Everybody deserves to be treated with respect and dignity.

Elder abuse comes in many forms. It can be financial, emotional or psychological, physical, sexual, or neglect. Some forms of abuse, such as sexual abuse, are criminal acts. Elder abuse can occur once, or many times. It can include one or a combination of the different types of abuse. Our case studies provide anonymous examples of elder abuse. 

Elder abuse can be intentional or unintentional. Most often the abuse is carried out by someone known to the older person. In many cases, the person responsible is a family member, friend, professional, or paid caregiver. Elder abuse affects people of all genders and all walks of life.

Seniors Rights Victoria provides information and support for those concerned about elder abuse. We have a community legal service and can represent older people experiencing elder abuse. We help Victorians 60 and above, or any Indigenous Victorians 45 and above.

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