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Time and memory required to diagonalize a 18000 by 18000 matrix using numpy in python

Can someone give an estimate of the Time and memory required to diagonalize a 20000 by 20000 complex hermitian matrix using numpy in python ?
Snpr_Physics's user avatar
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Rank-1 correction of matrix exponential

I need to approximate the following in $O(d)$ time for $d\times d$ diagonal $A$ and rank-1 $B$ $$u^T \exp(-A+B) v$$ Here $u,v$ are vectors in $\mathbb{R^+}^d$, $A,B$ are positive semi-definite and $B$ ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of same operator expressed in two different orthonormal basis are coming out different

I have an operator $H$. I express $H$ as a matrix in the orthonormalized $\{ |e > \}$ basis. Then I diagonalize it to obtain eigenvalues, let's say for example $H$ is $6 \times 6$ and the ...
Snpr_Physics's user avatar
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Numerical diagonalization of Hamiltonian

Framework I am trying to diagonalize the Bogoliubov-de Gennes Hamiltonian. The problem is that the Hamiltonian contains a Laplacian. This could be solved by using a discretized Laplacian. How I tried ...
Guest's user avatar
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Diagonalization using LAPACK

Say, we have a Hamiltonian which for simplicity does not mix particle hole sectors. It is just a simple Hamiltonian in real space as shown, $H=\sum_{ij,\sigma} A(i,j)(c_{i\sigma}^{\dagger}c_{j\sigma} +...
Annie's user avatar
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A preconditioner for self-consistent iteration

I tried to derive a preconditioner for self-consistent iteration similar to section IX in arXiv:0804.2583. For simplicity, consider here only one orbital (one or two electrons) systems. Suppose that ...
tohoyn's user avatar
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40 votes
23 answers

Good examples of "two is easy, three is hard" in computational sciences

I recently encountered a formulation of the meta-phenomenon: "two is easy, three is hard" (phrased this way by Federico Poloni), which can be described, as follows: When a certain problem is ...
Anton Menshov's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I apply Euler's Method to predict a point in time rotating around multiple axis'

I am xposting this from my original stackoverflow question where I was presented with a coding challenge that I have been able to narrow down extensively and I think it lies with Euler's Method. Here'...
Chris's user avatar
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Matrix exponential by eigenvectors - implementation issues

I posted a similar question yesterday but I deleted it since I think that I had to reformulate it after some insights. I want to calculate $$ \exp(-i\Delta t\,\mathcal{H}) = V\,\mathrm{diag}(\{\exp(-...
Lukk's user avatar
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Finding the lowest $n$ eigenvalues of a band-diagonal Matrix

I have a real sparse matrix of the form $$ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} h_{11} & h_{12} & 0 & h_{14} & & & \\ h_{21} & h_{22} & h_{23} & 0 & h_{25} & & ...
DJames's user avatar
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Solving a small non-symmetric, non-diagonally dominant, and non-sparse system

I want to solve a small (20 $\times$ 20 up to 30$\times$30) system which is not symmetric, not diagonally dominant, and not sparse. Each row contains a modified form of the Legendre coefficient of a ...
user22326's user avatar
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How to get the eigenvalues of Hamiltonian in an over complete basis

Let $|\psi_i\rangle$, $i=1...N+m$, be a set of overcomplete basis vector in a $N$-dim Hilbert space. The following are known: (Einstein's summation convention assumed) $$\hat{H}|\psi_i\rangle=H_{ji}|\...
user avatar
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Understanding Finite-Element Modal Analysis

I am teaching a basic course on computational physics and for the last part of the course I will introduce freshman physics undergraduates to finite-element modelling methods. I am preparing a COMSOL ...
Mike D.'s user avatar
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How to determine the truncation error with products and quotients

If I have an equation given by $$\displaystyle Y = \frac{a^2}{d^2}\frac{(1-c^2\frac{c}{a})}{(1-b^2)}$$ and I expand $a,b,c,d$ in a Taylor series, where $a$ is truncated at the $A^{th}$ order, $b$ is ...
ThatsRightJack's user avatar
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Solving a linear system whose matrix has imbalanced diagonal entries

I am trying to solve following set of equations: A(i,i-2)*u(i-2) + A(i,i-1)*u(i-1) + (A(i,i)+β(i) )*u(i) + A(i,i+1)*u(i+1) + A(i,i+2)*u(i+2)= B(i) + β(i) where i=1:1000000 If values of β varies(...
Hanumat's user avatar
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