Share Your Opinion

Do you have something to say? We welcome you to share you opinion on issues of importance to the Shasta County community!

If we publish your piece, you will be using Shasta Scout’s platform to influence others, so it’s important to us that you “fight fair” through writing that is independent, verifiable and accountable. Your writing should represent a clear point of view that’s supported by specific evidence. It does not need to support the perspectives or priorities of Shasta Scout.

If your opinion piece primarily relies on your own lived experiences as evidence, it should focus on illuminating an experience, an identity, an issue or a perspective that is often misunderstood in our community.

What Opinion pieces will we publish?

We will seek to publish a variety of opinions that represent our complex community. We specifically look for whether the opinion shared is related to something currently in the news, is supported by strong evidence, and represents a fresh or nuanced perspective.

What are our guidelines for Opinion piece submissions?

Your submission should be no longer than 1,000 words and must not have been previously published. You must be willing to publish the story under your real and full name. Shasta Scout follows the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics and require that you:

  • Disclose any personal or financial interests that may compromise your integrity or credibility.
  • Not misrepresent facts or the context that helps people make sense of facts

Do we edit Opinion pieces? 

We work hard to avoid altering the opinions or “voice” of the writers whose pieces we publish, but we will edit your piece to improve it’s clarity and readability. We will also provide feedback on your organizational and language choices. To support your opinion, we require evidence to that we will fact-check prior to publication, so please link to relevant sources where appropriate. All edits will be sent back to you, the writer, for final approval before publication.

Submit your Opinion piece:

Please email with your full and real name, any disclosures of connections to your subject, and a contact phone number and your submission. We will contact you within one week.

Thank you!

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