Choose a Project Below and Do NASA Science!

Join NASA researchers and discover the secrets of the universe, search for life elsewhere, and protect and improve life on Earth and in space.

Earth-shaped word cloud made up of the many languages in which NASA Citizen Science projects are available, including Arabic, Bengali, Croatian, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Thai, Urdu, and Vietnamese. In the center of the word cloud, the words Do NASA Science are prominent.

11 projects in 18 languages

Enhanced color makes individual bands of rings stand out in comparison to one another.

More than 500 NASA citizen scientists co-authored publications

A grey-haired man and three young women, all in waders adn all with big smiles, stand knee-deep in water next to a LOCSS lake level gauge they are in the process of installing. The gauge itself is partially blocked from view by a black post, presumably the one on which they will mount the new gauge.

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Citizen Science

Through the projects below, sometimes called "citizen science" or "participatory science" projects, volunteers and amateurs have helped make thousands of important scientific discoveries. These 32 projects are open to everyone around the world (no citizenship required).

Active Asteroids

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary

Are we alone in the universe?

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary

Backyard Worlds: Planet 9

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary

A black square with a white off-centered dot. Two triangles radiate out of the dot from brown to bright pink. A purple oval ring circles the white dot and an aqua line spikes up and level out.

Burst Chaser

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project.

Cloudspotting on Mars

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary

Puffy text in cream reads Cool Neighbors and sits on top of a cartoon style planet with another planet in the upper right corner. The logo is surrounded by a thick orange stroke line.

Cool Neighbors

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project.

Daily Minor Planet

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary

Dark Energy Explorers

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary

Disk Detective

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary

Exoplanet Watch

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary

Floating Forests

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project.

GLOBE Observer: Clouds, Land Cover, Mosquito Habitats

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary

International Astronomical Search Collaboration

Anyone with a laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary


Anyone with a laptop can do this project.

Landslide Reporter

Anyone with a laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary

Two images of the moon's surface side by side, the left side is lighter than the right side and a new impact crater is highlighted in the right image. The title "Moon Diff" overlays the images. The "O's" in moon are images of the moon.


Anyone with a laptop can do this project.


Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project.

Planet Hunters TESS

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary

Cartoon illustration of an astronaut wearing a red cowboy hat and holding a lasso with a rainbow colored spiral galaxy inside the loop

Redshift Wrangler

Anyone with a cellphone or laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary

The Sun's atmosphere, shown in red, with a bright white stream of a comet shooting through it.

Sungrazer Project

Anyone with a laptop can do this project. Read Project Summary

Other Citizen Science Projects NASA Has Supported

A black sphere eclipses the sun and colorful rays of light emanate from behind.

Citizen CATE 2024

This project is not currently seeking volunteers. Read Project Summary

A black square with the

Dynamic Eclipse Broadcast Initiative

This project is not currently seeking volunteers. Read Project Summary

A silhouette image of 3 people with telescopes with the text Eclipse Megamovie above it.

Eclipse Megamovie

This project is not currently seeking volunteers. Read Project Summary

Mapping Application for Penguin Populations and Projected Dynamics

Anyone with a laptop can do this project.

Silhouette of a white cricket against a black background with a red and yellow gradient. Text reads Eclipse

Eclipse Soundscapes

This project is not currently seeking volunteers. Read Project Summary

Photo of a hand holding a mobile phone that is showing eclipse related citizen science graphics on the screen.

GLOBE Eclipse

This project is not currently seeking volunteers.

Heliophysics Audified: Resonances in Plasmas

This project is not currently seeking volunteers. Read Project Summary

Jovian Vortex Hunter

This project is not currently seeking volunteers. Read Project Summary

Solar Active Region Spotter

This project is not currently seeking volunteers.

Solar Jet Hunter

This project is not currently seeking volunteers. Read Project Summary

A black and white photo of


This project is not currently seeking volunteers.

An illustrated eclipse logo with a larger orange circle eclipsed by a slightly smaller black circle. There are 4 flares in the upper left side. The title SunSketcher sits below the log.


This project is not currently seeking volunteers. Read Project Summary

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