Flow Neuroscience

Flow Neuroscience

Tillverkning av medicintekniska produkter

Depression treated. Differently.

Om oss

Europe and UK's only medically approved brain stimulation headset and therapy app home treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Treat depression. Differently. Visit for more information: flowneuroscience.com

Tillverkning av medicintekniska produkter
11–50 anställda
Privatägt företag
depression, mentalhealth, neuroscience, healthtech och mentalhealthawareness


Anställda på Flow Neuroscience


  • Visa organisationssidan för Flow Neuroscience, grafik

    8 534 följare

    Talk about some busy-bees 🐝 In the past two weeks, the Flow Neuroscience team has attended three major events: 🧠 Clinical TMS Annual Meeting: Brought us the opportunity to engage with leading experts in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, discussing the latest advancements in the space and clarity on how tDCS and TMS complement each other in a clinical pathway. Big congratulations to Mohamed Abdelghani and the Clinical TMS Society team for a wonderful event.  🏥 Royal College of Psychiatry Annual Meeting: 4 days of non-stop buzz with the (royalty 👑) psychiatric community. We loved connecting with everyone and seeing Chris Griffiths present his and his teams' work in the CMHT Northamptonshire. A big thank you to Hannah Nearney, Alex O’Neill-Kerr, and everyone who stopped by for all their insights that have helped us bring Flow to the community and continue to help us shape the future of psychiatry. 🌍 HLTH Europe: A truly enlightening experience, allowing us to delve into the future of healthcare, from digital health advancements to revolutionary treatment methods. We're also thrilled to announce that we'll be attending the 👩⚕️ NHS Practitioner Health; Wounded Healer Conference 👨⚕️ next week. This event is particularly close to our hearts, as it focuses on the well-being of healthcare professionals—those who dedicate their lives to helping others. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and advocate for mental health and well-being. Together, we can make a difference! #FlowNeuroscience #MentalHealth #TMS #tdcs #Psychiatry #HealthcareInnovation #Wellbeing #NHS And of course, a big thank you to the team that makes it all possible Alexis Besson, Arielle Blumenthal, Daniel Månsson, Erin Sivyer Lee, Joey Wong, Kultar Singh

  • Visa organisationssidan för Flow Neuroscience, grafik

    8 534 följare

    Our fourth NHS study has just been published - this one focused on our perinatal program (Postnatal Depression and Maternal Loss): 🧠 Participants reported positive experiences with Flow, highlighting its user-friendly interface, accessibility, and the availability of visual instructions. ⏲ Most participants adhered to the treatment protocol, but challenges such as life-style restrictions were noted. 🏠 Participants appreciated a non-medication treatment alternative and reported improvements in depressive symptoms, mood, sleep quality, and overall well-being. 👩 Recent research conducted by Wang et al. (2021) suggested global prevalence rate of postpartum depression at 17.22%. 👶 About 30% to 50% of mothers experiencing postnatal depression continue to present with major depression throughout their child’s first year and beyond 👩⚕️ The most common treatment for postnatal depression is pharmacological such as antidepressants or psychotherapy such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), or a combination of both (NICE, 2014). Psychotherapies take time to take effect on depression symptoms and may be difficult to access (Baker & Kirk-Wade, 2024) According to a review by Brown et al. (2021) SSRIs antidepressants offer only a slight advantage over placebo in treating postnatal depression. https://lnkd.in/eVarMsky

    Scientific Research Publishing


  • Visa organisationssidan för Flow Neuroscience, grafik

    8 534 följare

    🌟 Last Day Alert 🌟 It's the final day of The Annual Meeting of the Clinical TMS Society, and we don’t want you to miss out. 📍 Visit Us at Booth 404 📍 There’s still time to: -Explore the latest results from our clinical data -Experience live demonstrations of the Flow headset -Engage with our team and discover how Flow can enhance your practice 💬 Have questions or want to book a personal demo? Drop by Booth 404 and let’s connect. We look forward to seeing you and making these last moments of the event impactful and memorable. #FlowNeuroscience #Neurotech #ClinicalTMS #MentalHealthInnovation #Booth404 Arielle Blumenthal Alexis Besson Kultar Singh Garcha Sam Lowden Daniel Månsson Erik M. Rehn

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Flow Neuroscience, grafik

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    Is Flow a scam? Is there actually any evidence to back it up? What is depression anyway? 👇 Listen to our founder Daniel Månsson answer the tough questions.

