Aerospace Studies

Aerospace Studies: Introduction

Faculty Affiliation

Applied Science and Engineering

Degree Programs

Aerospace Science and Engineering


  • Emphases:
    • Aerial Robotics;
    • Robotics (admissions have been administratively suspended);
    • Sustainable Aviation;
    • Sustainable Energy


  • Emphases:
    • Advanced Manufacturing;
    • Aerial Robotics;
    • Engineering and Globalization;
    • Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Innovation and Technology in Engineering (ELITE);
    • Robotics;
    • Sustainable Aviation (closure pending final approval);
    • Sustainable Energy


  • Emphases:
    • Aerial Robotics;
    • Robotics (admissions have been administratively suspended);
    • Sustainable Aviation (closure pending final approval);
    • Sustainable Energy

Collaborative Specializations

The following collaborative specialization is available to students in participating degree programs as listed below:


Aerospace science and engineering is a cross-disciplinary and multidisciplinary field that allows exploration of the broadest and most fascinating fields of engineering, areas that capture the imagination and encourage exploration beyond our terrestrial existence. The University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS) is Canada's leader for education and research in aerospace engineering, focusing on the technical fields needed to design aircraft and spacecraft. Faculty perform research in the following areas:

  • Aeronautics: Aircraft design, systems, and control
  • Experimental methods: Laser diagnostics, structural/material analysis, field testing of robotics and aircraft
  • Flight simulation: Full motion-based flight simulation with virtual reality capability
  • Fluid dynamics: Flow of gasses over aircraft and in engines
  • Numerical methods: Computer modeling for fluid flows, structures, design, and optimization
  • Orbital mechanics: Satellite/spacecraft dynamics and control
  • Propulsion systems: Jet and rocket engines, turbomachinery, combustion science
  • Robotics and autonomous systems: Ground, air and space-based systems
  • Spacecraft design and construction: Design, construction, and launch of satellites
  • Structures and materials: Structural design and optimization, material testing.

Much of this research falls into three main themes:

  • Reducing the environmental impact of aviation
  • Aerial robotics, drones and unmanned aerial vehicles
  • Autonomous systems for space exploration.

Contact and Address

Telephone: (416) 667-7700
Fax: (416) 667-7799

University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
4925 Dufferin Street
Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T6

Aerospace Studies: Graduate Faculty

Full Members

Barfoot, Tim - BASc, PhD
Chaudhuri, Swetaprovo - BE, PhD
D'Eleuterio, Gabriele - BASc, MASc, PhD
Damaren, Christopher - BASc, MASc, PhD (Director)
Davis, James - BASc, MASc, PhD
Ekmekci, Alis - BS, MS, PhD
Emami, Reza - BSc, MSc, PhD
Grant, Peter - BASc, MASc, PhD
Groth, Clinton - BASc, MASc, PhD (Associate Director, Graduate Studies)
Gulder, Omer - BSc, MSc, PhD
Kelly, Jonathan - BSc, MS, MSc, PhD
Lavoie, Philippe - BSE, MSc, PhD (Associate Director, Research)
Liu, Hugh - BSc, MASc, PhD
Nair, Prasanth - BTech, MTech, PhD
Schoellig, Angela - DipIng, MSc, PhD, PhD
Steeves, Craig - BA, BASc, PhD
Steinberg, Adam - BASc, MSc, PhD
Waslander, Steven - BSE, MS, PhD
Yano, Masayuki - BS, SM, PhD
Zee, Robert - BASc, MASc, PhD
Zingg, David - BASc, MASc, PhD

Members Emeriti

DeLaurier, James - BS, MS, PhD, FCASI
Gottlieb, James - BSc, MSc, PhD
Stangeby, Peter - BSc, MSc, PhD

Associate Members

Hooper, Morgan - BASc, MS, PhD
Liu, Fengshan - BSc, PhD
Seiler, Philipp Emanuel - DipIng, PhD

Aerospace Studies: Aerospace Science and Engineering MASc

The Master of Applied Science (MASc) degree is a research-based program focused on the completion of a research thesis. The MASc is considered to provide basic training in research for students subsequent to an undergraduate program. Under the direction of a faculty supervisor, students will select a research topic, perform experiments, computation, or analysis relevant to the topic, and report their results in a thesis. Upon completion of the thesis, students will be prepared for further academic research or employment in industry, including in research and development settings. Top students may have the opportunity to transfer directly to the PhD program after their first year of MASc studies.

