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The Illustrated Wavelet
Transform Handbook
Introductory Theory and Applications in
Science, Engineering, Medicine and Finance

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The Illustrated Wavelet
Transform Handbook
Paul S. Addison
Edinburgh, Scotland
Introductory Theory and Applications in
Science, Engineering, Medicine and Finance
Boca Raton London New York
CRC Press is an imprint of the
Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business

Page 5
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4822-5132-6 (paperback)
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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data
Names: Addison, Paul S., author.
Title: e illustrated wavelet transform handbook : introductory theory and
applications in science, engineering, medicine and finance / Paul S.
Description: Second edition. | Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis
Group, [2016] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016033578| ISBN 9781482251326 (hardback ; alk. paper) |
ISBN 1482251329 (hardback ; alk. paper) | ISBN 9781482251333 (e-book) |
ISBN 1482251337 (e-book)
Subjects: LCSH: Wavelets (Mathematics) | Fourier analysis. | Biomedical
Classification: LCC QA403.3 .A35 2016 | DDC 515/.2433--dc23
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Page 6
To Hannah, Stephen, Anthony, Michael and, this time,
David; to my dear parents, Josephine and Stanley, gone
but still with us; and to my loving wife, Stephanie.
Thank you.

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Preface to Second Edition, xiii
Preface to First Edition, xv
CHAPTER 1 ▪ Getting Started
CHAPTER 2 ▪ The Continuous Wavelet Transform

Page 9
viii Contents
2.21.1 Transform Differences and Ratios
2.21.2 Cross-Wavelet Transform
2.21.3 Wavelet Cross-Correlation
2.21.4 Phase Comparison Measures
2.21.5 Wavelet Coherence
2.23.1 Chapter Key Words and Phrases
2.23.2 Additional Notes and Resources
2.23.3 ings to Try
2.23.4 Final Note: e CWT as a ‘Soft Tool’ for Algorithm Development
CHAPTER 3 ▪ The Discrete Wavelet Transform
3.2.1 Frames
3.2.2 Dyadic Grid Scaling and Orthonormal Wavelet Transforms
3.2.3 Scaling Function and Multiresolution Representation
3.2.4 Scaling Equation, Scaling Coefficients and Associated Wavelet
3.2.5 Haar Wavelet
3.2.6 Coefficients from Coefficients: Fast Wavelet Transform
3.3.1 Approximations and Details
3.3.2 Multiresolution Algorithm: An Example
3.3.3 Wavelet Energy
3.3.4 Alternative Indexing of Dyadic Grid Coefficients
3.3.5 A Simple Worked Example: e Haar Wavelet Transform
3.4.1 Discrete Experimental Input Signals
3.4.2 Smoothing, resholding and Denoising
3.5.1 Filtering

Page 10
Contents    ◾    ix
3.5.2 Symmlets and Coiflets
3.11.1 Chapter Key Words and Phrases
3.11.2 Further Resources
CHAPTER 4 ▪ Fluids
4.2.1 Moments, Energy and Power Spectra
4.2.2 Intermittency and Correlation
4.2.3 Wavelet resholding
4.2.4 Wavelet Selection Using Entropy Measures
4.3.1 Experimental Flows: Jets, Wakes, Turbulence and Coherent
4.3.2 Computational Fluid Dynamics: Simulation and Analysis
4.3.3 Fluid–Structure Interaction
4.4.1 Atmospheric Processes: Wind, Boundary Layers and Turbulence
4.4.2 Ocean Processes: Waves, Large-Scale Oscillations,
Ocean–Atmosphere Interactions and Biological Processes
4.4.3 Rainfall and River Flows
CHAPTER 5 ▪ Engineering Testing, Monitoring and Characterization
5.2.1 Fundamental Behaviour
5.2.2 Chaos

Page 11
x Contents
5.4.1 Gears
5.4.2 Shafts, Bearings and Blades
5.7.1 Compression
5.7.2 Control
5.7.3 Electrical Systems and Circuits
5.7.4 Miscellaneous
CHAPTER 6 ▪ Medicine
6.2.1 ECG Beat Detection and Timings
6.2.2 Detection of Abnormalities
6.2.3 Heart Rate Variability
6.2.4 Cardiac Arrhythmias
6.2.5 ECG Data Compression
6.2.6 Hardware Implementation
6.3.1 Evoked Potentials and Event-Related Potentials
6.3.2 Epileptic Seizures and Epileptogenic Foci
6.3.3 Sleep Studies
6.3.4 Other Areas
6.4.1 Respiratory Modulations, Respiratory Rate and Respiratory Effort 303
6.4.2 Oxygen Saturation
6.4.3 e Video Photoplethysmogram (Video-PPG)
6.4.4 Other Areas
6.5.1 Cardiovascular System
6.5.2 Lung Sounds, Swallowing, Snoring and Speech
6.5.3 Acoustic Response

