Man Who Mike Tyson Punched on Plane Has Been Identified, Has Criminal Background

It must take someone not right in the head to taunt Mike Tyson on a plane.

Now we know who that man is. The man who got punched by Mike Tyson on a JetBlue plane is named Melvin Townsend, III, and unsurprisingly he has a long criminal record. According to TMZ, Melvin has been convicted of fraud, grand theft, burglary, possession of controlled substances and trafficking in stolen property.

TMZ has the specifics:

“The 36-year-old broke onto a property in 2018 and stole a trailer that he hitched to his pickup. The drug possession offense was for oxycodone. Official docs don’t mention other specifics. He served time twice — one for 20 months and another time for 15 months.”

The video of the incident immediately made the rounds yesterday morning, and a few hours after the incident went viral it was revealed Melvin Townsend threw a water bottle at Iron Mike, which apparently was the last straw. Mike snapped and delivered a series of blows the man’s face.

Being on a plane there is absolutely nowhere to run, so yea, not smart.

If this guy was looking for his fifteen minutes of fame, mission accomplished.

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