


Nothing beats a good book

Om oss

In 2015 Bonnier Books – one of Europe’s leading publishing companies – gathered a team of digital innovators and literature lovers to create a market leading service for digital books. Spurred on by our curiosity and a profound commitment to our users, to books and to new technology we created BookBeat. Backed by Bonnier, which has had more than one hundred years worth of experience with creating, refining and distributing great stories, we have set out to create the best possible service for digital books. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for everyone to find and experience great stories. So whether you want to contribute by becoming a part of our team and put your skills within product development, design, analysis, marketing or literature to work or just want an easy way to enjoy a great book - we invite you to join us!

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Anställda på BookBeat


  • Visa organisationssidan för BookBeat, grafik

    9 423 följare

    Around a month ago our Quality Assurance team attended the EuroSTAR Conference about software testing in Stockholm. 🧪 Curious to read some of their thoughts about and takeaways from it? Don't miss out on our interview with one of our Junior QAs Julia Finucane below 🤩 - Hello there Julia! Who are you and what are you up to at BookBeat? 👋 I started as an intern but now I work as a Junior QA in the App team. So far I’ve been part of testing and delivering lots of new features, for example our ✨new fancy audio player✨, the re-design of the Apple Watch app, badges on books and My Statistics! - You recently participated in the EuroSTAR conference with the rest of BookBeat’s QA team. First things first, how was it? 🚀 It was exiting!🤩 Listening to experts and other professionals in the industry was both interesting and thought-provoking. Going with the rest of the QA team made the experience even better. - What were your main takeaways? AI is a hot topic and the opinions about it go both ways! 😉 I also heard quite a lot of people talking about how testing wasn't really prioritized or valued at their workplaces, which made me grateful to work at a company that truly prioritizes and values testing and other quality assurance work! 💜 - What was the best part about participating in the conference? The discussions it sparked in our team. We have a list of buzzwords, techniques and topics to explore and discuss further during the autumn that I look forward to. 🍂 Thank you Julia, happy to hear you had a great time! 💜

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  • Visa organisationssidan för BookBeat, grafik

    9 423 följare

    A few months ago, we introduced the 'Team Office Budget' concept! This means that each team can decorate their own office area as they wish 🌟 First up is our creative content team! Just look at the color-popping and cozy corner they've created 🤩From planning to purchasing, from refurbishing to adding those final touches, the team pulled together to transform the space. They even painted the pillars in our BookBeat brand colors 🎨 And the neon sign? Well, that's a globe-trotting tale on its own. Ordered from the UK, delivered to Berlin, and then hand-carried on a train to Sweden. Talk about teamwork!💜

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  • Visa organisationssidan för BookBeat, grafik

    9 423 följare

    🚀At BookBeat, we’re all about growing together! Competency development is very important to us, and we embrace it in many ways. One exciting way is through internal rotations. An example of this is our Senior Backend Developer Nazgol Azizi Gerholm, who recently rotated to another team within our organization. 💜 Curious about her latest adventure and how she's finding the experience so far? Check this little interview out! 🙌 - Who are you and what are you up to at BookBeat? I'm Nazgol Gerholm, a backend developer at BookBeat for the past 2.5 years. Until recently, I worked on the Subscriptions team, handling everything related to subscriptions and payments. Now, I have rotated to another team working with the content available in our app. - You’ve recently rotated to another team in our tech organization. How has the rotation been so far? It's been very smooth! It's like a lighter version of starting a new job. Same company, different wonderful colleagues to work with, and another part of the business with new technologies and business aspects to learn. Everyone on the new team has been taking care of me, making sure I feel welcome! - What’s the culture at BookBeat like, in your opinion? The first things that come to mind are that the culture at BookBeat is warm, welcoming, and inclusive. People are innovative and aren't afraid to try new ideas. Everyone makes sure to share their knowledge, and I have learned so many new things, both tech and non-tech! - Summer is here in Sweden! Do you have any plans for the upcoming months yet? I'm going to travel around east Canada and then enjoy the beautiful (and hopefully warm) summer in Sweden. I will definitely eat lots of ice cream and strawberries!

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  • Visa organisationssidan för BookBeat, grafik

    9 423 följare

    Providing top-notch customer service is a top priority of ours, and we're committed to continuous learning to ensure the best possible experience for our customers 💜 Hear Melanie Fischer share (in Swedish) about a recent education our amazing Customer Operations team completed in collaboration with Welingo to make the experience even more structured and easily understandable 🎧

    Visa organisationssidan för Welingo, grafik

    1 158 följare

    BookBeat: "Vi har blivit bättre på att strukturera upp vår kommunikation så att den blir ännu tydligare och lätt att förstå för kunden." 🎧 Ja, med rätt verktyg är det enkelt att skriva... enkelt! Det är precis det vi tränat på under vårt samarbete med BookBeat. 📚 Melanie Fischer, Head of Customer Operations, berättar dessutom vad som gjorde henne glad - och ännu gladare! - efter utbildningsdagarna.

  • Visa organisationssidan för BookBeat, grafik

    9 423 följare

    From a small startup with just 10 people to a company with 160+ team members, Sofia Annerstedt's journey at BookBeat is really inspiring 🤩 As our Chief Commercial Officer, she has, together with her brilliant team, set our scaleable marketing & sales strategy, brought everything in-house and fostered a culture of creativity, curiosity and learning 💜 Read more (in Swedish) about how Sofia and her team are pushing boundaries, embracing data-driven decisions, and making BookBeat a leader in the audiobook industry here: 🎧📚 Thank you LeadCompetence for a great article!

    I takt med att BookBeat vuxit har byråerna fasats ut

    I takt med att BookBeat vuxit har byråerna fasats ut

  • Visa organisationssidan för BookBeat, grafik

    9 423 följare

    Hej allihopa 👋 A few weeks ago, we spiced up our coffee breaks with the launch of our very first Swedish Language Café ☕ It's a casual get-together where anyone can join, whether you're just starting your Swedish journey or you're already a pro. And guess what? It's been really fun! We've not only been practicing our Swedish skills, but also learnt a lot about each other 🤗 We can't wait for the next one!

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  • Visa organisationssidan för BookBeat, grafik

    9 423 följare

    A couple of weeks ago, Team BookBeat gathered for our Journey Update & Summer AW event 💜 The day was packed with interesting presentations, delicious food, fun activities, and lots of laughs with colleagues! 📽️  Check out the video to see the highlights from our amazing day

  • Visa organisationssidan för BookBeat, grafik

    9 423 följare

    Are you a curious superstar with a strong interest in sales and marketing, eager to put your skills to use in a fun and dynamic environment?💪 Do you write and speak fluent Dutch, in addition to having first-class communication skills? If so, come join us as our Partnership Coordinator Netherlands and be a part of BookBeat’s global growth journey! 💜

    Partnership Coordinator Netherlands - BookBeat

    Partnership Coordinator Netherlands - BookBeat

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