Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

When does linear system have linearly growing singular values?

Suppose $W$ is a large matrix where $i$th smallest singular value grows as $O(i)$. What kind of matrix can $W$ be? For instance, this appears to hold for random matrix with IID entries and for lower-...

linear-algebra linear-solver  
user avatar asked by Yaroslav Bulatov Score of 2
user avatar answered by Wolfgang Bangerth Score of 2

What are some good medium matrices with known eigenvectors?

I am trying to test if an eigendecomposition I have is working properly. For this I would like some matrices that are 10x10 (ish) with trivial (or known) eigenvectors and eigenvalues so that I can ...

matrix eigenvalues  
user avatar asked by Makogan Score of 1
user avatar answered by Federico Poloni Score of 4

Understanding this code to truncate the SVD

In Brunton's and Kutz's data-driven science and engineering book, page $19$, is a description of one way to truncate the SVD of a given matrix I want to understand what the code for the variable <...

numerics svd  
user avatar asked by KZ-Spectra Score of 1

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

How large is large for direct solvers?

Let us say I want to solve a large sparse linear system. It is said that iterative solvers should be better than direct solvers in this case. But how large is large? What is the exact threshold beyond ...

linear-solver sparse-matrix  
user avatar asked by timur Score of 7
user avatar answered by Oscar Smith Score of 9

stupid + stupid = brilliant in scientific computing

I'm interested in examples of very effective methods in scientific computing that are the sum or naive combination of very ineffective or bad ones.

linear-algebra optimization algorithms  
user avatar asked by Daniel Shapero Score of 40
user avatar answered by njuffa Score of 36

Constraints involving $\max$ in a linear program?

Suppose $$\begin{align*} \min A &\mathrm{vec}(U) \\ &\text{subject to } U_{i,j} \leq \max\{U_{i,k}, U_{k,j}\}, \quad i,j,k = 1, \ldots, n \end{align*}$$ where $U$ is a symmetric $n\times ...

optimization linear-programming  
user avatar asked by N21 Score of 16
user avatar answered by Geoff Oxberry Score of 14

What are the conceptual differences between the finite element and finite volume method?

There is an obvious difference between finite difference and the finite volume method (moving from point definition of the equations to integral averages over cells). But I find FEM and FVM to be very ...

finite-element finite-volume  
user avatar asked by boyfarrell Score of 57
user avatar answered by Jed Brown Score of 55

2D Ising Model in Python

I am trying to calculate the energy, magnetization and specific heat of a two dimensional lattice using the metropolis monte carlo algorithm. ...

python computational-physics monte-carlo  
user avatar asked by P.Blah Score of 3
user avatar answered by Christophe Score of 3

Why is division so much more complex than other arithmetic operations?

I recently encountered a case where I needed an integer division operation on a chip that lacked one (ARM Cortex-A8). While trying to research why that must be, I found out that in general division ...

user avatar asked by Phonon Score of 57
user avatar answered by aterrel Score of 41

Computational Complexity of 2D Convolution

I am using image filtering for an image processing algorithm I'm developing. I'm using a predefined Matlab function to do the convolution, but I'd like to know what the computational complexity is for ...

complexity image-processing  
user avatar asked by jake Score of 8
user avatar answered by Dirk Score of 9
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