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What is the best finite volume method for the following equation?

I'm trying to create a partial differential equation that approximates 1-D climate in a rocky planet's atmosphere, which accounts for energy transport via radiation and convection. I am only ...
nicholaswogan's user avatar
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numerical schemes for 1D PDE: for smaller grid size there is an increased roundoff error, larger size more truncation, so sweet spot in between?

I had a discussion with a colleague today. He claimed that usually for a general numerical scheme for solving a general 1D PDE, for smaller grid size there is an increased roundoff error because of ...
Millemila's user avatar
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Burger's equation (PDE) does not work with downwind difference?

I'm working on implementing the discretised Burger's equation. I am quite confused as to why it does not work when using a step-function and downwind difference formula. When using a step-function and ...
blov's user avatar
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FVM for non-regular domain with triangular mesh

Setup The 1D convection-diffusion equation is given by: \begin{equation}\tag{1} \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + v \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} - \mu \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} = 0, \end{...
VIVID's user avatar
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Symmetrization of Laplacian Matrix Operator (finite volumes)

The aim is to construct symmetric Laplacian matrix $L$ for 2D square domain. I have the following discretization of second derivatives on non-uniform grid (will skip the steps of derivation, any ...
2Napasa's user avatar
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Can I use MOL to solve 2D steady state PDE in terms of r and z spatial coordinates?

recently I need to solve a 2D steady state PDE equation. It’s not time dependent, and the only two independent variables are z and r direction. So far for this solution, I was thinking using Method ...
Chi Chi 's user avatar
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Centered finite volume scheme for an advective term on an unstructured/irregular/non-uniform grid

Consider the continuity equation $$\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial x} = 0$$ $$\Phi = au + b\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}$$ Suppose I want to solve the above using ...
nicholaswogan's user avatar
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Discretizing Multi-species Ion Exchange Equations by Finite Volume Method

I'm solving a system of multispecies ion exchange equations (diffusion+drift fluxes) in 1-d spherical domain using finite volume method to obtain the ion concentrations at the next time step. After ...
Matt's user avatar
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Two-dimensional modelling of a flate-plate reactor

I am trying to simulate the unsteady pollutant concentration along the reactor by solving the 2nd order PDE below with the stated BC and IC. which method is appropriate to solve convection-diffusion-...
Abmon98's user avatar
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The relation between PDE order and discretization order

In Jasak's Ph.D. thesis (2000), a notion is given about discretization of a transport equation: For good accuracy, it is necessary for the order of the discretization to be equal to or higher than the ...
Naghi's user avatar
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How to compute turbulent energy cascade

I need to compute the kinetic energy cascade using a finite volume solution in an equally spaced grid. I wonder if it is more correct to first compute the kinetic energy in the space (or time) domain, ...
Adr's user avatar
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Discretization with non-constant matrix containg entries form unknown vector

Consider a system of PDEs $$ \begin{cases} u_t = \nabla \cdot (D(u)\nabla u) + \frac{c}{K_U+c}u-ku\\ c_t = d_c\Delta c -\frac{\nu_U c}{K_U + c}u \end{cases} $$ with some boundary conditions. Here, $D(...
sequence's user avatar
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Discretizing a parabolic PDE with finite volume method

I want to discretize the following parabolic PDE: $$u_t = \nabla\cdot(\alpha(x)\nabla u)- \beta u\\ x\in\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2\\ \partial_n u = 0\\ u(t,0) = u_0(x)\ge 0, \alpha(x)>0$$ Given ...
sequence's user avatar
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Determine truncation error of PDE discretization

The equation is $$\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(u\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\right)=f(x)\\ 0<x<1, u(0)=u(1)=0$$ I'm discretizing this PDE using FVM as follows: $0=x_0=x_{1/2}<x_1<x_{...
sequence's user avatar
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Elliptic PDE finite volume method with Dirichlet boundary condition

I want to discretize the following equation using a Finite Volume Method $$\nabla \cdot (a(x)\nabla u)=f(x)\\x\in \Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2 \\u_{|\partial\Omega}=g$$ I'm using Voronoi cells here: ...
sequence's user avatar
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