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy UTIAS’s additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate four-year undergraduate degree in in engineering, mathematics, physics, or chemistry from a recognized university.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework to be completed in Year 1. Students must complete a minimum of 2.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) (five half courses) as follows:

    • All courses must be technical.

    • At least half of the required FCEs must be courses offered at UTIAS.

    • Complete AER1800H Research Seminar in Aerospace Science and Engineering.

    • Students must achieve at least a B– average to be in good academic standing. Failure in any course taken for credit may result in termination of the student's registration.

    • Students deemed to have insufficient background may be required to complete supplementary coursework in addition to the required 2.5 FCEs.

  • Complete the non-credit course JDE1000H Ethics in Research.

  • Attend a total of 12 approved seminars.

  • Have research performance assessed by a Research Assessment Committee (RAC), which includes the student's supervisor. For students making excellent research progress, the RAC may recommend that a student be considered for direct transfer to the PhD program.

  • Write a thesis based on research performed during the period of registration for the MASc based on a topic selected in consultation with the student's supervisor.

  • Present a seminar on the student's research at the UTIAS Departmental MASc Seminar (DMS).

  • Students have the option of completing an emphasis in Aerial Robotics; Sustainable Aviation; or Sustainable Energy as part of their degree program. Please see details in the Aerospace Science and Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD Emphases section.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FW)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Aerospace Studies: Aerospace Science and Engineering MEng

The Master of Engineering (MEng) is a course-based program designed to lead to employment in the aerospace industry. Students select from the wide range of UTIAS courses, as well as courses offered by other University of Toronto departments, to create a personalized curriculum. Students can also opt to follow one of several emphases, which provide more concentrated teaching in a specific area, and which are recorded on the student's transcript.

The MEng program can be taken on a full-time, extended full-time, or part-time basis. Transfer between the full-time, extended full-time, and part-time options is not permitted after registration. The default registration is the extended full-time option.

MEng Program (Full-Time and Part-Time Options)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy UTIAS's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An appropriate bachelor of applied science degree in engineering, or an equivalent four-year degree from a recognized undergraduate engineering program.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Completion of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) (10 half courses) as follows:

    • A minimum of seven half courses (3.5 FCEs) must be technical.

    • A minimum of half the courses must be offered at UTIAS.

    • A maximum of three 500-level courses (1.5 FCEs) is permitted.

    • For part-time students, a maximum of two half courses (1.0 FCE) may be taken in any session and a maximum of four half courses (2.0 FCEs) may be taken in any academic year.
    • Students must achieve at least a B– average to be in good academic standing. Failure in any course taken for credit may result in termination of the student's registration.

    • Students deemed to have insufficient background may be required to complete supplementary coursework in addition to the required 5.0 FCEs. A maximum of 5.5 FCEs may be taken; permission must be granted by the graduate office to exceed 5.0 FCEs.

    • Full-time students must complete all the required courses within three sessions (one year). Part-time students must complete all the required courses within nine sessions (three years).

  • Once students are registered, transfer between the full-time, extended full-time, or part-time option is not permitted.

  • Students have the option of completing an emphasis in Advanced Manufacturing; Aerial Robotics; Engineering and Globalization; Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Innovation and Technology in Engineering (ELITE); Robotics; Sustainable Aviation; or Sustainable Energy as part of their degree program. Please see details in the Aerospace Science and Engineering Emphases section.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 3 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS); 9 sessions part-time
Time Limit: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time


MEng Program (Extended Full-Time Option)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants holding an appropriate bachelor of applied science degree in engineering are considered for admission under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies.

  • An appropriate bachelor of applied science degree in engineering, or an equivalent four-year degree from a recognized undergraduate engineering program.