Page 12
Contents    ◾    xi
6.7.1 Optical Imaging
6.7.2 Ultrasonic Images
6.7.3 Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Other
Radiographic Images
6.8.1 Electromyographic Signals
6.8.2 Posture, Gait and Activity
6.8.3 Analysis of Multiple Biosignals
6.8.4 Miscellaneous
CHAPTER 7 ▪ Fractals, Finance, Geophysics, Astronomy and Other Areas 337
7.2.1 Exactly Self-Similar Fractals
7.2.2 Stochastic Fractals
7.2.3 Multifractals
7.4.1 Properties of Subsurface Media: Well Logging, Cores and Seismic
7.4.2 Remote Sensing
INDEX, 443

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Page 14
Preface to Second Edition
the first edition in 2002, there has been an explosion of
interest in wavelet transform methods. In the intervening period, I have moved on
from academia to a start-up company, and then to a global medical device company; and
a significant part of this time has been spent working with wavelet methods. Working in
a small start-up requires rolling up your sleeves and get involved in all aspects of the busi-
ness. I was lucky enough to get the opportunity work closely with many interesting indi-
viduals from a wide range of diverse backgrounds across disciplines and across the world:
amazing engineers and scientists from many sub-specialities; dedicated clinicians working
at the forefront of medical science in a variety of areas of care; skilful lawyers practicing
corporate law and the management of intellectual property; and some quite remarkably
astute businessmen and women. is has given me a deep appreciation of what consti-
tutes real professionalism in other disciplines; many of which were previously a complete
mystery to me. I have made many friends and met many good folk along the way: smart,
dedicated professionals with integrity. None more so, nor more enjoyable company, than
Jamie Watson, with whom I began the rollercoaster ride that was our start-up company
CardioDigital Ltd, and Peter Galen, who joined us en route with still quite a few peaks and
troughs to ride out. anks guys.
I have been fortunate enough to be inventor on around 100 US patents to date, with
around 200 US patent applications in the system stemming from approximately 400 sub-
mitted ideas (dyadic scaling!) – and many of these concerning wavelet methods. I find that
grasping the concepts before tackling the mathematics is my best way forward when it
comes to understanding and innovation, and I know no better way of achieving the former
than through the use of an illustration: a quickly scribbled diagram, flow chart or cartoon
drawing. I often write instructions for colleagues in terms of diagrams rather than text and
I like drawing mind maps as I explain things. Hence, The Illustrated Wavelet Transform
Handbook. Wavelet transform methods produce distinct morphologies in ‘wavelet space’-
a concept that is so much easier to grasp, and more importantly feel comfortable ‘within’,
when viewing a well-constructed plot: whether it be a modulus or phase plot or something
that combines both. Once familiar with these mathematical ‘landscapes’, we may begin to
explore unchartered territory. at’s when the real fun begins!
I must thank a large number of people for their considerable time and effort in provid-
ing comment on various sections of the draft text, without all of whom I really could not
have got to the end of this task. ese are, in roughly the order of the text: Dr. Ge, CFD

