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The 2024 Developer Survey results are live! See the results


A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

For questions about Fourier transforms, how they are used, and implementation details.
111 questions
A method of finding nearly-optimal solutions to a problem. Generally, this terminology is applied to algorithms and heuristics for solving NP-Hard problems in computer science.
108 questions
The study of collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of data.
107 questions
Relating to the level of difficulty of a calculation or the asymptotic running time of an algorithm.
106 questions
An approach to solving systems of equations by projecting the problem from a fine scale representation onto a coarser one. A coarse representation generally has fewer unknowns, making it faster to so…
106 questions
Message Passing Interface - a standard and highly portable parallel programming interface for distributed memory systems.
106 questions
A partial differential equation that describes diffusion phenomena.
105 questions
A popular krylov subspace method for solving linear systems of equations, particularly those that exhibit symmetric positive definiteness.
104 questions
Graphical Processing Unit - a specialized, relatively inexpensive hardware unit built for fast graphical computations and highly data-parallel scientific computations.
103 questions
Questions about the finite element method software FEniCS and its subpackages (Dolfin, UFL, FFC).
102 questions
To move in some direction (as a fluid does in a pipe). Often contrasted with diffusion, which is a spreading out without necessarily having any movement of the field as a whole.
101 questions
For questions about solving and representing polynomials computationally.
100 questions
For questions about modeling movement from high to low concentrations, where concentration could, for example, refer to number of particles or amount of thermal energy in a region. Problems will often…
100 questions
For questions about solving elliptic PDEs, a special class of second-order linear PDE in two variables.
99 questions
For questions about solving linear systems of equations. These typically take the form Ax=b, where A is a matrix , while x and b are vectors.
98 questions
For questions about spectral methods, a technique for solving differential equations by expressing them in terms of some computationally convenient basis (typically that obtained via fast fourier tran…
93 questions
Regression analysis is the process of measuring and establishing a relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.
91 questions
Issues related to the representation of numerical quantities in a finite representation in a given base differing from their exact mathematical value.
91 questions
A field of combinatorics relating to the study of vertices and the edges that connect them
88 questions
For questions related to the collection, processing and interpretation of pixel data from imaging systems.
87 questions
The branch of chemistry dealing with the use of mathematical models to solve problems in chemistry.
87 questions
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a decomposition (factorization) of rectangular real or complex matrix into the product of a unitary rotation matrix, a diagonal scaling matrix, and a second unita…
85 questions
Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms - A standard API library with vector-vector, matrix-vector, and matrix-matrix operations.
84 questions
Referring to Krylov Subspaces and the methods of solutions to linear systems of equations which exploit these spaces.
80 questions
Data Analysis is the process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of the data provided.
78 questions
For questions about optimizing an objective function that is quadratic in its input variables. This could include questions about implementing solver methods or choosing the right solver for a given p…
77 questions
Geometry is a branch of mathematics. Geometry studies the spatial relationships and forms of objects, as well as other relationships and forms, similar to the spatial in its structure.
76 questions
For questions about plotting data related to a computational problem. Be sure to include the program/language you are using to create the plot.
76 questions
For questions about characterizing or improving the accuracy of a computational method.
69 questions
For computation questions involving computing probabilities or simulating probabilistic processes.
67 questions
Questions on the algorithms for and uses of (pseudo)random number generators in scientific computing.
67 questions
For questions about calculating or interpreting condition numbers. Most commonly refers to the condition number of a matrix, but can be applied generally to analyzing the error in a function based on …
67 questions
Implicit methods are timestepping methods that use an inversion at every timestep. This allows for much better stability properties than explicit methods, though it comes with a serious speed penalty …
67 questions
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