Completion Requirements

  • Coursework. Students must complete 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) (10 half courses).

    • A minimum of seven half courses (3.5 FCEs) must be technical.

    • A minimum of half the courses must be offered at UTIAS.

    • A maximum of three 500-level courses (1.5 FCEs) is permitted.

    • A maximum of three half courses (1.5 FCEs) may be taken in any session.

    • A maximum of six half courses (3.0 FCEs) may be taken in any academic year.

    • Students must achieve at least a B– average to be in good academic standing. Failure in any course taken for credit may result in termination of the student's registration.

    • Students deemed to have insufficient background may be required to complete supplementary coursework in addition to the required 5.0 FCEs. A maximum of 5.5 FCEs may be taken; permission must be granted by the graduate office to exceed 5.0 FCEs.

    • Students must complete all the required courses within six sessions (two years).

  • Once students are registered, transfer between the full-time, extended full-time, or part-time option is not permitted.

  • Students have the option of completing an emphasis in Advanced Manufacturing; Aerial Robotics; Engineering and Globalization; Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Innovation and Technology in Engineering (ELITE); Robotics; Sustainable Aviation; or Sustainable Energy as part of their degree program. Please see details in the Aerospace Science and Engineering Emphases section.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: FWS-FWS)
Time Limit: 3 years full-time


Aerospace Studies: Aerospace Science and Engineering PhD

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree is a research-based program leading to the production of a research thesis. Doctoral research at UTIAS is expected to be internationally recognized for its originality, rigour, and importance. Supervised by a faculty member, students select a research topic, develop a plan to address the topic, and implement this plan, leading to a major research thesis and contributions to the academic literature. This is the pinnacle of academic achievement, and holders of the PhD are well prepared for academic positions and leadership roles in industrial research and development.

Applicants may enter the PhD program via one of two routes: 1) following completion of an MASc degree in engineering, mathematics, physics, or chemistry; 2) transfer from the University of Toronto MASc program. The program can also be taken on a flexible-time basis.

PhD Program

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy UTIAS’s additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An MASc degree in engineering, mathematics, physics, or chemistry and demonstrated ability to perform advanced research.

Completion Requirements

  • Students must maintain full-time, continuous registration for every session, including the Summer session, until all degree requirements are completed.

    • Students starting with an MASc degree must spend a minimum of two years in the PhD program.

    • Students with an MASc in a discipline relevant to the field of PhD study are expected to complete the PhD program in less than four years.

  • Coursework. Students must complete a minimum of 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) (four half courses) in Years 1 and 2.

    • All courses must be technical.

    • At least half of the required FCEs must be courses offered at UTIAS.

    • Students must achieve at least a B– average to be in good academic standing. Failure in any course taken for credit may result in termination of the student's candidacy.

    • Students deemed to have insufficient background may be required to complete supplementary coursework in addition to the required 2.0 FCEs.

  • Students must complete the non-credit course JDE1000H Ethics in Research (a half-day workshop).

  • Students must attend a total of 24 approved seminars.

  • Students undertake a program of research under the guidance of a Doctoral Examination Committee (DEC), which includes the student's supervisor and two other UTIAS professors. The DEC shall:

    • Ascertain the suitability of the student for advanced research

    • Assess the thesis topic

    • Conduct formal reviews of the student’s thesis progress at least once per year; unsatisfactory progress may result in the termination of the student’s registration)

    • Determine whether a student qualifies as a candidate for the PhD degree at the second DEC meeting (qualifying DEC), approximately 1.5 years after program start

    • Provide the first assessment of the PhD thesis.

  • Students must complete a thesis based upon research carried out during the period of registration for the PhD degree.

  • Students must present the thesis work at a seminar at the UTIAS Departmental Doctoral Seminar (DDS).

  • Students must defend the thesis at the Doctoral Final Oral Examination pursuant to the SGS Degree Regulations.

  • Students must prepare at least one formal manuscript for publication in a refereed journal or refereed conference proceedings.