Page 15
xiv Preface to Second Edition
group lead, American Bureau of Shipping, Houston, Texas, USA; Dr Christopher Torrence,
Harris Geospatial Solutions, Boulder, Colorado; and Professor Stephen Payne of the
University of Oxford for reading over various parts of the new theory sections in Chapter 2;
Dr Andr� Atunes, a colleague and multi-talented research scientist, for providing detailed
comment on the mathematics and explanatory text for the whole of Chapter 2; Professor
James Walker, Department of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire for
his comments on various sections in the theory chapters, 2 and 3; Associate Professor Paul
Brandner of the Cavitation Research Laboratory within the Australian Maritime College
at the University of Tasmania for his assiduous reading and most useful comments with
respect to all aspects of fluid phenomena in Chapter 4; Professor Wieslaw Staszewski of
the AGH University of Science & Technology in Krakow for his comments on various
engineering sections in Chapter 5; James Ochs, an erstwhile colleague and excellent bio-
medical engineer, for reading over the whole of Chapter 6; Dr Paul Mannheimer, another
former colleague and a recognised world expert in pulse oximetry, for his comments on
the section concerning the analysis of the photoplethysmogram in Chapter 6; Dr Dean
Montgomery, a colleague and outstanding scientist and engineer, for reading through the
medical images section of Chapter 6; Professor Leontios Hadjileontiadis of the Aristotle
University of essaloniki, Greece and the Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi who provided
comment on the wavelet coherence theory in Chapter 2 and the section on physiologi-
cal sounds in Chapter 6. Finally, a number of people were extremely helpful in checking
Chapter 7, with its very wide ranging selection of topics. ese included Dr Maria Haase of
the Institut f�r H�chstleistungsrechnen, Universit�t Stuttgart for reading over the fractal
and multifractal sections of Chapter 7, as she did for the first edition with such enthusiasm
and rigor; Dr Ginanjar Dewandaru of INCEIF, e Global University of Islamic Finance,
Lorong University A, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Claudiu Albulescu, Associate Professor
in the Management Department at the Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania for
comments regarding the finance section of Chapter 7; Mathieu J. Duchesne, Research
Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada, Quebec City for his thoughts on the geophysics
section, and Matthew S. Tiscareno, Senior Research Scientist at the SETI Institute and Dr.
Florent Mertens, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, e Netherlands for proof
reading the astronomy section in Chapter 7 in meticulous detail.
I’d also like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to the Wellcome Trust for
their unwavering support for our university spin-off company, CardioDigital Ltd, over the
years. In the same vein, thank you to the Scottish Government and Scottish Enterprise for
their invaluable grant funding.
Finally, thanks to my daughter Hannah for her unbelievable attention to detail while
proof reading over the whole manuscript from a non-technical vantage point; my sons,
Michael, Anthony, Stephen and David for their interest in what I do (and help picking the
new cover); and my wife Stephanie, for everything.
Paul S. Addison

Page 16
Preface to First Edition
or so, wavelet transform analysis has emerged as a major new
time–frequency decomposition tool for data analysis. is book is intended to pro-
vide the reader with an overview of the theory and practical applications of wavelet trans-
form methods. It is designed specifically for the ‘applied’ reader, whether he or she is a
scientist, engineer, medic, financier or other.
e book is split into two parts: theory and application. After a brief first chapter which
introduces the main text, the book tackles the theory of the continuous wavelet transform
in Chapter 2 and the discrete wavelet transform in Chapter 3. e rest of the book provides
an overview of a variety of applications. Chapter 4 covers fluid flows. Chapter 5 tackles
engineering testing, monitoring and characterization. Chapter 6 deals with a wide variety
of medical research topics. e final chapter, Chapter 7, covers a number of subject areas. In
this chapter, three main topics are considered initially – fractals, finance and geophysics –
and then these are followed by a general discussion which includes many other areas that
are not covered in the rest of the book.
e chapters which address theory (2 and 3) are written at an advanced undergraduate
level. In these chapters, I have used italics for both mathematical symbols and key words
and phrases. e key words and phrases are listed at the end of each chapter and the reader
who is new to the subject might find it useful to jot down the meaning of each key word or
phrase to test his or her understanding of them. e chapters which address the various
applications of the theory (Chapters 4 through 7) are at the same level, although a consid-
erable amount of useful information can be gained without an in-depth knowledge of the
theory in Chapters 2 and 3, especially in providing an overview of these applications.
It is envisaged that the book will be of use both to those new to the subject, who want
somewhere to begin learning about the topic, and also to those who have been working in
a particular area for some time and would like to broaden their perspective. It can be used
as a handbook, or ‘handy book’, which can be referred to when appropriate for informa-
tion. e book is very much ‘figure driven’ as I believe that figures are extremely useful for
illustrating the mathematics and conveying the concepts. e application chapters of the
book aim to make the reader aware of the similarities that exist in the uses of wavelet trans-
form analysis across disciplines. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, it is intended
to make the reader aware of wavelet-based methods in use in unfamiliar disciplines which
may be transferred to his or her own area – thus promoting an interchange of ideas across
discipline boundaries.

