A Member Of The 2010 Chicago Blackhawks Is Suing The Team, Claiming He Was Sexually Assaulted By A Coach

The 2010 Chicago Blackhawks won the franchise’s first Stanley Cup in over 40 years, and started the dynasty that dominated hockey in the 2010s. While the team clicked on all cylinders on the ice, it’s looking like there may have been some troubling issues off of it.

An anonymous member of the team is now suing the organization after alleging that him and another teammate were sexually assaulted by an assistant coach.


The lawsuit alleges that team video coach, Brad Aldrich, used to turn on porn and start “masturbating” in front of the player without his consent.

The suit also describes inappropriate text messages and threats to “physically, financially and emotionally” harm the player if he refused the coaches’ sexual advances.

“This entire man’s life has been destroyed,” the players’ attorney Susan Loggans said to WBEZ Chicago. “I mean, he was not able to function within the NHL context and…this has really ruined…his professional career. These professional athletes have to function at the top of their game at all times in order to be competitive, and these things are really debilitating.”

Aldrich is now a registered sex offender in Michigan after a 2013 instance involving a student. Loggans said when the former Blackhawks player found out that Aldrich had gone on to hurt more people, he knew he had to speak up.

“When he learned that this person, in fact, had gone on to damage young people, he became really upset with the fact that potentially this had happened because the Blackhawk team had not responded to his advising them of what had happened,” Loggans told WBEZ.

“He was really upset because he had believed that it was swept under the rug. He was told that it didn’t happen, that it must have been his fault, and that somehow he brought this on himself,” she continued.

“He felt had they responded properly, that maybe somebody else wouldn’t have been injured,” she said.

WBEZ says they called Brad Aldrich at his home in Michigan, and he hung up abruptly. It is unclear when he stopped working with the Blackhawks.

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