  • Students have the option of completing an emphasis in Aerial Robotics; Sustainable Aviation; or Sustainable Energy as part of their degree program. Please see details in the Aerospace Science and Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD Emphases section.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 4 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 6 years full-time


PhD Program (Transfer)

Transfer Requirements

  • Students who have achieved excellent performance in the MASc program at UTIAS at the end of Year 1 are recommended to transfer directly into the PhD program under the same supervisor. Approval for transfer is based on the student’s research ability, research progress during Year 1, and academic standing.

Completion Requirements

  • Students must maintain full-time, continuous registration for every session, including the Summer session, until all degree requirements are completed.

    • Students transferring directly from the MASc program must spend a minimum of three years in the program from the date of initial MASc registration.

    • Students are expected to complete the PhD program in less than five years.

  • Coursework. Students must complete a total of 3.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • 2.5 FCEs already completed during the MASc program.

    • A minimum of 1.0 FCE (two half courses) in the PhD program.

    • At least half of the required FCEs must be courses offered at UTIAS.

    • Students must achieve at least a B– average to be in good academic standing. Failure in any course taken for credit may result in termination of the student's registration.

    • All required courses must be completed in the first two years of the program, starting from the initial registration in the MASc program.

  • Students must complete the non-credit course JDE1000H Ethics in Research (a half-day workshop).

  • Students must attend a total of 24 approved seminars.

  • Students undertake a program of research under the guidance of a Doctoral Examination Committee (DEC), which includes the student's supervisor and two other UTIAS professors. The DEC shall:

    • Ascertain the suitability of the student for advanced research

    • Assess the thesis topic

    • Conduct formal reviews of the student’s thesis progress at least once per year; unsatisfactory progress may result in the termination of the student’s registration

    • Determine whether a student qualifies as a candidate for the PhD degree at the second DEC meeting (qualifying DEC), approximately 1.5 years after program start

    • Provide the first assessment of the PhD thesis.

  • Students must present the thesis work at the UTIAS Departmental Doctoral Seminar (DDS).

  • Students must defend the thesis at the Doctoral Final Oral Examination pursuant to the SGS Degree Regulations.

  • Students must prepare at least one formal manuscript for publication in a refereed journal or refereed conference proceedings.

  • Students have the option of completing an emphasis in Aerial Robotics; Sustainable Aviation; or Sustainable Energy as part of their degree program. Please see details in the Aerospace Science and Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD Emphases section.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


PhD Program (Direct-Entry)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy UTIAS's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An MASc degree in engineering, mathematics, physics, or chemistry and demonstrated ability to perform advanced research.

Completion Requirements

  • Students must maintain full-time, continuous registration for every session, including the Summer session, until all degree requirements are completed.

    • Students must spend a minimum of three years in the direct-entry PhD program.

    • Students are expected to complete the direct-entry PhD program in less than five years.

  • Coursework. Students must complete a total of 3.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

    • At least half of the required FCEs must be courses with AER or ROB designators.

    • Students must achieve at least a B– average to be in good academic standing. Failure in any course taken for credit may result in termination of the student's candidacy.

    • All required courses must be completed in the first two years of the program.

    • All courses must be technical.

  • Students must complete the non-credit course JDE1000H Ethics in Research (a half-day workshop).

  • Students must attend a total of 24 approved seminars.

  • Students must undertake a program of research under the guidance of a Doctoral Examination Committee (DEC), which includes the student's supervisor and two other UTIAS professors. The DEC shall:

    • Ascertain the suitability of the student for advanced research

    • Assess the thesis topic

    • Conduct formal reviews of the student’s thesis progress at least once per year; unsatisfactory progress may result in the termination of the student’s registration)

    • Determine whether a student qualifies as a candidate for the PhD degree at the second DEC meeting (qualifying DEC), approximately 1.5 years after program start

    • Provide the first assessment of the PhD thesis.

  • Students must present the thesis work at a seminar at the UTIAS Departmental Doctoral Seminar (DDS).

  • Students must defend the thesis at the Doctoral Final Oral Examination pursuant to the SGS Degree Regulations.

  • Students must prepare at least one formal manuscript for publication in a refereed journal or refereed conference proceedings.