Page 17
xvi Preface to First Edition
e application chapters are essentially a whistle-stop tour of work by a large num-
ber of researchers around the globe. Some examples of this work are discussed in more
detail than others and, in addition, a large number of illustrations have been used which
have been taken (with permission) from a variety of published material. e examples and
illustrations used have been chosen to provide an appropriate range to best illustrate the
wavelet-based work being carried out in each subject area. It is not intended to delve deeply
into each subject but rather to provide a brief overview. It is then left to the reader to fol-
low up the relevant references cited in the text for himself or herself in order to delve more
deeply into each particular topic as he or she requires.
I refer to over 700 scientific papers in this book which I have collected and read over the
past three or so years. I have made every effort to describe the work of others as concisely
and accurately as possible. However, if I have misquoted, misrepresented, misinterpreted
or simply missed out something I apologize in advance. Of course, all comments are wel-
come – my e-mail address can be found below.
e book stems from my own interest in wavelet transform analysis over the past few
years. is interest has led to a number of research projects concerning the wavelet-based
analysis of both engineering and medical signals; including non-destructive testing sig-
nals, vortex-shedding signals in turbulent fluid flows, digitized spatial profiles of structural
cracks, river bed sediment surface data sets, phonocardiographic signals, pulse oximetry
traces (photoplethysmograms) and the electrocardiogram (ECG), the latter leading to pat-
ent applications and a university spin-off company, Cardiodigital Ltd.
Quite a mixed bag, at first appearance, but with a common thread of wavelet analy-
sis running throughout. I have featured some of this work in the appropriate chapters.
However, I have tried not to swamp the application chapters with my own work – although
the temptation was high for a number of reasons, including knowledge of the work, ease of
reproduction, etc. I hope that I have struck the correct balance.
All books reflect, to some extent, the interests and opinions of the author and, although
I have tried to cover as broad a range of examples as possible, this one is no exception.
Coverage weighs more heavily towards those areas in which I have more interest: fluids,
engineering, medicine and fractal geometry. Geophysics and finance are given less space
and other areas (e.g. astronomy, chemistry, physics, non-medical biology, power systems
analysis) are detailed briefly in the final chapter.
ere are some idiosyncrasies in the text which are worth pointing out. I am an f person
not an ɷ person: I prefer hertz to radians per second. I can tap my fingers at approximately
5 Hz, or 1 Hz, I know what 50 Hz means (mains hum in the UK) and so on; however, ɷ
I have to convert. Hence the frequencies in the text are in the form of 1/time either in
hertz or non-dimensionalized. e small downside is that the mathematics, in general,
contains a few more terms – mostly 2s and πs. I have devoted a whole chapter to the con-
tinuous wavelet transform. It is noticeable that many current wavelet texts on the market
deal only with the discrete wavelet transform, or give the continuous wavelet transform
a brief mention en route to the theory of the discrete wavelet transform. I believe that
the continuous wavelet transform has a wide variety of data analysis tasks to offer, and
I attempt, through this text, to redress the balance somewhat. (Actually, the proportion

Page 18
Preface to First Edition    ◾    xvii
of published papers which concern the continuous wavelet transform as opposed to the
discrete wavelet transform is much higher than that represented by the currently available
wavelet textbooks.) e book is focused on the wavelet transform and makes only passing
reference in the application chapters to some of the other time–frequency methods now
available. However, I have added sections on the short-time Fourier transform and match-
ing pursuits towards the end of Chapter 2 and on wavelet packets at the end of Chapter 3,
respectively. Finally, note that I have developed the discrete wavelet transform theory in
Chapter 3 in terms of scale rather than resolution, although the relationship between the
alternative notations is explained.
I would like to thank the following people for taking the time to comment on vari-
ous drafts of the manuscript: Andrew Chan of Birmingham University, Gareth Clegg of
Edinburgh University (formerly at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh), Maria Haase of
Stuttgart University and Alexander Droujinine of Heriot-Watt University. I would like to
thank Jamie Watson of CardioDigital Ltd. for his comments on the draft manuscript and
for his close collaboration over the years (and various bits of computer code!). I would also
like to thank all of the authors and publishers who gave their consent to reproduce their
figures within this text. I am grateful to those funding bodies who have supported my
research in wavelet analysis and other areas over the years, including the Engineering and
Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), the Medical Research Council (MRC) and the
Leverhulme Trust. And to the other colleagues and collaborators with whom my wavelet
research is conducted and who make it so interesting, thanks.
Special thanks to my wife, Stephanie, who has supported and encouraged me during the
writing of this book. Special thanks also to my parents for their support and great interest
in what I do.
Although it has been a long hard task, I have enjoyed putting this book together. I have
certainly got a lot out of it. I hope you find it useful.
Paul S. Addison

