
We always clearly label Opinion Columns to ensure they won’t be mistaken for news. Our Op-Ed writers apply their professional expertise to our community’s unique challenges to promote innovative thought and encourage healthy discourse.

Underground Good: Mike Archibald

“You don’t have to do something wild outside of yourself. You just have to do something that’s comfortable for you to do. . . . If you see something that needs to be done, and you feel like you could maybe do something there, step in and see what happens. I’ll bet there’s going to be folks around that will guide you along and you can probably learn, too.”

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Underground Good: Sky Scholfield

“Work in your circle but consider the impact of your actions for not only yourself but for generations to come . . . follow your passion, be respectful, learn as much as you can, and think as far forward as possible. You can find good in so many different places.”

Underground Good: Karlo Henry Vargas

“A better society, from my point of view, is a society that grows together. This is a little thing that gives us hope: the fact that we can come together, regardless of where we come from or our political ideas, and make something happen.”

Underground Good: Karen Lee

“For me, community is when a group of individuals come together, regardless of differences, for a common goal…a greater good and try to do something. That could be my Mien community, my work community, or my community here in Shasta County.”

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