  • Students have the option of completing an emphasis in Aerial Robotics; Sustainable Aviation; or Sustainable Energy as part of their degree program. Please see details in the Aerospace Science and Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD Emphases section.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 5 years full-time (typical registration sequence: Continuous)
Time Limit: 7 years full-time


PhD Program (Flexible-Time)

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy UTIAS's additional admission requirements stated below.

  • An MASc degree in engineering, mathematics, physics, or chemistry and demonstrated ability to perform advanced research.

Completion Requirements

  • Students must maintain full-time, continuous registration for the first four years of study. Part-time registration is expected for the remaining period of study within the normal length.

    • Students starting with an MASc degree must spend a minimum of two years in the PhD program.

    • Students with an MASc in a discipline relevant to the field of PhD study are expected to complete the PhD program in less than six years.

  • Coursework. Students must complete a minimum of 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) (four half courses) in Years 1 and 2 as follows:

    • All courses must be technical.

    • At least half of the required FCEs must be courses offered at UTIAS.

    • Students must achieve at least a B– average to be in good academic standing. Failure in any course taken for credit may result in termination of the student's candidacy.

    • Students deemed to have insufficient background may be required to complete supplementary coursework in addition to the required 2.0 FCEs.

  • Students must complete the non-credit course JDE1000H Ethics in Research (a half-day workshop).

  • Students must attend a total of 24 approved seminars.

  • Students undertake a program of research under the guidance of a Doctoral Examination Committee (DEC), which includes the student's supervisor and two other UTIAS professors. The DEC shall:

    • Ascertain the suitability of the student for advanced research

    • Assess the thesis topic

    • Conduct formal reviews of the student’s thesis progress at least once per year; unsatisfactory progress may result in the termination of the student's registration)

    • Determine whether a student qualifies as a candidate for the PhD degree at the second DEC meeting (qualifying DEC), approximately 24 months after program start

    • Provide the first assessment of the PhD thesis.

  • Students must complete a thesis based upon research carried out during the period of registration for the PhD degree.

  • Students must present the thesis work at a seminar at the UTIAS Departmental Doctoral Seminar (DDS).

  • Students must defend the thesis at the Doctoral Final Oral Examination pursuant to the SGS Degree Regulations.

  • Students must prepare at least one formal manuscript for publication in a refereed journal or refereed conference proceedings.

  • Students have the option of completing an emphasis in Aerial Robotics; Sustainable Aviation; or Sustainable Energy as part of their degree program. Please see details in the Aerospace Science and Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD Emphases section.

Mode of Delivery: In person
Program Length: 6 years full-time
Time Limit: 8 years full-time


Aerospace Studies: Emphases

Advanced Manufacturing

Participating Programs:
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering MEng
  • Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry MEng
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering MEng
  • Materials Science and Engineering MEng

MEng students must successfully complete:

  • Four half courses (2.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]), including at least one core course.

  • Elective courses may include other core courses, and courses from either of two streams: Manufacturing Engineering and Manufacturing Management.

Core Courses

AER501H1 Computational Structural Mechanics and Design Optimization,
AER1403H Advanced Aerospace Structures,
APS1028H Operations and Production Management for Manufacturing and Services,
CHE1123H Liquid Biofuels,
MIE519H1 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies,
MIE1740H Smart Materials and Structures.

Elective Courses — Manufacturing Engineering

CHE1134H, CHE1475H,
MIE506H1, MIE540H1, MIE1706H, MIE1709H, MIE1718H, MIE1743H,
MSE1013H, MSE1015H, MSE1028H, MSE1031H, MSE1043H, MSE1058H, MSE1061H,
ROB501H1, ROB521H1.

Elective Courses — Manufacturing Management

APS1012H, APS1013H, APS1017H, APS1020H, APS1023H, APS1088H, APS1420H,
CHE561H1, CHE1434H,
MIE523H1, MIE1022H, MIE1505H, MIE1514H, MIE1715H, MIE1721H, MIE1727H,
TEP1011H, TEP1026H, TEP1501H.