Page 19

Page 20
Getting Started
The wavelet transform (WT) has been found to be particularly useful for analyzing
signals which can best be described as aperiodic, noisy, intermittent, transient and so
on. Its ability to examine the signal simultaneously in both time and frequency in a
distinctly different way from the traditional short-time Fourier transform (STFT) has
spawned an ever-increasing number of sophisticated wavelet-based methods for signal
manipulation and interrogation. Wavelet transform analysis has now been applied in
the investigation of a multitude of diverse physical phenomena, from climate analysis
to the analysis of financial indices, from heart monitoring to the condition monitoring
of rotating machinery, from seismic signal denoising to the denoising of astronomi-
cal signals and images, from surface characterization to the characterization of turbu-
lent intermittency, from video image compression to the compression of medical signal
records, and so on.
Many of the ideas behind wavelet transforms have been in existence for a long
time. However, wavelet transform analysis as we now know it really began in the mid-
1980s, when it was developed to interrogate seismic signals. Interest in wavelet analysis
remained within a small, mainly mathematical community during the rest of the 1980s,
with only a handful of scientific papers coming out each year. The application of wavelet
transform analysis in science and engineering really began to take off at the beginning of
the 1990s, with a rapid growth in the numbers of researchers turning their attention to
wavelet analysis during that decade. There are now thousands of refereed journal papers
concerning the wavelet transform, and these cover all numerate disciplines. The wavelet
transform is a mathematical tool which is now an indispensible part of many data ana-
lysts’ toolboxes. This book aims to provide the reader with both an introduction to the
theory of wavelet transforms and a wide-ranging overview of their use in practice. The
two remaining sections of this short introductory chapter contain, respectively, a brief
non-mathematical description of the wavelet transform and a guide to subsequent chap-
ters of the book.

Page 21
2 The Illustrated Wavelet Transform Handbook
Wavelet transform analysis uses little wavelike functions known as wavelets. Actually,
localized wavelike function is a more accurate description of a wavelet. Figure�1.1a shows a
few examples of wavelets commonly encountered in practice. Wavelets are used to trans-
form the signal under investigation into another representation which presents the sig-
nal information in a more useful form. This transformation of the signal is known as the
wavelet transform. Mathematically speaking, the wavelet transform may be interpreted as
a convolution of the signal with a wavelet function, and we will see exactly how this is done
in Chapters�2 and 3. Here, we stick to schematics.
The wavelet can be manipulated in two ways: it can be moved to various locations
on the signal (Figure�1.1b) and it can be stretched or squeezed (Figure�1.1c). Figure�1.2
shows a schematic of the wavelet transform which basically quantifies the local matching
FIGURE1.1 The little wave: (a) Some wavelets, (b) Location and (c) Scale.

Page 22
Getting Started    ◾    3
of the wavelet with the signal. If the wavelet matches the shape of the signal well at a
specific scale and location, as it happens to do in the top plot of Figure�1.2, then a large
transform value is obtained. If, however, the wavelet and the signal do not correlate
well, a low transform value is obtained. The transform value is then located in the two-
dimensional transform plane shown at the bottom of Figure�1.2 (indicated by the black
dot). The transform is computed at various locations of the signal and for various scales
of the wavelet, thus filling up the transform plane: this is done in a smooth continuous
fashion for the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) or in discrete steps for the discrete
wavelet transform (DWT). Plotting the wavelet transform allows a picture to be built up
of the correlation between the wavelet – at various scales and locations�– and the sig-
nal. In subsequent chapters, we will cover the wavelet transform in more mathematical
Local matching of
wavelet and signal leads
to a large transform value
FIGURE1.2 The wavelet, the signal and the transform.

