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The 2024 Developer Survey results are live! See the results


A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

An eigenvector of an operator is a vector such that the action of the operator is the same as multiplication by a constant, called the eigenvalue. The eigensystem of an operator is the set of all suc…
186 questions
Fortran is a general purpose programming language widely used by the scientific computing community.
182 questions
The process of representing a continuum space with a finite set of points/elements
181 questions
Questions about the execution speed and memory usage of algorithms, data structures, languages and libraries.
177 questions
For questions about determining the error caused by specific computational procedures, approximations, or numerical representations.
174 questions
For questions about the particulars of solving differential equations with time as the independent variable.
169 questions
NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
169 questions
The Runge–Kutta methods are a set of numerical methods for ordinary differential equations for the approximation of their solutions.
165 questions
A method of representing numbers by a fixed number of significant digits, and the exponent of some base number. They are characterized in the form ${(significant digits)}*base^{exponent}$. Typi…
160 questions
PETSc is an open source suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations.
158 questions
Hyperbolic partial differential equations describe wave behavior.
152 questions
The generation of a set of interconnected geometric objects that approximate a desired domain or region in euclidean space.
152 questions
Questions about solution methods of the Navier-Stokes equations, related physical constants and non-dimensional number. Also special methods to solve the equations including the assumptions and their …
152 questions
151 questions
High Performance Computing generally uses large arrays of computers connected in clusters or grids.
150 questions
Referring to a time independent partial differential equation of the form $\nabla^2u=f$
147 questions
Also called numerical integration, quadrature refers to the approximation of an integral made by evaluating the integrand at a finite number of points.
145 questions
Questions about the theory and numerical algorithms for optimizing (minimizing or maximizing) nonlinear functions, possibly subject to equality and/or inequality constraints.
145 questions
Referring to optimization problems that consist only of linear constraints and a linear objective function.
142 questions
Questions relating to graphing and displaying numerical data
142 questions
Questions on Monte Carlo methods, methods that require the repeated generation of (pseudo-, quasi-)random numbers for computing their results.
141 questions
For questions related to computational software and libraries written in the C programming language
138 questions
Method for finding successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real-valued function
136 questions
For questions focused on implementing or applying least-squares regression.
136 questions
LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) is a commonly used library of subroutines for numerical linear algebra tasks, including solutions of linear sets of equations, linear least squares, eigenvalue problems…
134 questions
For questions regarding design and implementation of preconditioners for solving linear systems.
133 questions
Decomposition of a matrix into a product of matrices with special properties. Common matrix factorizations include LU, QR, SVD, and Cholesky.
131 questions
Numerical methods and problems involving the solution of the Schrodinger equation and related subatomic models.
128 questions
Questions about analysis, implementation or application of Galerkin methods for partial differential equations using piecewise functions that are not globally continuous (and hence require surface ter…
126 questions
Machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, is the science of getting computer systems to meaningfully act without being explicitly programmed by human.
125 questions
A collection of related programming functions implementing a set of abstract data types, mathematical functions, or other higher level analysis algorithms so that they may be used, and reused, by othe…
123 questions
Questions on the computational aspects of Fourier analysis, including the various applications of the fast Fourier transform (FFT).
122 questions
For questions about modeling phenomena related to electromagnetic fields.
120 questions
Questions related to solving the advection-diffusion equation using numerical methods, including derivation and implementation of boundary conditions.
115 questions
Molecular dynamics simulations aim at solving the equations of motion of the atoms belonging to a molecular system using explicit time propagation and taking into account the effect of temperature on …
113 questions
Studies the behavior of solid materials, and deformation under the action of forces
111 questions
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