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Showing 1 - 20 out of 41 Articles on page 1

New Release: NeuroMorpho.Org Version 8.6 (12/4/23), with 14,452 new tracings from 45 datasets

NeuroMorpho.Org Version 8.6 (12/4/23), with 14,452 new tracings from 45 datasets!

Dr. Martone on BrainFacts.org a FAIR video

Dr. Maryann Martone is interviewed by SfN's Brain Facts about the transition of Neuroscience into a digital field.See more at:https://www.brainfacts.org/in-the-lab/meet-the-researcher/2023/making-neuroscience-information-more-fair-and-open-110223

With 2023 there are new NIH guidelines on data deposition, are you ready?

Is everyone ready for the new NIH 2023 guidelines for data deposition??The BRAIN investigators will now have additional data repositories to choose from, thanks to all the work the BICCN.org has been doing to pave the way.For peripheral nervous system we have SPARC.science, now taking external data. FDI Lab is here to help you get your data in shape!

RRIDs Hit 500,000!!!! Read all about it.

Interested in doing things with RRIDs? There are now over 500,000 data records in 45,000 journal articles.  DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giac058

Congratulations! FDI Lab’s Dr. I Burak Ozyurt Places 1st in 9th BioASQ Challenge (Task 9b)

Congratulations to dkNET team member Dr. I Burak Ozyurt, who won first place in the 2021 BioASQ Challenge Task 9b!

NEURON Course At Yale, sign up before May 31!

An interactive online course about the NEURON Simulation Environment!Learn how to write NEURON code for all of the simulation fun that can be had within the context of an online course about neural simulation. 

Sino Biological Adds Further Support for Reproducibility

SciCrunch’s Antibody Registry is pleased to announce that its partner, Sino Biological, has begun providing support for unique identifiers (RRIDs) on their antibody product pages. Both Sino Biological and the Antibody Registry are displaying the RRIDs so scientists can consistently find these identifiers, required by many scientific journals for publication.

NEURON Course goes virtual offered as series of webinars

Like everything else these days, the NEURON course this year is going virtual. Please sign up now if you would like to participate; first come first serve.

How to clean up your ORCID profile

ORCID.org is a wonderful way to keep all of our academic profile information aligned and ORCID strives to give credit for lots of different "works" not just peer reviewed papers. This sounds really good, but it does create a bit of a mess with your latest abstract submission and your 4 versions of a zenodo dataset mucking up the "most recent" works section. 

ORCID and AntibodyRegistry are now aligned, read all about it!

Ever wondered why ORCID only has papers and abstracts? Ever made a bunch of antibodies and really wanted to share them with your colleagues? The Antibody Registry and ORCID are now integrated enabling data about antibodies you have made to be shared with ORCID (if you so desire). To get started, please login on the Antibody Registry and click the ORCID button under your account to get credit for the antibodies you have created! http://antibodyregistry.org/myaccount

RRID use fixes one easy cell line problem

We are sure that you have seen the press stating that many of the cell lines used by scientists are actually bad. They can be misidentified (someone at some point put the wrong label on a vial), contaminated (someone sneezed), or over grown by other cells (in the immortal words of Oprah in the immortal life of Henrietta Lacks, 'HeLa's coming after you').

Going to SFN? Student travel grants are now available, courtesy of NSF

Student travel awards for conference of your choice are available from the Science Gateway Community Institute. 

BICCN second public data release

On behalf of the Brain Cell Data Center (BCDC) team here at the Allen Institute, we’re very excited to announce the second public data release of the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network!

SPARC funding opportunity in the peripheral nervous system

You may be interested in RFA-RM19-001, released yesterday: Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC): Anatomical and Functional Mapping of Pain-Related Visceral Organ Neural Circuitry https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/rfa-rm-19-001.html. 

The NeuroMorpho.Org team Announces release Version 7.6

November 27 release of Version 7.6 of NeuroMorpho.Org, passed the landmark milestone of 100,000 publicly shared digital reconstructions. 

Addgene joins the RRID Initiative

Nature Research, which has updated the instructions to authors centrally to include RRIDs last month, requested that the RRID initiative include Addgene and both the RRID initiative as well as Addgene were more than happy to comply. Please see from Addgene discussing RRID persistent identifiers!

Schema.org Webinar: standardized language

DataONE Webinar SeriesSchema.org: Improving access to data through a standardized languageAdam Shepherd, Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office Doug Fils, Consortium for Ocean LeadershipBryce Mecum, National Center for Ecological Analysis and SynthesisTuesday November 13th 0900 PT / 1000 MT / 1100 CT / 1200 ET

NEURON course at SfN - Register today

The SfN meeting is just around the corner and the Yale NEURON team is holding one of the many great workshops around this event. 

Version 7.5 of NeuroMorpho.Org has just been released

We’re pleased to announce the August 2, 2018 release of Version 7.5 of NeuroMorpho.Org, adding 9939 reconstructions from 31 new datasets. 

BioSamples, IIDP, RRID collaboration announcement

The Resource Identification, RRID, Initiative began working with the BioSamples databases in the EU and US in order to identify the pancreatic islets used by researchers who are part of the Integrated Islet Distribution Program, IIDP. The BioSample SAM* identifiers contain no personally identifiable information, are fully open, and run on robust infrastructures of the US National Library of Medicine and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute, allowing projects such as the IIDP to quickly join the RRID initiative.