Page 23
4 The Illustrated Wavelet Transform Handbook
The purpose of the book is both to introduce the wavelet transform and to convey its mul-
tidisciplinary nature. This is achieved in subsequent chapters by first providing an ele-
mentary introduction to wavelet transform theory and then presenting a wide range of
examples of its application. It will quickly become apparent that very often the same wave-
let methods are used to interrogate signals from very different subject areas, where quite
unrelated phenomena are under investigation.
The book is split into two distinct parts: the first – comprising Chapters�2 and 3 –
deals, respectively, with continuous wavelet transform theory and discrete transform
theory, while the second – comprising Chapters�4 through 7 – presents examples of their
application in science, engineering, medicine and finance. There are a number of ways to
read this book, from the linear (beginning to end) via the targeted (employing the index)
to the random (flicking through) approach. The reader unfamiliar with wavelet theory
should read Chapters�2 and 3 before moving on to the sections of particular relevance to
his or her own area of interest. The reader is, however, also advised to look outwith his
or her own area to see how wavelets are being employed elsewhere. (The author cannot
emphasize this enough!) Details of further resources concerning the theory and appli-
cations of wavelet analysis are provided at the end of each chapter. The appendix lists a
selection of useful books, papers and websites. The book contents are outlined in more
detail as follows:
Chapter2: This chapter presents the basic theory of the continuous wavelet transform. It
outlines what constitutes a wavelet and how it is used in the transformation of a sig-
nal. The continuous wavelet transform is compared with both the short-time Fourier
transform and the matching pursuit method. Transform features such as ridges and
local phase cycling are then considered before examining various useful manipula-
tions of the transform such as rephasing, the production of a transform archetype,
synchrosqueezing and reassignment. Finally, the relationship between two trans-
formed signals is considered via transform differences and ratios, the cross-wavelet
transform, wavelet cross-correlation, phase comparison measures, wavelet coherence
and bicoherence.
Chapter3: The discrete wavelet transform is described in this chapter. Orthonormal
discrete wavelet transforms are considered in detail, in particular those of Haar and
Daubechies. These wavelets fit into a multiresolution analysis framework where a dis-
crete input signal can be represented at successive approximations by a combination
of a smoothed signal component plus a sum of detailed wavelet components. The
chapter also briefly covers wavelet packets – a generalization of the discrete wavelet
transform which allows for adaptive partitioning of the time–frequency plane – prior
to ending with a section on time–frequency functions that stem from the wavelet
method and allow efficient representation of directionally dependent two-dimen-
sional data.

Page 24
Getting Started    ◾    5
Chapter4: This chapter deals with fluid mechanics, a subject that is always open to new
mathematical techniques. The time-frequency localization properties of the wavelet
transform have been employed extensively in the study of a wide variety of fluid phe-
nomena, including the intermittent nature of fluid turbulence, the characteristics of
turbulent jets, the nature of fluid–structure interactions and the behaviour of large-
scale geophysical flows. Chapter�4 also contains the mathematics for discrete wave-
let statistics and power spectra following on from some of the basic theory given in
Chapter�3. Thus, it is worthwhile reading Section�4.2 of this chapter even if fluids is
not your area of interest.
Chapter5: In this chapter, a close look is taken at the application of wavelet transforms
to a variety of pertinent problems in engineering. These applications include the
analysis of fundamental dynamical behaviour and chaotic motions, non-destructive
testing of structural elements and the condition monitoring of machinery, machin-
ing processes, and the characterization of surfaces and fibrous materials.
Chapter6: Medical applications of wavelet transform analysis are covered in this chapter.
Wavelet transform methods have been used to characterize a wide variety of medical
signals. Many of these are reviewed in this chapter, including the electrocardiogram
(ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram (EMG) photoplethysmogram
(PPG), pathological sounds (heart murmurs, lung sounds, swallowing sounds, snor-
ing, speech, otoacoustic emissions), blood flows, blood pressures, medical images
(optical, x-ray, NMR, ultrasound, etc.), and posture, gait and activity signals.
Chapter7: This final chapter covers a variety of areas of application. Most of the chap-
ter is devoted to four main subjects – fractal geometry, finance, geophysics and
astronomy – with a separate section given over to each one of them. The final part of
the chapter provides a brief account of the role that wavelet transform analysis has
played in a number of other areas, including quantum mechanics, chemistry, ecologi-
cal processes and patterns, and more.
Appendix 1: The appendix contains a brief list of useful books and websites concerning
wavelet transform theory and its application. These have been chosen by the author
for their extensive content and/or clarity of presentation.

Page 25

Page 26
Abbas, A. K., Heimann, K., Jergus, K., Orlikowsky, T., and Leonhardt, S. (2011). Neonatal non-
contact respiratory monitoring based on real-time infrared thermography. Biomedical
Engineering Online, 10(93), 1–17.
Abdelnour, F., Schmidt, B., and Huppert, T. J. (2009). Topographic localization of brain activation
in diffuse optical imaging using spherical wavelets. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54(20),
Abdilghanie, A. M., and Diamessis, P. J. (2013). e internal gravity wave field emitted by a stably
stratified turbulent wake. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 720, 104–139.
Abi-Abdallah, D., Chauvet, E., Bouchet-Fakri, L., Bataillard, A., Briguet, A., and Fokapu, O. (2006).
Reference signal extraction from corrupted ECG using wavelet decomposition for MRI
sequence triggering: Application to small animals. Biomedical Engineering Online, 5(11), 1–12.
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