Aerial Robotics

Participating Programs:
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering MASc
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering MEng
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering PhD

MASc and PhD students must successfully complete:

  • 1.0 full-course equivalent [FCE]): AER1216H Fundamentals of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and AER1217H Development of Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems;

  • one other course from the approved course list, which will be updated on a regular basis, or other related courses approved by professors; and

  • one MASc or PhD thesis relevant to unmanned aerial vehicles.

MEng students must successfully complete:

  • 1.0 full-course equivalent [FCE]): AER1216H Fundamentals of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and AER1217H Development of Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems;

  • one other course from the approved list or other related courses approved by professors; and

  • one MEng project course related to unmanned aerial vehicles.

Elective Courses

AER501H1, AER503H1, AER506H1, AER510H1, AER521H1, AER525H1, AER1202H, AER1211H, AER1214H, AER1215H, AER1303H, AER1308H, AER1316H, AER1324H, AER1403H, AER1410H, AER1415H, AER1503H, AER1513H, AER1514H,
CSC311H1, CSC2503H, CSC2545H,
ECE537H1, ECE1512H, ECE1505H, ECE1747H, ECE1762H,
MIE506H, MIE1740H, MIE1809H,
ROB521H1, ROB1514H.


Engineering and Globalization

Participating Programs:
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering MEng
  • Biomedical Engineering MEng
  • Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry MEng
  • Civil Engineering MEng
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering MEng
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering MEng
  • Materials Science and Engineering MEng

MEng students must successfully complete four half courses (2.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) from the following lists, with at least two half courses (or one full course) taken from Group A.

Group A

APS510H1, APS530H1, APS1420H, JCR1000Y (full-year course).

Group B

APS1015H, APS1020H, APS1024H, CHL5700H, CIV1399H.

Note: Students who choose to pursue an MEng project in their home department that aligns with the Centre for Global Engineering (CGEN)'s disciplinary focus, as deemed by the CGEN Director, may count the project as one required Group B course.

Students who complete the requirements of the emphasis in Engineering and Globalization and wish to obtain a notation on their transcript should contact the Faculty Graduate Studies office.


Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Innovation and Technology in Engineering

Participating Programs:
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering MEng
  • Biomedical Engineering MEng
  • Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry MEng
  • Civil Engineering MEng
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering MEng
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering MEng
  • Materials Science and Engineering MEng

MEng students must successfully complete any four of the following courses (2.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]):


TEP1010H, TEP1011H, TEP1026H, TEP1027H, TEP1029H, TEP1030H, TEP1501H, TEP1502H, TEP1601H.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

APS511H1, APS1012H, APS1013H, APS1015H, APS1023H, APS1033H, APS1035H, APS1036H, APS1041H, APS1061H, APS1088H.

Finance and Management

AER1601H, APS500H1, APS502H1, APS1001H, APS1004H, APS1009H, APS1016H, APS1017H, APS1020H, APS1022H, APS1028H, APS1032H, APS1043H, APS1049H, APS1050H, APS1051H, APS1052H.

Engineering and Society

APS510H1, APS1018H, APS1024H, APS1025H, APS1031H, APS1034H, APS1090H, APS1101H, APS1420H.



Participating Programs:
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering MEng
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering MEng
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering MEng

Students must successfully complete four courses (2.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) chosen from at least two of the following groups, and no more than two in any given group:

Group 1: Planning and Control

AER1516H, AER1517H,
ECE557H1, ECE1635H, ECE1636H, ECE1647H, ECE1653H, ECE1657H,

Group 2: Perception and Learning

AER1513H, AER1515H,
CSC2503H, CSC2506H, CSC2515H, CSC2541H, CSC2548H,
ECE516H1, ECE1511H, ECE1512H,

Group 3: Modelling and Dynamics

AER506H1, AER1503H, AER1512H,
MIE1001H, MIE1005H.

Group 4: Systems Design and Integration

AER525H1, AER1216H, AER1217H,
MIE505H1, MIE506H1, MIE1070H, MIE1075H, MIE1076H, MIE1080H, MIE1809H,
ROB521H1, ROB1514H.


