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Medical Xpress / Alzheimer's risk higher if your mother had cognitive problems

The genetic risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is more strongly influenced by the mother's side than the father's side, a recent study has discovered. / Most marine protection measures are not working—a new, more flexible approach is needed

The radio crackles into life on a small boat off an idyllic beach in Ningaloo Marine Park, Western Australia. Two recreational fishers are trying to catch prized spangled emperors in a sanctuary zone, where all fishing is ...

12 hours ago in Biology / Homestays can help refugee women adapt to life in a new country

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, more than 117 million people are displaced worldwide. Many of those displaced from their homes are women and girls. In 2020, women and girls constituted about ...

12 hours ago in Other Sciences
Medical Xpress / If you're pregnant, how accurate is your 'due date'?

More than 1,700 pregnant women in South Australia have reportedly been given the wrong "due date" due to a technical error in their computerized medical records. This has prompted concerns some women may have had an early ...

18 hours ago in Obstetrics & gynaecology / Want to help our precious nocturnal bugs during Matariki's longer nights? Turn the lights down low

In a world increasingly affected by light pollution, we can take time during the shorter days and longer nights around Matariki to appreciate the superpowers of our nocturnal bugs.

20 hours ago in Biology
Medical Xpress / Decision to offer sedation for often-painful IUD insertion is 'groundbreaking,' health experts say

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are a highly effective and long-lasting form of birth control placed in the uterus. Research shows that many people who get IUDs experience moderate to intense pain during the insertion. But it ...

19 hours ago in Obstetrics & gynaecology / Hurricane Beryl, first of 2024 season, bears down on Caribbean

Much of the southeast Caribbean was on alert Sunday as Beryl strengthened into the first hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic season, with forecasters warning it will swiftly become a major storm.

22 hours ago in Earth / Animal rescuers try to keep dozens of dolphins away from Cape Cod shallows after mass stranding

Animal rescuers were trying to keep dozens of dolphins away from shallow waters around Cape Cod on Saturday after 125 of the creatures stranded themselves a day earlier.

22 hours ago in Biology
Medical Xpress / What to know about water safety before heading to the beach or pool this summer

With school out for the summer and temperatures rising across the country, many families will visit the beach, lake or local swimming pool. Now is the time to review safety tips to keep children safe around water.

22 hours ago in Health / Tiny bright objects discovered at dawn of universe baffle scientists

A recent discovery by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) confirmed that luminous, very red objects previously detected in the early universe upend conventional thinking about the origins and evolution of galaxies and ...

Jun 28, 2024 in Astronomy & Space / China lunar probe returns to Earth with samples

A Chinese probe carrying samples from the far side of the moon returned to Earth on Tuesday, capping a technically complex 53-day mission heralded as a world first.

Jun 25, 2024 in Astronomy & Space / The surprising behavior of black holes in an expanding universe

A physicist investigating black holes has found that, in an expanding universe, Einstein's equations require that the rate of the universe's expansion at the event horizon of every black hole must be a constant, the same ...

Jun 26, 2024 in Astronomy & Space