Recognitions and partnerships

Awards and recognitions

CAF International

In 2022, we received the CAF International Certificate, which carefully analyzes the organization in aspects such as finances and governance. With this recognition, we are empowered as a trusted nonprofit to receive US donations.

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The Dot Good

In 2022, we were among the 100 most influential organizations in the world and ranked 6th in Brazil. This recognition was awarded by The Dot Good (formerly NGO Advisor), which evaluates the 200 most relevant global NGOs for positive social impact.

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Great Place to Work Certification

Our work environment and organizational culture are recognized by the Great Place to Work climate survey. In 2022, with 86% of satisfaction among employees, Sitawi was considered for the 2nd time as an excellent place to work. The first recognition of the dimensions of credibility, respect, impartiality, pride and camaraderie was in 2021, with a positive assessment of 83% from the team.

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Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award in Response to Covid

In 2021, the Sitawi won the award in the Sanitary Emergency category and ranked 3rd, among the 12 finalists, in the Reader's Choice. The organization was recognized for the financial management of 16 Philanthropic Funds that mobilized R$ 175 million and thousands of resources, PPE, hygiene kits and basic food baskets to fight Covid-19 and mitigate the effects of the pandemic in the country, benefiting more than 8 million people. The award is organized by Folha de São Paulo and the Schwab Foundation.

best NGOs

In 2022, Sitawi was recognized as one of the 100 Best NGOs in the country for the 5th time. We were selected by Instituto Doar's Best NGOs Award, for our governance, transparency, communication and funding. We were also awarded in the years 2017, 2018, 2020 and 2021.

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THE Sitawi was appointed as the 6th most influential social organization in Brazil and 6th in Latin America by the TOP 500 NGOs ranking by NGO Advisor. In 2018, the Finances for Good still rose 19 positions compared to the previous year, occupying the 100th place globally.

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Finance for the Future Award 2017 Finalist

Competing for the first time, Sitawi was the only Brazilian organization finalist in the 6th edition of the Finance for the Future Awards. Organized by ICAEW and A4S ? Accountability for Sustainability, in partnership with Deloitte, the award highlights good business practices by recognizing the role of finance in helping to incorporate sustainability into organizations' decision-making.

Logo - Reconhecimento Prêmio Environmental Finance IMPACT Awards 2020
Environmental Finance IMPACT Awards 2020

In 2020, the Impact Crowd Lending Platform Sitawi, received the 2020 Environmental Finance IMPACT Awards, in the Impact Initiative of the Year category in Latin America and the Caribbean. Winners were chosen by a 12-judge panel of impact investors from around the world.

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Sitawi was recognized by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) as the best project in the socially responsible investment category in Latin America in 2011. The beyondBanking Award annually recognizes the outstanding contributions of financial intermediaries and their sustainable banking services in Latin America.

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Clinton Global Initiative

In 2010, Sitawi committed to allocating US$1.5 million to the social sector in Brazil over three years. In 2013, the goal was achieved through social loans and fund management, supporting 15 organizations and impacting more than 24,000 people. In 2013, Sitawi recommitted to developing new social finance tools with the goal of impacting more than 100,000 people.

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1st ABCR Award

Sitawi received the Most Transparent Organization award from ABCR ? Brazilian Association of Fundraisers, recognized as the organization that best presents information about its management to society. Voting took place during the 8th ABCR Festival, held in May 2016.

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Donate Institute

In March 2016, Sitawi received the A+ certification, the highest grade on the Transparency and Management Standard scale awarded by Instituto Doar, whose mission is to expand the culture of donation in Brazil and coordinates the NGO certification initiative. This movement aims to recognize and value organizations through standardized and verifiable processes on transparency and management.

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Social Technology Certificate

The Banco do Brasil Foundation Social Technology Award, created in 2001, is the main instrument for identifying and certifying the social technologies that make up the Social Technologies Bank (BTS).

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Is Sitawi qualified as a Social Organization of Public Interest? OSCIP with the Ministry of Justice in Brazil.

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UBS Visionaris Award 2012 Finalist

Sitawi was a finalist in the first edition of the UBS Visionaris Award. As a demonstration of its commitment to society, UBS created the Visionaris ? UBS Award to support the work of outstanding social entrepreneurs. For this purpose, UBS AG joined Ashoka in 2004, an international organization whose purpose is to collaborate in the professionalization of social entrepreneurs around the world.

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BNDES supports matchfunding BNDES+ Patrimônio Cultural, an innovative pilot initiative to finance projects aimed at leaving a legacy for Brazilian cultural heritage, tangible and intangible, and Matchfunding Salvando Vidas, an initiative to fight COVID-19. The programs are financially managed by Sitawi. Check the terms of the BNDES+ and the terms of saving lives.

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