Sustainable Aviation

Participating Programs:
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering MEng

MASc and PhD students must successfully complete:

MEng students must successfully complete:


Sustainable Energy

Participating Programs:
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering MASc
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering MEng
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering PhD
  • Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry MASc
  • Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry MEng
  • Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry PhD
  • Civil Engineering MASc
  • Civil Engineering MEng
  • Civil Engineering PhD
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering MASc
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering MEng
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering MASc
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering MEng
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering PhD
  • Materials Science and Engineering MASc
  • Materials Science and Engineering MEng
  • Materials Science and Engineering PhD

MASc and PhD students must successfully complete:

  • At least three half courses (1.5 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) from either of the following lists below.

  • A thesis towards their degree on a topic related to sustainable energy. Topics must be approved by the steering committee of the Institute of Sustainable Energy. Contact:

MEng students must successfully complete:

  • Four half courses (2.0 FCEs) from either of the following lists below, including at least one core course (0.5 FCE).

Core Courses

APS1032H Introduction to Energy Project Management,
MIE515H1 Alternative Energy Systems,
MIE1120H Current Energy Infrastructure and Resources.

Elective Courses

AER507H1, AER1304H, AER1315H, AER1415H,
CHE568H1, CHE1053H, CHE1118H, CHE1123H, CHE1142H, CHE1143H,
CIV575H1, CIV576H1, CIV577H1, CIV1303H, CIV1307H,
ECE1030H, ECE1055H, ECE1057H, ECE1059H, ECE1085H, ECE1086H, ECE1092H, ECE1094H, ECE1476H,
MIE516H1, MIE517H1, MIE1128H, MIE1129H, MIE1130H, MIE1132H, MIE1240H, MIE1241H, MIE1715H,
MSE1023H, MSE1028H, MSE1058H.


All students are asked to register with Climate Positive Energy (CPE) at, at the beginning of their studies, to receive information about energy-related activities and opportunities on campus. CPE also administers a number of awards and scholarships for which students may be eligible.


Aerospace Studies: Aerospace Science and Engineering: MASc, MEng, PhD Courses

Course timetables are available on the UTIAS website.

Aircraft Flight Systems

Course CodeCourse Title
Advanced Flight Dynamics
Human Control of Flight Systems
Fundamentals of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Development of Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems

Aerodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, and Propulsion

Course CodeCourse Title
Aerospace Propulsion
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Advanced Fluid Mechanics
Fundamentals of Combustion
Special Topics in Reacting Flows
AER1307HFundamentals of Aeroacoustics
Introduction to Modern Flow Control
Turbulence Modelling
Unsteady Gasdynamics
Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics
Topics in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Finite Volume Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Introduction to Turbulence

Structures and Multidisciplinary Optimization

Course CodeCourse Title
Computational Structural Mechanics and Design Optimization
Advanced Aerospace Structures
AER1404HAerospace Materials
AER1405HMetamaterials for Aerospace Applications
Topology Optimization
Computational Optimization
Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Quantification
Variational Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Sustainable Aviation

Course CodeCourse Title
Sustainable Aviation

Robotics and Space Systems Engineering

Course CodeCourse Title
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control I
Mobile Robotics and Perception
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control II
Multibody Dynamics
State Estimation for Aerospace Vehicles
Perception for Robotics
AER1516HRobot Motion Planning
AER1517HControl for Robotics
Microsatellite Design I
Microsatellite Design II
Mobile Robotics

Management and Policy

Course CodeCourse Title
Aerospace Engineering and Operations Management
Air Accident Investigation

Engineering Physics

Course CodeCourse Title
Introduction to Fusion Energy
Applied Plasma Physics I

Research Seminars and Professional Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Research Seminar in Aerospace Science and Engineering
MEng Project
Ethics in Research

Reading Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Directed Reading in Aerospace Studies

APS Engineering Course

Course CodeCourse Title
Managing Business Innovation and Transformational Change
APS1043HWriting Your Own Patent Application