  • Visa organisationssidan för Flow Neuroscience, grafik

    8 534 följare

    "I saw the sunlight hitting some weeds by the side of the track, and it was really beautiful. I'd forgotten how simple things could just be really beautiful." Alex was bullied as a child. By the time she was a teenager she struggled with social anxiety and low self esteem. As an adult she powered through, "smiling, when you don't feel like smiling". Flow helped Alex to feel motivated again, to sleep and to get back to herself. She made the selfless decision to share her story in the hope it would help more people. #tDCS #depression #mentalhealthawareness https://lnkd.in/exA533_h

    Alex's Story


  • Visa organisationssidan för Flow Neuroscience, grafik

    8 534 följare

    Electric headset for treating depression recommended as widespread treatment after NHS trial... "An NHS trial has found that an innovative electric headset for treating depression is an effective way of reducing the symptoms, and has recommended its more widespread use within the health service. The study found that it was an "effective depression treatment", by using a brain stimulation technique known as transcranial direct current stimulation, or tDCS." https://lnkd.in/gpN5rRGd

    Electric headset for treating depression recommended as widespread treatment after NHS trial

    Electric headset for treating depression recommended as widespread treatment after NHS trial


  • Visa organisationssidan för Flow Neuroscience, grafik

    8 534 följare

    What's the leading cause of death for men under 50? Not cancer, not heart disease, not war. But suicide. Ashley wanted to share his experience, to help other men going through what he is going through. Because sometimes men aren't good at talking about depression. He was introduced to Flow by our amazing NHS. It's a privilege to play a small part in his mental health recovery. If you want to follow his journey - head over to Blue Soul Shoes. https://lnkd.in/ebHgxvCA

    Ashley's Story


  • Visa organisationssidan för Flow Neuroscience, grafik

    8 534 följare

    The countdown has started... Thrilled to announce that Flow will be attending two of the biggest psychiatry and mental events this June: 📍 The Annual Meeting of the Clinical TMS Society 🗓 June 13-15 in London 📍 Royal College of Psychiatrists International Congress 🗓 June 17-20 in Edinburgh At our booth, expect: 🔍  In-depth discussions on our latest clinical data 🧠 Live demonstrations of the Flow headset 🤝 Meet our team and discover how Flow can enhance your practice Will you be attending? Comment below and let us know. Don't miss out on experiencing the future of depression treatment. See you in London and Edinburgh! #FlowNeuroscience #Neurotech #ClinicalTMS #RCPsychCongress #MentalHealthInnovation

  • Visa organisationssidan för Flow Neuroscience, grafik

    8 534 följare

    10 ways to help someone with depression: 1. Reflect on your own feelings first - in what ways is depression affecting your every day life? How do you feel about that? 2. Try to read about depression - the article in the comments is a great start. 3. Be aware of cognitive distortions - depressed people see things in a negative light. So, the depressed person may instinctively distort what you are saying, making communication more difficult. Being aware of this can help. 4. Separate the person and the symptoms - suggest to your depressed loved one that the two of you can work as a team to conquer the depression. 5. Set realistic expectations - you can’t treat someone else’s depression by yourself. 6. Ask for help -  seek help from a professional, but also from friends and other family members. 7. Talk without blaming - start your sentences with “I” and avoid starting them with “you”. 9. Active listening - reflect back what was said and make a guess at the feeling underneath the words. “That must make you angry. I know that I would be angry if that happened to me.” 9. Offer love and support -  Tell your friend or family member that you will be there during this period. Love and support is probably what a depressed person needs more than anything. To learn about what to do with this is rejected, see the full article in the comments 10. Look after yourself - make time for yourself so that you are rested and well-equipped to support your depressed friend or family member

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