an error failed to start the marketing Automation Engine Service. System....

xconnect installation sitecore-install-assistant  
user avatar asked by Deepak Score of 3
user avatar answered by Vaishnavi Ganesh Score of 7

Create Connection for Sitecore 9 instance with Sitecore Rocks

I tried to create a connection for Sitecore 9 instance in Sitecore Explorer. My steps: Right click on "Connections" in Sitecore Explorer and press "New Connection" Fill necessary fields and press ...

user avatar asked by Дмитрий Score of 14
user avatar answered by João Neto Score of 25

What is the recommended application pool identity to use for Sitecore?

I have always used "Network Service" as the application pool identity for Sitecore since 6.0 through 8.1 and never had any problems. A co-worker stated recently that the "AppPoolIdentity" is the ...

user avatar asked by Toby Gutierrez Score of 8
user avatar answered by Zachary Kniebel Score of 10

Configuring Sitecore to display PDFs in browser

Currently, when a user clicks on a PDF link on my site (served from the Media Library), the browser will download the PDF file. I'd like to change the behavior from downloading to opening in browser (...

user avatar asked by Ed Schwehm Score of 18
user avatar answered by Ed Schwehm Score of 24

The request queue limit of the session is exceeded

In my project media library has more than 200 child item in single folder. I'm trying to upload the image but facing the issue "The request queue limit of the session is exceeded". Below ...

user avatar asked by Rameshkumar Score of 2
user avatar answered by Raman Gupta Score of 3

Query Tokens in SXA

In SXA's out of the box renderings, I see datasource locations that look like this: query:$site/*[@@name='Data']/*[@@templatename='Custom Folder'] Is $site the only token supported here? Can I ...

user avatar asked by jdylanmc Score of 20
user avatar answered by Alan Płócieniak Score of 27

Can you answer these questions?

All fields are not visible on page in Sitecore Content Hub

I have created one content type in Content Hub, below are the fields: Test Title (Single-line text) Is Checked (Boolean) Submitted On (Datetime) Has Reviewed (Boolean) Birthdate (Datetime) Below is ...

content-hub cmp  
user avatar asked by Swati Gupta Score of 1
user avatar answered by Himmat Singh Dulawat Score of 0

GraphQL Search Query Operation Error: INVALID_OPERATION

Platform Context Sitecore 10.3.1 XP Headless Services 21.0.583 GraphQL Endpoint: /sitecore/api/graph/edge Problem Statement I'm using the GraphQL Edge endpoint's search query operation to retrieve a ...

jss graphql  
user avatar asked by Chet Cheeto Score of 1

Customize Image Property in Sitecore Rich Text Field

I want to add some options in the CSS Class DD in image property of Sitecore rich text field. And want to add Src field to the panel as in the image which to be shown below the image and Tile above ...

content-editor richtext-editor content-management custom-field  
user avatar asked by Rashmi Ranjan Score of 1
user avatar answered by ckhanna Score of 0
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